About Portia Jones – UK based travel writer

About Portia Jones – UK based travel writer

My name is Pip Jones [or Portia Jones to use my actual name, Pip is my lifelong nickname]. I am a UK based travel writer, podcaster and travel contributor for BBC radio.

I have 2 travel websites – Pip and the City and Wales Bucket List. I also have a regular travel podcast – Travel Goals and I’m a freelance travel writer for several media outlets.

After many years of travel adventures and unusual mishaps, I decided to create a travel website. I wanted it to be a resource for people seeking travel advice from a travel expert.

About Pip and the City

I now write travel articles that include, adventure travel, hiking guides, city break guides and affordable luxury.

I also enjoy rather living out a ‘Carrie Bradshaw fantasy’, of sipping wine and tapping away on a laptop. Hence the site’s name ‘Pip and the City’, as a sort of wink to that.

Contact & Work with Pip

Subscribe to Pip and the City

If you love to travel, make sure to subscribe to the Pip and the City Travel Lovers Club. When you hit that subscribe button I’ll be sliding into your inbox a couple of times a month to say hi.

By being in the Travel Lovers Club, you’ll have access to the best travel tips, hacks and destination, inspiration gathered from over 15 years worth of experience travelling the world.

Portia Jones UK Travel writer and podcaster

I love an adventure and have travelled extensively over the years. I’ve hiked through the Australian outback and scuba dived off Thai islands.

I’ve also backpacked across Canada, road tripped in America, got lost in rural Bosnia and sipped cocktails on a rooftop bar in Palestine and much more!

About Pip and the City travel writer and podcaster

There have been various mishaps, missed trains and encounters with border control, but I have managed to stay in one piece somehow.

I am now a freelance travel writer and write for numerous media outlets including Rough Guides, the Travel Magazine, Bradt guides, Culture Trip and Insight Guides. You can see my travel writing portfolio here: Portia Jones travel writing.

I love all different types of travel and I cover many travel styles on my travel website and media outlets I write for. My expertise is mostly adventure travel, female solo travel, city breaks and affordable luxury travel.

About Pip and the City

UK based travel writer

I’m normally based in Wales, the UK with my husband and favourite human Luke. Luke is a music producer and publisher and produces my Podcast.

We love to travel together as much as possible. We are extremely passionate about seeing new places and experiencing new things together.