Diet Tips: Top 10 Simple Ways To Eat Healthy While Travelling

Diet Tips: Top 10 Simple Ways To Eat Healthy While Travelling

If you’re on a strict diet and have to travel frequently due to work or other commitments, there are a few simple tricks and hacks to stick to your diet.


  • Eating healthy while travelling can be a tricky affair.
  • Keep a stock of healthy snacks like dried fruits, nuts, trail mix.
  • Stay away from alcohol and sugary coffees and teas.

When you’re travelling, sticking to your diet can be quite difficult. There are temptations all around and then there’s the notion that while you’re travelling you must explore local flavours and different cuisines. However, eating whatever you want while travelling may set off a cycle of unhealthy binge-eating, which may completely derail your diet and negate all your past efforts to resist eating junk food. If you’re on a strict diet and have to travel frequently due to work or other commitments, there are a few simple tricks and hacks to stick to your diet.

Here are a few simple ways to eat healthy while travelling:

1. Carry A Bottle Of Water With You: The easiest way to keep hunger pangs at bay is to keep a bottle water -preferably a steel one- with you at all times. It’s is of paramount importance to stay hydrated during the flight. This is exactly why you may want to keep off the alcohol while flying. Often what your brain perceives as hunger is merely dehydration. Keep sipping water while you’re travelling.

2. Keep Your Caffeine Intake To A Minimum: Stay away from sugary teas and coffees as much as is possible. Coffee may make you de-hydrated and may even cause an energy crash after a few hours. Keep a stock of herbal tea bags or green tea bags with you, to make yourself a quick cup of tea, to get your caffeine fix. In flights and in hotels, it’s always healthier to just ask for a cup of boiling water and maybe even ginger and lemon to fix yourself a cup of healthy tea. The ginger ensures a healthy digestive system and the lemon keeps your hydrated.

3. Carry Your Own Box Of Healthy Snacks: While travelling, long flights and layovers may make you feel hungry more often. This is when investing in a box of healthy snacks with nuts, dried fruits and seeds will pay off. These are rich in fibre and can keep you full for longer, eliminating the need to binge on unhealthy foods. You may even want to carry a tin of homemade trail mix, containing healthy cereals and dried fruits. Even homemade veggie chips are great snacking options for travelling.

4. Keep A Bar Of Dark Chocolate With You: Invest in a bar of high quality dark chocolate, which has between 70 to 80 per cent cocoa. Chocolate can increase your metabolism, helping you burn more fat. Dark chocolate has also been known to improve mood, and is full of antioxidants.

5. Keep Your Alcohol Intake To A Minimum: While travelling, bingeing on alcohol can prove disastrous for your diet. A lot of cocktails and alcohol mixers have loads of sugar. Moreover, alcohol may dehydrate you and drain out your energy.

6. Drink More Herbal Teas: Ginger and peppermint tea aide digestion and also beat stress. Other great herbal tea options are chamomile tea. Add some ginger and lemon to your teas to boost mood and immunity and detoxify naturally.

7. Eat Smart: Eating directly from a plate or a bowl is healthier than digging into that bag or jar of snacks. This is the easiest way to exercise portion control and prevent overeating.

8. Chose Whole Grains Over Rice: While ordering from a restaurant, opt for brown rice or dishes with quinoa, barley or oats. These grains contain more fibre and can promote satiety, keeping you energetic for longer.

9. Always Have A Good Breakfast: If your hotel has a breakfast buffet, you must take full advantage of it and load up on healthy foods like hard-boiled eggs, oatmeal, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc. You may even want to box a few fresh fruits up, to carry along with you while on the road.

10. Avoid Eating Too Heavy Or Greasy Foods: Eating too many greasy or oily foods may disturb your digestion. Avoid eating food from street food stalls, which may be unhygienic and may be carrying germs too.