Modern Travel Tips You Didn’t Know You Need to Know

Modern Travel Tips You Didn’t Know You Need to Know

Travelers have a way of settling into routines after years of doing things the same way. Sometimes people are late when old processes improve, or they never come around to them at all.

Some people are naturally creatures of habit who resist changes. These people especially should read about a few modern travel tips they didn’t know they needed.

Drive Yourself to the Airport

If you’re trying to leave Music City, you probably know that Nashville airport long term parking can be expensive. That’s why a new model has changed the game by allowing travelers to park their cars at lots adjacent to the airport.

Simply book a reservation at the lot on the website before your trip and show the booking to the lot attendant upon your arrival. They’ll guide you to the free shuttle to your terminal. You don’t need to book a room at the hotel to use their parking lot.

Pack What You Need

Most people don’t exactly salivate at the idea of airport food, even if airports across America have upped their game in recent years. The tastiest and cheapest solution is to bring food from home for your flight, either a snack or a meal, depending on how long the flight is.

Packing your own meal lets you control the portion size, nutrition level, flavor, and ensure there are no issues surrounding allergies. Try to bring food that’s easy to eat in a tight space and doesn’t have strong odors likely to irritate the person sitting next to you.

Leave What You Don’t Need at Home

Most airlines charge a premium for checking-in luggage that you can avoid by packing everything you’ll need for the trip into your carry-on. Squeeze everything into two bags you can bring with you on the plane, so you don’t need to wait when the plane touches down to retrieve your bags, which hopefully the airline didn’t lose!

Just make sure that you don’t accidentally pack a prohibited item into your carry-on bags, as security may confiscate it otherwise. If you can’t do without it on the trip, check it in. Otherwise, leave it at home.

Secure Clothes

When flying internationally, you may love having clothing that helps stow your belongings. For example, there are travel pants that are not only designed to be comfortable and look great, but they also have secret pockets in the back for valuables, such as a passport.

That you can also wear them comfortably for hours at a time in the narrow confines of an airplane seat, and they’ll still look and smell fresh upon landing is just a bonus.

While the holiday rush may be over, your desire to go on a trip is not. Flying can be an anxious experience for people, and routines can be relaxing and calming. However, don’t let past patterns keep you from learning about the new travel tips that will make your next journey that much better.