Travel tips for adventurous woman

Travel tips for adventurous woman

Every adventurer woman has her definition of an adventure journey. For some, it is an exploration punctuated with surprises. For others, an adventure trip is a Safari in the jungle or the desert or a hike in extreme conditions. But an adventure journey, it can also be spending time discovering a culture, gastronomy, a civilization. From the moment you escape your daily life, you have already started the adventure.

You are here in the right place: Discover five best tips for female adventure travelers!

Meet other female travelers

People most able to advise you are those who have already made trips in the way that interests you in the regions that interest you.

Indeed, there is a fundamental problem with advice for women traveling from men or those who do not travel: they are subjected to prejudices and projections. Getting firsthand information is the best way to break these prejudices. Apart from some very unstable regions of the world, the information passed from person to another following a relatively recent experience is a reliable source of information.

Being mentally prepared

To prepare mentally is to imagine and predict reactions in a myriad of situations depending on the context. Even though they remain largely imaginary, serious consideration of these situations makes it possible to be less caught off guard if a dangerous situation shows up. By having already visualized the procedure to follow in these situations, you will be able to keep your calm and react rationally.

Show insurance

The way we talk, the way we present ourselves and deal with conversations, has some influence on the likelihood of being victimized, that is, to be the target of a crime.

Research in Criminology tends to show that crimes against hitchhikers are most of the time opportunity crimes, that is, the driver (or sometimes the passenger) has no criminal intent when taking The Hitchhiker, but that it develops as the conversation goes on. Self-defense experts seem to agree on the subject as well: projecting insurance reduces the risk of aggression as attackers generally seek an easy victim.

Gradually expand your comfort zone

No one is a natural born adventurer because we all pass by varying levels of difficulty according to our skills, our experiences, the context, our physical condition, etc.

Two areas are beyond our comfort zone: the challenge and learning area, and the danger zone.

Stepping out of its comfort zone allows you to learn and integrate these learnings in the comfort zone, gradually widening it and pushing back the danger zone: one gradually becomes comfortable with a greater variety of situations without exposing themselves to danger.

Daring to ask for help

When a situation seems to deteriorate, one does not always have the reflex to ask for help. As a person who wants to be autonomous and independent, we have this tendency to isolate ourselves and increase our anxiety.

Asking for help doesn’t mean being weak, it’s being realistic, and recognizing its own limits. It is also giving ourselves the opportunity to choose the person who offers us a helping hand before it gets worse, rather than to be imposed vicious help or to give up to more risky proposals.

Check the following article if you have the soul of a modern times adventurer and you want to make it easier for you by traveling light.