Write for Us “Travel” – Submit Guest Post Today
Write for Us “Travel” – Submit Guest Post Today
We are looking for talented travel blog writers to join our growing website. Here’s how to get started:
If you like our website and feel that you can add our readers with some of your knowledge, then join us as a contributor!
The Official Traveler has a targeted audience in the above tour and travel domains around the globe. The major audience is from the USA, UK, India, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Japan, Singapore, Dubai, UAE, Ireland, Philippines, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, China, Indonesia, Brazil, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Bangladesh, Mexico, Iran, Viet Nam, Turkey, Egypt, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Italy, Poland, Argentina, South Africa, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Ukraine, Algeria, Morocco, Taiwan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Myanmar, Netherlands, Peru, Chile, Kazakhstan, Romania, Sudan, Ghana, Uganda, Belgium, Sweden, Ecuador, Tanzania, Kenya, Switzerland, Greece, Austria, Portugal, Yemen, Hungary, Sri Lanka, Belarus, Israel, Hong Kong, Jordan, Nepal, Serbia, Cuba, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Singapore, Bulgaria, Zimbabwe, Slovakia, New Zealand, Angola, Paraguay, Kuwait, Ireland, Oman, Costa Rica, Croatia, Qatar, Panama, Georgia, Uruguay, Lithuania, Albania, Armenia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Latvia, Bahrain, Jamaica, Libya, Estonia, Trinidad and Tobago, Gabon, Cyprus, Namibia, Luxembourg, Djibouti, Macau, Fiji, Montenegro, Brunei, Bhutan, Malta, Bahamas, Iceland, Maldives, Barbados, Aruba, Etc. Hence your work will be exposed to worldwide.
What Should You Write About Our Travel Site?
- Travel Tips & Guide
- Things to do
- Destinations
- Holidays
- Travel Technology
- Tourism Industry News
- Food
- Festivals
- Places To Visit
- Travel stories
- Couples holidays
- Backpacking
- Transportation
- Accommodation
- Reviews
- Adventure trips
- Sports Holidays
- Travel insurance
- Budget travel
How to Find Travel Write for Us Blog Sites?
Search About Travel Write for Us or Travel Tips Write for Us Blog Sites by Below Queries
- travel “submit guest post”
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- Travel Guide write for us
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Our Requirements for Guest Posts: Travel Write for Us
- Blog content should be in the English language, unique, and well written.
- Content should be 100% Unique And pass by Copyscape and https://plagiarismdetector.net/
- The title must descriptive and informative.
- Use proper headings and sub-headings in the content (content without proper headings will not be published).
- Content length should be at least 1000 words.
- Content must be informative and easy to read.
- No affiliates are allowed.
- Featured Image (size 1250*700px) in your post or else we will not publish the article.
- One Body Image Also required.
- Maximum 1 do-follow link.
- Only travel-related post/link published.
- Once the post is submitted to https://www.theofficialtraveler.com/ you should not publish it anywhere online, including your website or blog.
Remember, you should not promote any particular product or service, and information cannot promote websites of any suspicious material such as wires, sexual material, racism or hate, criminal activity. Content should be suitable for any demographic.
You can send your article, and if we think it will be interesting to our readers, then we will have this feature! Note that your article should have original content created by you, and it should be at least 1000 words long.
Read the guest posting guideline carefully and send your post.
Our Email – [email protected]
Note – Request for the removal of the article will not be entertained once it is approved.
We will review your Guest Post for the above-mentioned quality guideline and will approve it within 24 hours.