Tips & Tricks: Study USA

The USA – the land of opportunity – is for many the main destination for a longer stay abroad.Unlimited are the possibilities indeed, but thereby correspondingly extensive, decentralized and uncoordinated. The following tips should help you to shed some light on the situation.

The universities in the USA

Central rules do not exist in the education sector. Each university decides for itself who is admitted, what is recognized and how it is taught. Unlike in Germany, the universities are not recognized by the state, but are accredited by private organizations. Accreditation is given to those who implement certain standards. Study achievements and degrees of non-certified institutions are often not accepted, so be careful! The selection of the university is therefore decisive. There are currently approx. 4500 accredited universities, 2500 of which are privately run. The latter usually have higher tuition fees, but also offer better financing options in the form of scholarships. read more

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The best time for Lisbon and a city trip

My tried and tested travel guide "Lisbon in 24 hours" accompanies you on 29 pages from breakfast to dinner with breathtaking sunsets. Discover the most important sights without stress and long queues.

Accommodation in Lisbon

Here you can find a selection of the most popular hotels for a city trip to Lisbon.

What is the best time to travel to Lisbon and when is it worth visiting the Portuguese capital on the Atlantic Ocean? Answering this question depends entirely on your personal vacation preferences. But to say one thing in advance: I can recommend you a Lisbon vacation at any time of the year. The weather is also very mild here in winter and always worth a visit. The most popular time to travel to Lisbon is clearly summer. Then it attracts many here for a city or. Beach vacation here. I have dedicated a separate post to the best beaches around Lisbon. read more

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Etiquette guide for the Christmas party ?

Etiquette Guide :

Dress Code Consideration: The invitation should contain a note to this effect. If not, it is best to ask for. Dress appropriately in most cases with business attire, also called "smart casual", which is common in the workplace.

Networking instead of gossiping: The Christmas party is no place to gripe about the job, colleagues or even the boss. But it's a perfect opportunity to network with others. It is an advantage not only to talk to the same people all the time, but also to talk to colleagues that you would otherwise rarely see. read more

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Cruises: From sustainability, safety, health & Co

Cruises are booming. What was once an unaffordable dream for many, today longer ship trips have long arrived in mass tourism. The trend is upward: in 2016 alone, there was an 11.3% increase in passenger numbers compared to the previous year (*1). New ships are already ordered by many shipping companies. The main target group is no longer just wealthy pensioners, but families with children, young couples, city travelers, school groups, high school graduates or special target groups. read more

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