Travel blogs at Pullman & Mercure Brisbane King George Square

Australia is an amazing place to visit, so it should come as no surprise that there are numerous travel blogs in the country. However, just because a person who writes the blog lives in Australia, doesn’t mean that they only write about that country. Most travel blog owners love to travel and share their experiences, which is why every successful travel blog has topics from all over the world. While each travel blog is unique, there are five that stand out more than any of the others.

Here are the top 5 travel blogs in Australia:

World of Wanderlust

Brooke writes about all of the places she has visited and also shares her goals and dreams for the future. While the majority of her travel blog is on travel, she also shares favorite recipes from her travels that she recreates in her very own kitchen. Her goal is to get others out and exploring this amazing world.

Bitten by the Travel Bug

Nicole, grew up in South Australia and she was bitten by the travel bug at an early age as she traveled from city to city with her family. She loved how adventures were always waiting as soon as she stepped out her front door. She shares her experiences and her travels, while encouraging others to go out and travel to as many places as they can.

Aussie On The Road

Chris loves that he is able to travel the world instead of holding down a regular 9 to 5 job. He shares his adventures, which include visits to more than fifteen countries and loving every minute of his crazy life. He is continuously trying to make up for his late start in the world of travel, but doesn’t think he will ever succeed since there is so much to see and do everywhere. For now, he is content roaming around and trying to encourage others to find their love of travel.

Nomadic Notes

James has created a masterpiece in Nomadic Notes. This travel blog includes travel guides, travel tips, notes, and amazing cafes from all over the world. James not only chronicles his travels, but allows others to create a travel plan of their dreams using his experiences.

Mapping Megan

Meg and Mike has travelled all over since 2007 to find the best adventures out there. They have skydived over the Swiss Alps, summited Mount Kilimanjaro, and much more. They have documented each one of their adventures in this travel blog, so that others can use their research to make their own adventures come true.

Creating a popular travel blog is a lot of work, but it can be fun too. The fun happens when a writer goes out and experiences the world, so that they have the knowledge to write a blog post or two. The work happens in finding the destinations, planning the trips, and writing the content. No travel blogger would change their life or their work though, because at the end of the day, the travel is the only thing that matters.