Top Travel Tips – 7 Tricks To Improve Your Travel Sleep

Top Travel Tips – 7 Tricks To Improve Your Travel Sleep

Traveling can be a wonderful experience, offering people the opportunity to visit new places or return to their favorite destinations. However, a trip can quickly be ruined if you don’t get sufficient rest while traveling, so it is important to ensure that people think properly about sleeping on their travels. How to improve your travel sleep. No it doesn’t include buying the latest travel pillow. In this article, you will find ideas on Travel Sleep.

To maximize the time spent on your trip by getting the best possible rest while you’re away, follow these seven travel tricks to enjoy better sleep while traveling.

Travel Sleep

7 Tricks To Improve Your Travel Sleep

Book your room carefully

Traveling can be a wonderful experience, offering people the opportunity to visit new places or return to their favorite destinations.However, a trip can quickly be ruined if you don’t get sufficient rest while traveling, so it is important to ensure that people think properly about sleeping on their travels. How do you improve your travel sleep? No, it doesn’t just include buying the latest travel pillow.

Having sufficient sleep is important at all times throughout the year, and not just when you’re on holiday, so if you’re suffering from a common sleep disorder, for instance, insomnia, it would be useful to find tips and advice before you travel. Rolling Paper has a useful guide to overcoming insomnia, with 14 natural remedies for a good night’s sleep. In this article, you will find ideas on Travel Sleep.

It is not easy to guarantee that your hotel room will provide optimum sleeping conditions, but there are ways you can improve your chances of getting a good night’s rest.

When booking your room ask to avoid the lower floors, as well as areas near the elevators or vending machines. This will decrease your odds of getting kept up at night by outside noise.

If you’re staying in a hotel on a main road, request a room towards the rear of the hotel to ensure you are not disturbed by moving traffic.

Packing noise-cancelling headphones or a pair of earplugs is always a good idea, regardless of where you’re staying.

Don’t neglect exercise

It can be tempting to treat a vacation as simply an opportunity to unwind, but neglecting your normal exercise routine is a big mistake.

Being active during the day will help you fall asleep faster at night, so make sure you fit some walking or a workout into your time away.

Hiring a bike is another great way to squeeze exercise into your vacation, giving you the opportunity to explore your destination while keeping on top of your fitness regime.

Regardless of what you choose to do, don’t exercise just before you go to bed. This will probably keep you awake – exactly the opposite of what you want.

Top Travel Tips - 7 Tricks To Improve Your Travel Sleep

Use CBD oil

Preliminary research has shown that CBD oil is a natural sleep aid, working as an effective remedy to help insomnia sufferers thanks to the way it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system.

CBD promotes refreshing REM sleep to reduced excessive daytime sleepiness and is proven to be particularly helpful for sleep disorders in people with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

It is particularly useful for people who suffer from anxiety, helping them to relax and enjoy a much better night’s sleep.

One of the other major factors associated with insomnia is stress, but research has shown that CBD oil can improve your stress response, which can in turn help you to relax.

Keep yourself hydrated

Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue during travel, especially if you’re heading somewhere by airplane.

The cabins of planes can become fairly dry, so be sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after your flight.

Not only will this help you sleep better, it will also give you more energy once you’ve arrived to enjoy the activities you have planned.

If you’ve consumed alcohol during your vacation, drink some water before you go to sleep to avoid becoming dehydrated overnight.

Maintain a bedtime routine

It can be tempting to stay out until the early hours of the day to make the most of your time away, but you should try and stick as closely to your normal bedtime routine as possible.

If you usually read for half-an-hour before falling asleep, make sure you build this into your vacation to maintain your usual sleeping pattern.

Your body is attuned to a specific routine at home, so altering this on vacation may make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Top Travel Tips - 7 Tricks To Improve Your Travel Sleep

Ditch the devices

Light from electronic devices suppresses melatonin production and, contrary to popular belief, stimulates the mind rather than relaxing it.

Try to ban blue light from televisions, mobile phones, laptops and tablets at least one hour before sleeping and keep electronics out of the vicinity of the bed if possible.

Having stimulating devices in your bed teaches your mind to remain active and awake rather than relaxed.

If you need to do something before you sleep, read a book or spend time talking to your loved one about your day.

Don’t over-indulge

It is hugely tempting to over-indulge on food and drink during a vacation, but this can seriously affect the quality of your sleep.

Late-night eating can leave you feeling bloated, which has the effect of making you feel tired but probably unable to sleep properly.

Sticking to your normal meal times and your usual levels of consumption will undoubtedly help you when it’s time to go to bed.

Drinking excessively can also ruin your sleep patterns, particularly if you end up sleeping off your hangover during the day. Remember, have fun but don’t overdo it!