Tips For Traveling With Your Hearing Aid

Tips For Traveling With Your Hearing Aid

Tips For Traveling With Your Hearing Aid

Oh, the getting ready to travel checklist! It seems endless sometimes. However, it is a necessary component of being prepared to exist for a time outside of your familiar environment. And preparation goes a long way in ensuring that you’re ready for any unexpected condition to arise. While you can pick up that forgotten travel sized tube of toothpaste nearly anywhere you might be heading, the components of traveling when you’re a hearing aid wearer makes taking a trip just slightly more complicated. Here are a few tips that take the guesswork out of the process.

Your Pre-Travel Checklist

Add a few important items onto your travel checklist to ensure that you’re not without necessary or favorite components. Most importantly, make sure you have a surplus of compatible batteries. If your hearing aid uses rechargeable batteries, check that the outlet adapter works in the location you’re traveling. Adapters for foreign outlets can be purchased at many larger stores that stock electronics or online.

Always pack a suitable carrying case for your hearing aids. This ensures that they’re safely ensconced and unmissable while you’re switching locations or are on the go. They can pick up a lot of unfamiliar bacteria, so carry your favorite cleaning kit. Take the time to pack all of your favorite accessories. If streaming over Bluetooth is something you can’t live without, don’t forget to pack the necessary elements that enable you do so! Drying equipment may also be necessary if you’re traveling to a humid location or expect to be in a damp environment.

If your trip requires an early morning wake up, invest in a portable alarm clock to rouse you with motion or light instead of sound. You’ll never miss a pre-dawn wake-up call again! Of course, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that hotels and motels be accessible to individuals with hearing loss. The ADA applies to all inns, hotels, motels or other places of lodging. So, you can always check in at your lodging with a request that your hearing needs are attended to.

Navigating The Airports With Hearing Aids

While going through airport screening, do let them know that you’re wearing hearing aids. You may not need to remove your devices, but a simple heads up to the TSA agent is a safe courtesy to extend and one that they suggest making. The good news is that screening devices such as X Rays, walk-through metal detectors, full-body scanners and hand-held detection devices do not affect hearing aids.

Sign up for important text alerts regarding your flight from the airline you’re flying on. The overhead announcement system is mediocre at best, so make sure to use your eyes to find important information rather than relying on your ears. Monitors posted throughout the airport are a handy and trustworthy way to check in on flight information. When boarding, remember not to choose an exit row seat. People with hearing loss are unable to sit in these designated rows. Take heart that if you ever feel like you’ve missed an important announcement while on the flight, you can simply flag down an airline employee or ask a helpful stranger for a little assistance.

Choose Appropriate Sightseeing Activities

Take a guided audio walking tour instead of the tour bus. These devices connect directly with your ears so that you won’t miss out on a great tour just because you’ve been paired up with a quiet guide or loud traffic noise is interrupting your listening ease. You’ll also be in total control of your personal volume at all times, so that you can adjust the volume instead of straining and experiencing effortful hearing. These audio tours are also available at most museums and many tourist attractions. Theaters throughout the country are delighted to provide assistive listening help if they’re given notice. If you’ve got a must-see or even a want-to-see on your list, make contact prior to your arrival to see what listening enhancements they can provide to accommodate you.

Take a tour of something more visually stimulating that auditory. River cruises or scenic byways are wonderful examples of sightseeing activities that don’t require a whole lot of additional audio information. Scout out the best restaurants and drinking establishments. Use taste to take a sensory tour of the location and culture that you’re visiting!

Before you embark on your journey, visit us at Hearing Spa for a hearing aid tune-up! From all of us here, we wish you safe travels.