Where is Bangladesh
Bangladesh is one of the countries in South Asia. Its name, translated from Sanskrit, literally means "the land of the Bengalis". It is located in the eastern part of the historic region of Bengal, now the northeastern part of the Indian subcontinent.
The country occupies a fairly extensive part of the world's largest river delta, formed by the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. In the south the coast of Bangladesh is washed by one of the bays of the Indian Ocean – Bengal. The state borders Myanmar in the southeast and India in the north, east and west.
The total area of Bangladesh is about 144 thousand square kilometers.
Climate in Bangladesh
This South Asian country is characterized by tropical and sub-equatorial monsoon climate. Bangladesh is conventionally divided into three main seasons. The first falls in October-March and is characterized by relatively cold winters. The second season is characterized by wet and hot summers. It begins in March and lasts until June. The third season runs from June to October. It is characterized by warm rains and monsoons.
This division into seasons is arbitrary, as the air temperature varies very little throughout the year. Thus, the average temperature in January is + 18-25 ° C and in April, which is considered the hottest, – + 23-34 ° C. For this reason, the main difference between the seasons in Bangladesh is not the temperature, but the amount of rainfall.
In Bangladesh precipitation during the year is 2000-3000 mm. In the northeastern regions this value can be up to 5000 mm. This area is considered one of the wettest places in the world.
The rise of the sea by only one meter can lead to the flooding of the lion's share of the country of Bangladesh. The climate in this country is one of the wettest in the world, so floods occur here with enviable regularity.
When is the best time to travel to Bangladesh
The best time to travel to Bangladesh is between October and February. At this time the weather is relatively pleasant in temperature and dry in terms of rainfall.
A visit to Bangladesh in April-May for a European will be a real test of strength. In these months, high humidity and very high temperatures make a stay in the country unbearable.
How to get to Bangladesh
There are no direct flights from the Russian capital to Bangladesh. Several Asian and European airlines offer flights to the country's capital, Dhaka, with connections to other countries only. The most profitable and fastest way is to fly to Bangladesh with flights of airlines from Malaysia, India, Thailand. To get from Moscow to Dhaka, you need to spend a total of about 10 hours in the sky, not counting the waiting time for departure at the transit airport.