Points a miles tasks fir elo ze kompleteieren


En neit Joer ass endlech do an et wier vlaicht Zait fir vill vun eis erem und d'Rees ze denken. Dat heescht net onbedengt datt Dir muer an de Fliger klemmt, ach och wann Dir Meint net mei reest, ass et wichteg ar Enten an der Rei op de Punkten a Meilen virun ze kreien. The people you meet can actually see what's happening at the turn of the year – from there on out.

From the 2021 elite status rollout to the Southwest Airlines Companion Pass strategy, the airlines will be able to target different credit card types for their elite status, so that the time for the strategy to take effect in January is slipping away.

Wielt are Marriott Choice Virdeel

When the Marriott Elite status earns you platinum or mei heijen level, hutt dir eng Entscheedung all Joer ze huelen. Elites op deem level a mei heich kreien Marriott Choice Virdeeler vun hirer Wiel from de following:

  • Fennef Suite Night Awards
  • Kaddo vum Silver Elite Status fir e Frend / Familljemember
  • 40% op ar Liiblingsmatratze
  • Fennef Elite Nuecht Credits fir aren Total vun 2020
  • En $ 100 Charity Don un WE to Kabolwo, Kenya

Titan Elite mat 75 Nuechte kreien eng aner Auswiel, dorenner de zousatzlech Optioun vun engem gratis Nuecht Zertifikat (gelteg for Auszeechnunge bis zu 40.000 points) at the enhanced Optioun vun Cadeau Gold status (instead of Selwer).

When you do not have a choice of 8. January maachen, are Choix Standarden Suite Night Awards.


Choose your airline for American Express Credits

Dei mat enger American Express Kaart, dei en jahrlechen Airline Fraise Kreditt erausginn, hunn all Joer bis den 31. January fir eng nei Airline ze wielen, mat dar de Kreditt erleist. When you're not here, you'll always be the same as you were the year before.

Whatever happens, there are many changes to be made, and the credit will be functionally adjusted to the current situation, so that you will be able to closely follow the strategy for 2021. You don't have to take into account factors such as what curse company you are most likely to join in 2021, but you may also have to take into account factors such as what curse company you are most likely to join and the easiest way to use the credit is to do so.

The Amex card is a sample of the annual airline fraiskreditter ausginn enthalen:

  • The Platinum Card® from American Express (up to $200)
  • Hilton Honors American Express Aspire Card (up to $250)
  • D'Business Platin Card® vun American Express (up to $200)

Aschreiwung neideg fir ausgewielt Virdeeler.

D'Informatioun fir d'Hilton Aspire Amex Kaart gouf onofhangeg collected from The Points Guy. The room details on this page are not to be found in the room contents or in the room value.

Gitt schweier fir de Southwest Companion Pass

Whether you want to fly to Aruba, Jamaica, Hawaii or Omaha, all in all, what mei frei at the Joer you de Southwest Companion Pass verdengt, wat besser.

When the swell iwwerschreift fir ze qualifeieren – either 125.000 points or 100 Flich – you can give free of charge to your designated companion in the southwest (except for the cheese of the Steieren) for the rescht of the Kalennerjoer on which you will be awarded to the next Kalenner Joer. It means you can pass the passport to the whole world until the 31st. December 2022.

De Moment ginn et Offeren op dei drai perseinlech Kaarten, sou wei d'Southwest Rapid Rewards Plus Kreditkaart (Verdengt e Companion Pass® duerch 2/28/23 plus 30.000 points nodeems you $ 5.000 on Akeef to the eischten drai Meint verbrengt), or 80.000 points mat the Southwest Rapid Rewards Performance Business credit card (nodeems you $ 5.000 on Akeef to the eischten drai Meint from the account opening verbrengt).

Keep in mind that various earning activities, such as transferring Chase Ultimate Rewards or earning Rapid Rewards points, are not targeted to users of the Companion Pass.

Maacht eng Delta Choice Auswiel (virsiichteg)

Wei Marriott, Delta ausgezeechent seng Elite Membere mat mei heijer Niveau mat Choix Virdeeler. Platinum medallions are tightly displaced by diamond medallions are tightly displaced by diamond medallions. The options vary according to the level, but include upgrade certificates, bonus miles and the chance to become a Sky Club member, so there is a lot to take into account.

Unfortunately, the timing for the Virdeeler is not always right. Delta uses the term "Medallion Joer" when the deadline is reached, which can (understandably) lead to credit losses. To cut a long story short, you will earn the next year's status based on the value of the fresh calendars you will receive, that's for sure:

  • The status for the 2020 Medallion Joer gouf verdengtiert baseiert op arer Qualifikatiounsaktiviteit vum 1. January 2019 until 31. December 2019.
  • The status for the 2021 Medallion Joer gouf verdengt is based on arer Qualifikatiounsaktiviteit vum 1. January 2020 until the 31st. December 2020.

So, what is this for the world of Virdeeler?? Hei ass et, sou simply wei meiglech:

If you have earned Platinum and/or Diamond Medallion status based on your qualification and activity at the 2019 Calendar Year and have been awarded NET Ere Choix Benefit(s), you must have received the award by 31 December 2019. January 2021 make.

When you net, the optioun (s) completely disappear, no zreck.

It is also worth noting that if you have not completed the selection process, you will not be eligible to receive the medallion status and another reward. When you make it, you will enjoy the Virdeeler until the 31st day of the month. January of this year. Whatever the case, all upgrade certificates you received will be valid for 12 months from the date of your selection – a few smart choices (in your opinion).

Closing date, notated w.e.g. that you and Choix Virdeeler have to choose from your 2020 curse activity (2021 Medallion Joer). You have to choose the right time, but you will stay until the 31st day of the year. January 2022 available. However, if you have received an extended Diamond or Medallion status in 2021, your Choix-Virdeeler will not be able to be turned off until the 2021 Medallion year starts on 1. February 2021.

Grading of credit cards reesen credits

  • Chase Sapphire Reserve®: $300 annual redemption credit
  • Citi Prestige® Card: $250 annual redemption credit
  • Bank of America® Premium Rewards® Kredittkaart: up to $100 annual Airline Zoufalleg Ausso Kreditt

The information for the Citi Prestige Card is collected on the website of The Points Guy. The card details on this page are not to be verified or validated by the card issuer.

Grades ar Elite Status Virdeeler

Normal Joers will receive the Ufank from the Joer heiansdo as ar lescht Geleeenheet fes Elite Status Virdeeler aus dem Joer virdrun ze benotzen. For most of the hotel companies, the status ends in January or February of the next year, which gives me one or two "free" statuses.

Wei och emmer, weinst COVID-19 hunn vill Fluchgesellschaften an Hoteler decideiert aren 2019 Status fir en anert Joer ze verlangeren. It means when you have top-tier status on American Airlines in 2019, but you are not on a flight in 2020, your status will expire after the next year.

When you have an Elite Status Perk of 2019 or 2020, you will get the next mount or two, so you will have the chance to get a grade. So look at your individual accounts a gitt secher datt dir naischt um Desch leisst. Och wann Dir net reest, heiansdo kennt Dir des Virdeeler benotze fir een elo op der Strooss muss sinn.

Label of the card

What are the Reesziler benefits for the year?? Of course, it can be a bit of a surprise if there are so many people you know. But if the situation is bright (let's think positively), we want to give you a free bonus certificate for a hotel in Hawaii or the Maldives? When yo, mei expenses on cards put the free Nuecht Auszeechnunge ubidden. Hei sens Kaarten dei all Joer eng – oder mei – Hotelpraisnuechte auszeechnen.

If you need Alaska Airlines miles to earn a partner award? When it's time for the Alaska Airlines Visa Signature® credit card to be issued on a regular basis, it's time for the card to be rotated.

Choose the bonus categories for 5% cash back (5x) and earn the same amount on the Chase Freedom Flex or Discover it Cash Back card? (Tip: Op der Discover-Kaart sinn et Epicerie, Walgreens a CVS. This is what you get for the $1.500 dei on Akeef per Veierel ausginn, eemol Dir aktiveiert, dann 1% Cashback op all aner Akeef)

Brush up on your current bonus categories at the end of the year. You should be aware that it is a good time to open a new card and to drop it for a bonus. He sinn e puer vun eisen Top Belounungskaarten.

No matter what credit cards Reesziler gives you, it is important to mark the card with a virus that you follow, so that you do not miss your expenses.

Match ar M Liewen an Caesars Belounung Status

If you have all Hotel Elite status after not having Caesars Rewards and/or M Love status, you have potentially missed a step in the right direction. It's best when you visit Las Vegas, but it can also make sense when you don't have Sin City in your future travel plans.

When you have World of Hyatt elite status – whether your employer earns you the hairy wee or extends it to the last employer – you can match your status with a narrow range of M reward statuses. Your M Love status can be extended even when your Hyatt Elite status is over the Hyatt credit card world.

Mat Caesars Rewards can give you status on Wyndham Rewards Match. If you have Caesars Rewards status, you will not be exempt from parking fees in Vegas, but you will be exempt from spending. You can receive $100 off, wise tickets to the Atlantis open house in the Bahamas.

If you don't have Wyndham Rewards elite status, please check to see if all status-matching miles are available throughout the year. Mat Hoteler dei probeiert Geschaft ze verdengen, waerte mir nicht iwwerrascht sinn eng aner Geleeenheet iergendwann ze gesinn.