Dental treatment in twilight sleep, twilight sleep anesthesia

Dental treatment in twilight sleep, twilight sleep anesthesia

Optimal dental treatment

Twilight anesthesia

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Dental treatment during sleep

For one Dental treatment during sleep a prior consultation is needed to clarify the correct treatment method for the dental treatment.

On dentist the one with Dentist-phobic patients can handle is also popular with all other dental patients.

semiconscious sedation

Dental treatment under a general anesthetic at the dentist

Simply feeling nothing and remembering nothing is the wish of many dental patients. The twilight makes it possible for one of the dental treatment respectively. Dental treatment did not notice anything.
Modern anesthetic techniques such as total intravenous anesthesia fulfill this desire for sleep during the dental treatment reliable. At the Twilight Sleep An anesthetist uses the anesthetic assistant to administer an intravenous anesthetic and sedative.

At the twilight is placed in a state where you feel neither fear nor pain.

The sleep anesthesia during the dental treatment is at dental fear the best option, but general anesthesia is also possible, but usually not sensible.

Anesthesia in the dental treatment is very advanced, so that you can Dental treatment in twilight sleep no longer have to be afraid.

This anesthetic guide does not use inhaled anesthetics (inhalation anesthetic) such as laughing gas. The pain-free and consciousness-free sleep state is achieved by the combination of a sleeping pill (hypnotic) and a pain reliever (analgesic). Due to the short duration of action of the anesthetic used, nausea and vomiting are very rare. The dim sleep can be adapted to the patient’s needs through the ideal controllability, so that the recovery phase is comparatively very short. The twilight (Analgesia treatment) is also very good for little extensive dental treatments, where the consciousness does not have to be switched off completely.

Advice on dental treatment in twilight sleep

At OPTI-DENT you can get free information about dental fear, Free dental advice and anxiety help, advice on dental treatment, dental treatment costs, Cost of dusk sleep and financing options as well as the course of treatment of the Dental treatment in twilight sleep Etc.

If you are afraid of the dentist, the dentist will talk to you at the first consultation without a dental chair dental treatment and the dental fear as well as about the semiconscious sedation.

If desired, the first consultation with the dentist can take place under the influence of soothing medication.

If you look at Dental treatment in twilight sleep The second consultation is then decided in the presence of the anesthetist who initiates the anesthesia. In the Singen Dental Practice these take place at Schaffhausen Dental treatments in twilight sleep mostly on Saturdays, so that the course of treatment can take place at rest without additional dental patients.

Twilight sleep is not a risk

As twilight is called sleep during dental treatment and thereby avoids the risks of general anesthesia.

As an intermediate stage between general anesthesia and local anesthesia, there is sedation, which is particularly recommended for anxious patients. If you are afraid of dentists (Dental phobia) suffers or for any other reason Dental treatment in twilight sleep or preferred under general anesthesia, you can entrust yourself to the experienced anesthetist. At the twilight you always breathe yourself, so that the cardiovascular system is very calm and relaxed. That is why this “twilight anesthetic” method is also ideally suited for high-risk patients who cannot tolerate additional cardiovascular stress. The dental patient does not need artificial ventilation and is always responsive.

Overslept dental treatment

Under Analgosedierung deep sleep is through drug pain elimination (analgesia) understood at the same time reassurance (sedation) where to get the Overslept dental treatment can and unlike anesthesia reacts to external stimuli and breathes independently.

In the Twilight anesthesia the patient is given an intravenous sedative and anesthetic and can sleep during dental treatment.

In patients with great fear of dentists, which fear dental treatment, the dentist can make the dental treatment easier anesthesia (twilight) in the presence of an anesthetist.

Twilight anesthesia

The twilight or the semiconscious sedation is carried out at the request of the dental patient after shielding from acoustic and optical stimuli.

At the twilight so that you can Overslept dental treatment can, in addition to local anesthesia, administer a fast-acting sleeping pill intravenously and, at the same time, add a pain reliever as needed. This ensures a pleasant, irritation-free sleep state (sleep anesthesia), which can also be maintained over a long period of time. The Sleep at the dentist is a special form of local anesthesia Twilight anesthesia (Sedoanalgesia), which is used for nose and eyelid surgery as well as for dental treatment. The area of ​​the body to be operated on is anesthetized locally. At the same time, the anesthetist puts the patient into a kind of sedative doze, so that it does not have to be ventilated artificially and is conditionally accessible. The sense of time remains with twilight switched off, which is why even an intervention lasting several hours is often perceived as extremely short.

Dental treatment in twilight sleep

in the twilight you don’t have to be afraid and endure unpleasant dentist injections or listen to the sounds of the drill.

in the twilight one sleeps during dental treatment or surgery and does not get any injection or any unpleasant treatment. Even complex prosthetic measures, impressions and all dental operations or even implantations are performed in the twilight performed completely relaxed and pleasant. Under certain circumstances, dental treatments can only be done in sleep because patients with severe physical illnesses need an anesthesiologist to monitor their vital bodily functions, because problems in general condition can be quickly identified and eliminated. Long, complicated operations cannot be easily performed under local anesthesia. In many cases, dental patients are also unable to endure normal dental treatment, especially in the case of children, the mentally handicapped, anxious patients or people who are prone to severe gagging.

Advantages of twilight sleep:

♦ The sleep phase lasts 30 seconds.
♦ No perceptions and memories
♦ No side effects
♦ wake-up phase 3-5 min.
♦ recovery time 15-20 min.

Twilight sleep during dental treatment

Different from the general anesthetic must with twilight no tube (ventilation hose) should be placed.

By combining analgesic drugs with calming substances, pain relief and relaxation of the patient in the twilight achieved and the sounds, excitement or fears largely eliminated.

Twilight sleep at the dentist

Relax on the dentist chair in the Twilight sleep during dental treatment dozing off is the ideal condition for every dental phobic (dental phobia).

The Twilight sleep during dental treatment is a great option for having dental patients dental fear, because it’s a temporary twilight by arm injection (sedoanalgesia) at the dentist. The fearful dentist remains responsive, but only gets the dental treatment in the half-dream stage, because the medication causes forgetting about the entire dentist procedure. The semiconscious sedation is a narcotic state caused by the action of narcotics, in which the consciousness is partially preserved and the sensation of pain is reduced. The dental specialists usually give a sleeping pill together with the anesthetist before the treatment, so that you are put into a short sleep and wake up a few minutes after the dental treatment. The extremely pleasant effect is that you are awake and approachable during this time, but the memory is very likely to be completely hidden. The twilight does not cause any unpleasant side effects as with general anesthesia. Of course, the health status is constantly monitored at the dentist throughout the treatment. It is also possible to switch to a conventional anesthetic procedure such as general anesthesia if required. Twilight sleep can only be performed in dental surgeries and dental clinics that are equipped for outpatient surgical procedures with trained anesthetists. Twilight sleep is very effective like deeper general anesthesia, but its potential for side effects is very low. For extensive interventions such as implantations, restorations, tooth extraction and all surgical interventions and extensive prosthetic preparations, the Twilight sleep with fear of dentists especially sense.

Coping with anxiety before visiting the dentist

Fear of fear from the dentist and the physical symptoms that occur is a normal body reaction in a stressful situation.

One should mentally deal with anxiety before visiting the dentist or before dental treatment, do not further increase the fear of expectation, which is referred to as "fear of fear". It is important that you interrupt the usual fear thoughts and not already before dental treatment at the dentist does not increase in thoughts, "What will happen and when does it hurt etc.", because you increase yourself in even greater fears. The anxiety is completely unfounded because the twilight does not bring any unpleasant side effects and the dentist who treats anxiety patients has usually had a lot of experience. You should remember that you are not the only fear patient and that the only thing that matters is learning to deal with the fear at the dentist and not completely ignoring the fear, because this is the only way to give yourself a chance to make progress. Is the dental treatment in the twilight successful and reduced fear, you should not rest on your laurels, but always talk to other people about their dental treatment and fear of dental treatment.

Anesthesia at the dentist

Anesthesia taken from the Greek means "senselessness and is the generic term for anesthesia.

In the anesthesia A distinction is made between local anesthesia (local anesthetic) and general anesthesia (general anesthesia). Dentists and dentistry have changed significantly in recent decades. The formerly often painful and rough dental treatment is a thing of the past, if not, then you should change the dentist. Dental practices and dental clinics are brighter and equipped with special light etc. for anxious patients. Syringe systems have become less painful, sometimes other fast-acting medications are used (painless anesthetic). The relationship between the dental patient and the treating dentist has also changed significantly. In the past, the patient was often not or only barely explained what to do. Dialogue with dental patients is increasingly sought today. There are three types of anesthesia (anesthesia), because surface anesthesia anesthetizes the mucous membrane, whereas infiltration anesthesia makes a certain area insensitive and conduction anesthesia anesthetizes the entire nerve area.

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