Influence the gender of the baby

like parents can influence the gender of your child naturally. Many of these theories are rather humbug and not scientifically proven. The gender of the offspring does not affect whether the man has socks on during the sexual act or not! However, there are still a few ways to influence gender.

With these natural methods, there is of course no one-hundred percent guarantee that it will be a boy or a girl – this would require sex selection using pre-implantation diagnostics – to steer a little in the desired direction, but the probability can be reduced. And: the tips are absolutely harmless, try them out harm so not.

The egg cell always has an X chromosome; whether it will be a girl (i.e. XX) or a boy (i.e. XY) depends on whether a sperm cell with a female or male chromosome is the first to reach the egg cell.



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Christina Cherry
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