Italian for children – children and youth university

The project ‘Italian for Children – Italiano per bambini’ was developed by four students from the current 3rd semester of the VZ bachelor’s degree in social work, Eder Sandra, Rauter Lisa-Maria, Rauscher Michelle and Stein Franziska, and was aimed at pupils of elementary school age. The project included a workshop of approximately three hours in length, in which the Italian language was taught to the children in a singing and playful manner. The workshop was once made up of students from one third Class of VS Feldkirchen and once with students of the second and third class of VS St. Martin. During the conception and implementation of the workshop, Ms. Mag. A Dr. supported in Ruth Hechtl.

At the beginning of the workshop, the children were taught simple phrases in Italian using a ball game. The children were then divided into groups in order to learn playfully at different stations.

  1. Station: the colors – i colori

In this part of the workshop, the colors "rosso, giallo, verde and blu" were developed together with the children. Four stations were playfully carried out in group operation. At the first station, the children were allowed to fly the Italian flag with a variety of laying materials. At the second station, pizza and ice cream pictures were painted, as in painting by numbers. The third The station included a worksheet on which the children were allowed to assign a wide variety of objects to the respective colors. At the last station, the children were able to use tweezers to sort different balls of the primary colors into the containers provided.

  1. Station: Memory game – gioco memory

The aim of this station was to playfully learn Italian words with the children through dialogue and independent reading. There were two different memory games, each with 17 pairs, one with fruits and vegetables and one with animals. On the respective memory cards there was once the German word with article and once the Italian word with the associated article. The visualization of the food and the animals and the verbalization of the words made it possible to combine the two, and the children were able to play back a few words in Italian relatively quickly thanks to the playful effect. Some children even had memory aids for a few words to help them remember the word. The kids were very excited and took actively participate in the game. Even reading the individual memory cards was great fun for the children. It turned out that some children were extremely talented and correctly verbalized the Italian words without the help of the workshop leader. After the game, the children were allowed to choose small give-aways before going to the next station.

  1. Station: the numbers – i numeri

This station was about the numbers one to ten.

First, the numbers in Italian were practiced orally with the students. Then they got a worksheet on which the numbers one to ten were written in Italian. The pupils had to write these down.

The second worksheet was about arithmetic. There were plus and minus bills up to ten on them, which they should solve and write down in Italian.

The third worksheet was a relaxed part, with the children coloring in the numbers. Ten boxes were drawn on the fourth worksheet. Each box was numbered. Here the children should line up the boxes with a corresponding number of Lego blocks.

  1. Station: sing –cantare

In this station, the students singed the language Italian. ,,The song >>All my ducklings


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Christina Cherry
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