Kita as a training center, possibly

Evangelical parish of Eich (Rheinhessen)

In our daycare center, it is very important to us to accompany young people in life and thus on their way to the teaching profession.

Just as we care about the “little ones”, the kindergarten and crèche children, and we support and support the after-school children who are already at school, we also want to give young people the opportunity to get to know our work and get to know each other orientate.

This begins with the so-called Girls ‘and Boys’ Day, on which children in the 7th and 8th grade spend a day with us, just to have a look. Young people from the regional school or high schools spend two weeks with us longer Internships.

Every year we have one or two young people in the Voluntary Social Year (FSJ), who take part in seminars on personality and career development in parallel with practice in daycare at the diaconal work.

We also support educator training directly in a wide range of areas. There is close cooperation with the technical schools for social pedagogy; we work particularly closely with the “Karl Hofmann School” in Worms. Here social assistants come to our facility on their way to educator training for four-week internships or multiple block internships. The educator classes are usually present in 6-week periods, or at the end of the training for the internship, the so-called year of recognition. The latter two groups in particular require intensive support from our specialists. To do this, a ten-day training course for “practical instructions” must be completed. It is nice that the educators are taking on the task of instruction and further training with commitment and that we currently have 13 instructors in the facility.

In recent years, a group has joined the group, the “educators in part-time training”. These are people who work half a position in a daycare and attend school at the same time in order to complete the training in three years.

Another occupational group in the house is also open to "trainees" and also has the trained specialists. For example, we currently have a young lady in our kitchen in the "Housekeeping" area who is doing her practical day for her housekeeping school one day a week.
Every now and then students of social work and other related courses come to us. These internships last between six weeks and six months.

As interns and FSJ students, we have four a year Boy People who strengthen our team but also need to be accompanied. The other interns are spread over the year. In 2015, almost last year, there were and are 14 young people in all forms, mostly young people, who have completed an internship in our daycare center or are still doing so. This means a lot of extra work for the specialists, but also an enrichment for all of us and especially for the children. Because interns always mean that there is one more who has the time to play etc.

We like to get involved in this area because we think it is important that young people get good insight and good training. After all, talented young people are also needed in our profession!

Anyone who would like to do an internship with us or would like to sit in on the daycare center better To get to know, please feel free to contact the office. If it fits in time and planning, we make something possible.

Text source: Community Letter No.42

If it’s not like this, if you’re pious, you can look up freely. But if you are not pious, sin lurks at the door and desires you; but you rule over them.

But hunt for justice, piety, faith, love, patience, meekness!


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Christina Cherry
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