Spanish language travel

Many Germans know Spain as a vacation destination. But the Mediterranean country has much more to offer than sandy beaches, sun and fiesta. A diverse culture, good food and open-hearted people await the interested visitor who really wants to get to know Spanish life. You can immerse yourself particularly intensively in the country during a Spanish language trip, as you become familiar with the language and can use it directly in your interactions with Spaniards. This is how a pub crawl becomes an extended language training session. Another positive aspect is the large selection of language schools that are available for a language study trip to Spain. So they can not only in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, but z. B. Learn Spanish also on Mallorca or Ibiza. read more

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5 vegetarian / vegan outdoor recipes

Campfire and outdoor kitchen on the shore

It is not always so easy to cook something tasty when you are going on an expedition or hiking for several days and you have to take all the food with you.

What to consider for outdoor dishes?

  • The ingredients should not be too heavy or take up too much space.
  • But they should give you enough energy so that you are fit enough for the effort.
  • Depending on where you are traveling, they should also not need to be stored in a cool place or run the risk of freezing (z.B. in the arctic winter). You may need to carry water with you on your expedition, so you should use water sparingly.
  • And of course, on an expedition or multi-day hike, you don't have all kinds of pots and pans with you, which is something else to consider when choosing your dishes and the order in which you prepare your food.

And if then the outdoor recipes should be vegetarian or vegan and delicious, then it is already quite a challenge.

My tips will help you!

Tips for outdoor recipes hiking, trekking, kayaking, etc.

  • I try to use ingredients for multiple dishes when possible. For example, I use one onion for two dishes, half for each dish.
  • If you are by the sea and fresh water is limited, for example, you can also use the salty sea water to cook pasta or rice. Attention! Make sure that the water is clean enough to do this!! Also, depending on the sea you are at, the water will be saltier or less salty – take note of that and mix in fresh water if necessary.
    By the way, camel bags are very practical to carry extra water in your kayak or backpack, as they are more flexible and adapt better to the available space.
  • The quantity specification 1 cup is of course not very exact. I take a cup for measuring, which I then also take with me on the expedition, then I take this again to measure the right amount of water. How much everyone needs then is also somewhat a matter of experience.
  • Couscous, rice, etc. I always pack off in advance in zip bags. These I then label and use them several times until they are broken.

Note for outdoor recipes with gas stove or other fuels

Mostly you also have a limited amount of gas resp. amount of fuel (because you usually have to carry that along), so you should also make sure that you prepare dishes that don't have to cook for too long. read more

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Camping Cres, Croatia: A road trip across the biggest island of the Adriatic Sea

Camping Cres, Croatia: A road trip across the largest island of the Adriatic Sea

Camping Cres, Croatia. Between olive groves and pomegranate trees, laboriously built stone walls and sheep, rugged rocks and sandy coves. In the air a tantalizing scent of sage and mint. In the sky the breathtaking griffon vultures. Welcome to the island of Cres in Croatia!

By ferry to Cres, Croatia

With our camper we crossed by ferry from Brestova (mainland) to Porozina (island of Cres). We paid 287 Kuna, which is about 38 Euro – camper > 7 meters + 2 persons. After about 20 minutes drive we already arrived on the island. read more

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Second mission flight of the Crew Dragon

Second mission flight of the Crew Dragon

Today, SpaceX launched Crew Dragon into orbit for the second time. In this article we will talk in detail about this unique spacecraft and give you tips on how to see it with the naked eye. You don't have too much time before the spacecraft docks with the ISS and is no longer visible in the sky. We recommend you download Satellite Tracker and check if you have a chance to see it. read more

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Backpacking alone as a woman: 7 tips for women traveling alone

Backpacking alone as a woman: 7 tips for women traveling alone

"You all alone as a woman!?"Parents who are worried, friends who are skeptical or consider you exceptionally brave. And in the middle of it all you, filled with wanderlust, curiosity and a thirst for adventure, but also with doubts, fears and insecurities. Traveling alone as a woman requires a lot of courage, and the risk of something happening always travels with you. read more

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5 tips for your safety in Mexico

Mexico is famous for many things: the beauty of its nature, the beautiful beaches, the friendly Mexicans, the delicious food, and much more. However, Mexico has not yet won a Nobel Prize for security in the country. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Safety on the streets in Mexico

Especially after dark, safety in Mexico is often less than certain. Cabs stopped on the street are often in danger of being robbed, not only in Mexico. You should also be careful when you are invited to city tours, here the guide should always show an ID from "SECTUR". read more

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Camping with kids – How to make your vacation really relaxing

Camping with children

A camping vacation with your kids can be a really fun and relaxing way to spend your vacation. However, there are a few things you can do to make the vacation as stress-free as possible.

First try to choose a campsite that has many facilities such as breakfast service, showers, toilets and playgrounds. This way you don't have to spend so much time driving back and forth, and your children will have an easier time finding their way around. read more

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Wou bleiwen to St. Louis: Bescht Gebidder & Hoteler

Videospiller: Wou bleiwen ech zu St. Louis: Best regions & hotels


Wei vill grouss Stied besteet St.Louis from different ennerchiddleche quarters, all mat engem cluster vun attraktiounen an ennerkonftwahlen. eischt Visiteuren dei plangen ze gesinn wiere schlau no beim Stadzentrum a Flossgebitt ze bleiwen, wou se no bei der Jefferson National Expansioun Memorial Park an den Paart Arch, enner anerem wichtegen Attraktiounen. Dest ass och e gutt Quartier fir Sportsfans, no bei Busch Stadion, a Concertganger, fir grouss Numm Eventer um Den Dome am America's Center. read more

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