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RDC: l’ONU préoccupée par des “violations graves” des droits des enfants

Uno accuses militias of atrocities against children in the Congo
June 14, 2017, 10:34 pm –
Dozens of cases of child abuse within five days …

RDC: l’ONU préoccupée par des “violations graves” des droits des enfants
14.06.2017 à 18:00 – AFP
La Mission de l’ONU au Congo s’est déclarée préoccupée mercredi après 62 cas de violations graves des droits des enfants dont des viols sur mineures par des miliciens dans l’est et le center de la République démocratique du Congo.

Food aid, Kikwit refugee camp, Kasai, DR Congo – PHOTO – JOHN WESSELS
Des rations alimentaires dans un camp pour les personnes déplacées, province de Kasai en RDC, le 7 juin 2017 à Kikwit

Continue reading DR Congo, Children’s Rights: According to the UN, atrocities against children by militias increase →

Nigeria: la vie des orphelins du conflit de Boko Haram
ALL PHOTOS BY Florian PLAUCHEUR: Children who were orphaned by the Boko Haram Jihad Uprising play in an old, abandoned amusement park in Maiduguri
Des enfants, devenus orphelins avec l’insurrection jihadiste de Boko Haram, jouent dans un vieux parc d’attractions à l’abandon, le 27 avril 2017 à Maiduguri, au Nigeria

Nigeria: the orphans from the Boko Haram conflict in the urban jungle
2017-08-05 13:00 – By Stephanie FINDLAY – AFP
In the early morning, after a night spent on the streets of Maiduguri, a gang of children storm an old abandoned amusement park and climb around on a carousel, the pale colors of which have finally peeled off in the hot sun. The wooden horses can be as motionless as they want, the frame apocalyptic and their clothes torn: the boys laugh as if they were in Disneyland, forget their worries during this brief moment of serenity ……

Nigeria: les orphelins du conflit de Boko Haram in the jungle urbaine
8.05.2017 at 13:00 – Par Stephanie FINDLAY – AFP
Au petit matin, après une nuit passée sur les trottoirs de Maiduguri, une bande de gamins prennent d’assaut un vieux parc d’attractions abandonné et grimpent sur un manège dont les couleurs ont fini par s’écailler et blanchir sous le soleil brûlant. Les chevaux de bois ont beau être immobiles, le cadre apocalyptique et leurs vêtements en lambeaux, les garçons rient comme s’ils étaient à Disneyland, oubliant leurs ennuis pendant ce bref moment d’insouciance.

Continue reading Nigeria: Life of the Orphans from the Boko Haram Conflict →

DRC history: Laurent Désiré Kabila arrive à Kinshasa en mai 1997
ALL PHOTOS by CHRISTOPHE SIMON: Arrival of President Laurent Désiré Kabila (M) in Kinshasa, May 20, 1997
Le president Laurent Désiré Kabila (c) arrive à Kinshasa, le 20 may 1997, en RDC

DRC: Twenty years ago, Kinshasa surrendered to Kabila’s father’s rebels
15/05/2017 10:00 – By Bienvenu-Marie BAKUMANYA – AFP
"They were very young, dirty and hungry, they collapsed under the weight of their weapons. Without thinking about it, we offered them food and drink, ”Chantal Kikalulu recalls. On May 17, 1997, Kinshasa, exhausted by too much dictatorship, surrenders without a fight to Laurent Kabila’s powers…..

RDC: il y a vingt ans, Kinshasa s’offrait au rebelle Kabila père
15.05.2017 à 10:00 – Par Bienvenu-Marie BAKUMANYA – AFP
“Ils étaient très jeunes, sales, affamés, croulant sous le poids de leurs armes; sans réfléchir, nous leur avons offert boissons et nourriture ”, se souvient Chantal Kikalulu. Ce 17 may 1997, fatiguée par trop de dictature, Kinshasa s’offre sans combat aux forces de Laurent-Désiré Kabila.

Continue reading DR Congo, history: 1997 Father Kabila’s invasion of Kinshasa →

Conférence sur la rehabilitation d’anciens enfants-soldiers

Afterwards, life is often a struggle for former child soldiers
02/22/2017 at 9:00 a.m. – by Nora SCHWEITZER – AFP
Pursued by memories that nobody wants, school dropouts, strangers in their own families … For former child soldiers, the return to civil life often sounds like the beginning of a new struggle, that of a personal reconstruction, which can take years ….

Pour les ex-enfants soldats, la vie d’après est souvent un combat
22.02.2017 at 09:00 – Par Nora SCHWEITZER – AFP
Hantés par des souvenirs dont personne ne voudrait, déscolarisés, étrangers dans leur propre famille… Pour les ex-enfants soldats, le retour à la vie civile sonne souvent comme le début d’un nouveau combat, celui d’une reconstruction personnelle qui peut prendre des années.

Alhaji Sawaneh from Sierra Leone (2nd from left) and Alberto Ortiz from Colombia (2nd from right), former child soldiers at a conference on the fate of 246 million children living in conflict zones in Paris February 21, 2017 // PHOTO afp. com by STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN
Continue reading UNICEF conference 2017 on the reentration of ex child soldiers →

Soudan du Sud: 5 ans d’indépendance, 5 ans de misère, 3 ans de guerre

South Sudan: Five years of independence, blood, tears and hunger
08/08/2016 at 09:30 a.m. – AFP
South Sudan marks the fifth anniversary of its independence on Saturday. But to to celebrate there will be little: the peace agreement, which is supposed to turn the side of a devastating civil war, is hanging by a thread and the population has never been so hungry. Tens of thousands of people have died since December 2013 and the The beginning of the civil war that devastated the youngest nation in the world and its economy, forcing the government to cancel its independence celebrations for the first time ….

Soudan du Sud: cinq ans d’indépendance, you sang, des larmes et la faim
08.07.2016 at 09:30 – AFP
Le Soudan du Sud marque samedi le 5e anniversaire de son indépendance. Mais de célébration, il n’y aura guère: l’accord de paix censé tourner la page d’une guerre civile dévastatrice ne tient qu’à un fil et la population n’a jamais eu aussi faim. Plusieurs dizaines de milliers de personnes sont mortes depuis décembre 2013 et le début de la guerre civile qui a ravagé la plus jeune nation du monde et son économie, conduisant le gouvernement à annuler pour la première fois les festivités de l’indépendance.

Families await admission to a Red Cross camp in Wau, South Sudan, July 1, 2016 // – CHARLES LOMODONG
Continue reading South Sudan: 5 years of independence, 5 years of misery, 3 years of war →

Dominic Ongwen, un chef de l’Armée de Résistance du Seigneur (LRA), une sanglante rébellion ougandaise, devant la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) en décembre

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1. One of the leaders of the bloody Ugandan rebellion LRA in December before the international judiciary READ

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During the preliminary hearings that took place in January, the prosecutor assured the judge that Mr. Ongwen was the "spearhead" of the LRA group, which is known to have killed more than 100,000 people and more in a bloody war against the central government of Kampala when kidnapped 60,000 children.
Already in his early years, one became aware of the nickname “White Ant” for his loyalty to crime, his courage in fighting and his qualities as a tactician. But some human rights organizations believe Dominic Ongwen himself was a victim: he had been kidnapped to become a child soldier while coming home from school.
The rebel group was founded in 1986 to defend the Acholi ethnic group against the government of Yoweri Museveni. But over the years, the LRA has spread beyond borders, bringing terror to South Sudan (now independent), then to the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and finally south to the Central African Republic since March 2008.
His leader Joseph Kony, a self-proclaimed prophet, mixes religious mysticism, proven guerrilla techniques and bloodthirsty brutality. He practiced forced marriage or forced women into the sexual Slavery while pretending to establish a Ten Commandments regime.
© 2016 AFP

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© BBC Dominic Ongwen, one of the most feared leaders of the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) at the International Criminal Court in The Hague // Dominic Ongwen, l’un des chefs les plus redoutés de l’Armée de Résistance du Seigneur (LRA) dans la Cour Pénale Internationale à la Haye, le 21 janvier 2016


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