Children in the car – so it won’t be boring

Children in the car - so it won't be boring

some car journeys drag on forever, but are unavoidable. Whether it’s a visit to the grandparents, a festival or a vacation: sitting for long periods of time is exhausting for us adults, and often even more so for our children. With our tips, the car ride may not be a walk in the park, but it will be much more pleasant. Grab a hydration pack and get inspired.

Driving with a child: basic safety information

Safety first, that always applies in the car; and if a child is along for the ride, all the more so. Therefore, it is best not to pack anything that could distract the driver. These include things that make noise or that your child might use to tickle your neck or otherwise distract you from driving.

Make sure that all the things you pack for your children have a fixed place: in a car box or a backseat organizer, for example. The positive side effect: with these practical helpers, everything your child needs is safely stowed and within reach at the same time. This way it will not get the idea to unbuckle while driving. Especially in summer, you should also think about sun protection that protects against sunstroke, sunburn and hay fever.

small, medium or large – age and occupation must be compatible

Children have an age-appropriate need for occupation and with a child, it is easier to pack the car seat correctly. But can you remember car rides where you sat in the back seat with two younger siblings?? Situations like this call for a few basic questions:

  • The children like to play together?
  • Everyone needs his rest?
  • Maybe only one of them needs rest?

Depending on the luggage for the car trip should consist of different things. Especially if the siblings get along well and like to spend time together, for example playing games, you should take advantage of that. then the little ones don’t even notice how long the car ride takes and the number of "when are we finally going to get there" questions drops rapidly.

Activities for the little ones

Car journeys with small children are the most relaxing journeys when you have the freedom to plan them. It’s best to drive off while your little darling is asleep. If this is not possible, make sure you have company in the back seat. The baby suffers from loneliness alone in the back seat and has not yet learned to keep himself occupied. it needs the proximity of a familiar person, in order not to have fear in the unaccustomed environment "car. If the car journey does take longer, here are some tips for preparing a bottle on the way.

With lively crawling children you should plan a few more breaks. it is best to find out in advance where rest stops are located along your route. There is usually a children’s playground. The journey may take an hour longer, but it is much more relaxed. Not only for the baby but also for you. Because sitting in the car for hours on end also exerts your body. from this stage on, the luggage should of course include something to eat and drink.

Back in the back seat of the car is a classic: painting together or browsing through picture books. Or just look out of the window together, because along the way there are always exciting things happening: you can see trees, bushes, hills, clouds, bridges and much more. Everything, but really everything, that happens in the vicinity of the car is usually interesting for your child. And if you ever get caught in a traffic jam? Fortunately, cars come in so many different colors!

Drawing, doodling and guessing: how kindergarten children survive a long car ride

Even at kindergarten age, a selection of different pens naturally belongs in the backseat organizer. It’s best to use round, thick pens that have a non-breakable mine.

Tip: because a pen like this (and everything else, too) tends to fall off, make sure that nothing can slide under the driver’s seat to the pedals by using a lock. Don’t let the brake jam because a creepy-crawly animal or matchbox car is blocking the pedal.

on vacation trips you can organize a little quiz, that always goes down well and is not difficult at all. You can ask, for example, how thank you and please are called in the language of your destination country, gradually asking other things your child might know, for example, about the flag or what to eat there.

At kindergarten age, an audio game is of course also part of the travel equipment, because it is so good to fall asleep in the car. Your child’s favorite cuddly toy should not be missing in the car, nor should something to eat and drink. Remember the car rides when you were a child (and pack a drink for yourself too).

On a long trip with older children

As children get older, their interests become more diverse. Fortunately, they also know what they want and should therefore decide for themselves what goes into the car box. But a few standards should be part of it: these are of course books and travel games, music and nowadays also a tablet that can be attached to the front seat in no time at all and thus turns the back seat into a cinema. Making the car ride a special experience.

Two games that always go in the car

This article cannot end without mentioning the great classics of any car trip with children: i see what you don’t see and word chain. In the latter, you choose a category, such as animals, and one starts with monkey, then it’s the next person’s turn and they have to find an animal that starts with the letter E, and so on.

It may sound simple, but it makes the car ride fly by. Your child will arrive stress-free at the grandparents’ house or on vacation – just as relaxed as you were when you reached the end of our guide.

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Christina Cherry
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