Holiday with several dogs, apartments with two wuffis

Going on vacation with several dogs can be fun. Especially if you are looking for a holiday home with two or even three dogs. It doesn’t work by far, but there are accommodations like this: whether in Germany near the Baltic Sea or the North Sea, in Holland, Denmark, Austria, Italy, France, Croatia or in other European countries.

Here you will find for your next vacation Apartments and holiday homes in which two and sometimes more dogs are allowed. Also interesting for owners of several dogs: Fenced plots and special equipment can also be used "Other features" be found specifically.

You can easily narrow down the search criteria by clicking on vacation rentals in the "more than a pet" can be taken. In this regard, please pay attention to the information in the respective detailed description of the rental property.

How many dogs are allowed is shown. Please indicate the number of pets in your booking order. The landlord wants to make certain that his accommodation is suitable for you and your pet. There may be a surcharge for taking it with you your Pet will be charged.

Questions before booking the holiday home for "More dog owners"?

Any questions in advance? Would you like to take more dogs with you than the landlord specified? You can ask questions about this and other topics before booking.

You can find a contact option for everything to do with booking in the detailed description of each holiday home on the right above the occupancy calendar ("Question to customer service"). In addition to answers to common questions, you will also find a contact form there. You can use this to send a request to customer service regarding the specific rental property.

about "Other features" in the search you can select holiday homes and apartments with "Enclosed land choose. The plots can e.g. be surrounded or fenced with a hedge or wall. This includes both individual houses with a fenced garden, and e.g. Community facilities, the entire plot of which is fenced.

More than the North Sea and the Baltic Sea? Selection in Germany, Denmark, Italy, Austria etc.

In the off-season there are free accommodations for holidaymakers who travel with several dogs in almost all holiday regions. In the high season, however, early booking is recommended for many particularly popular regions and dates. This applies especially to holiday apartments and holiday homes close to the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and close to the lakes or coasts of Italy and France.

In Germany and Denmark there are a particularly large number of holiday apartments and holiday homes where holidaymakers with two dogs are welcome. In the popular German holiday regions, Lower Saxony (also off the North Sea coast), the German Baltic Sea regions and the Mecklenburg Lake District are particularly striking. In other parts of Germany there are also suitable accommodations in many places, e.g. in larger numbers in the Eifel and Bavaria.

In Austria you will also find a relatively high proportion of accommodation in the holiday directory, where not only one dog but several pets are allowed. In Italy the total number of such vacation rentals is even greater. However, the selection for the high season and especially at coastal destinations is limited. This often looks better in rural areas.

Based on the variety of accommodations in Holland, France or Croatia, that allow a dog, the choice for vacationers with at least two dogs is relatively limited here. But if you expand the radius of your holiday region, you can still find suitable offers there. That applies Naturally also for many other holiday countries in Europe. Try it out.


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Christina Cherry
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