Homeopathy for children – application tips & tips

Children are still largely unaffected by harmful influences. This is precisely why many parents want treatment beyond conventional medicine. They fear side effects and want their children to be treated gently.

Mild acute illnesses can be dealt with by parents themselves with homeopathic remedies to treat. This guide is intended to provide guidelines for self-treatment. However, it is very important to me that parents always keep an eye on the child’s well-being and, in case of doubt, seek the support of a homeopathic therapist and coordinate self-treatment with the treating pediatrician.

Why parents choose homeopathic remedies

Especially in children, one wants to avoid side effects and expose the child’s organism as little as possible to conventional medicine with its side effects.

That is why many parents trust the gentle homeopathic treatment, which – when used correctly – is free of side effects and relieves the symptoms quickly and effectively.


Go to the doctor with your child:

  • When your baby is feverish.
  • Diarrhea / vomiting in the infant.
  • If the symptoms worsen or persist under self-treatment.
  • With children under 2 years old, you should always go to the doctor.

If you are unsure about which remedy to give or how you should assess the course of the disease, then you should go to your doctor or alternative practitioner with your child. The treatment of chronic diseases should be carried out by an experienced doctor or alternative practitioner.

Intake and dosage

Homeopathic remedies are supposed to give the body a signal (information) to stimulate the self-healing powers. In children, a homeopathic remedy consists of 3 beads / globules. These are placed under the tongue or in the cheek pocket and slowly dissolve there. Since they are absorbed through the oral mucosa, nothing should be eaten or drunk 15 minutes before and after ingestion.

If the symptoms have resolved, the selected remedy will not be continued.

If symptoms other than the original appear, the choice of remedy should be reconsidered.

Homeopathic remedies should never be taken regularly over a long period of time, otherwise there is a risk that your child will retain the symptoms that the remedy should actually work against.

More information about taking and dosage


The potencies D6 and D12 have been established for self-treatment. A homeopathic remedy in potency D6 is taken up to three times a day and a remedy in potency D12 is taken up to twice a day.


dilution ratio


If the general condition of the children is very poor, the homeopathic remedy can be dissolved in a glass of water after the first dry dose. One teaspoon of this mixture can be taken at short intervals as required. The solution must be stirred vigorously before each intake. If there is an improvement, the taking intervals increase.

Note on the choice of means: Not all symptoms of a remedy need to apply to your child. Select the remedy that most closely matches your child’s symptoms.

This helps with newborns and infants


The most important means of toothing:

Arsenicum album

Your child is pale, weak and irritable. It wants to be carried around quickly. The teeth may be accompanied by fever. Your child is restless and anxious. It shivers. Warmth relieves the symptoms.


Your child has a fever, which develops quickly. The head is crimson and the pupils are dilated. The face is hot and dry, but the hands and feet are cold. The gums are painfully swollen and crimson where the tooth breaks through. Your child is worst in the afternoon and at night after midnight. It is extremely sensitive to smells, noises, music and light. Her child may have preferred to have his head raised. He’s worse lying down.

Calcium carbonicum

The teeth are late. Your child suffers from coughing or diarrhea while teething. It sweats a lot, especially on the head. The diarrhea and sweat smell sour. Your child may have to vomit. The vomit smells sour. Rashes can also appear during teething. Your child is worst in the morning and in damp, cold weather.

Calcium phosphoricum

The teeth are late. The teeth are difficult. Your child wails and is dissatisfied and can not yourself deal with something longer. Warmth is good for your child now.


Your child is moody, irritable, and angry. It asks for something (for example, a toy or drink), but then no longer wants it when you give it to it. It may not be addressed. It wants to be carried around. One cheek is red, the other cheek pale. The gums are red and swollen and tend to bleed. Bad smelling, painful, greenish diarrhea is possible. Your child doesn’t like warmth. In the evening and before midnight, the symptoms are worse.


During teething, the children have great sleep problems. They are awake in the evening and cannot sleep.

Ferrum phosphoricum

The children have a fever, but their general condition is not affected any further.

Magnesium phosphoricum (magnesium phosphate)

During the teething process, your child suffers from abdominal cramps. The complaints occur mainly at night. The teeth are not accompanied by fever. The pain gets worse when you eat and drink, especially when you drink cold drinks. Warmth relieves the symptoms. The pain comes and goes suddenly. Your child wants to be well covered and doesn’t like to be touched.

Infant colic

The most important remedies for three-month colic:


Your child is angry and in a bad mood. The skin is moist and warm, especially on the face. One cheek is red, the other pale. The baby rolls restlessly or bends backwards. Your child wants to be carried around. It doesn’t want to be touched on the stomach. The belly is distended.


Your child suffers from severe pain, especially in the navel area. Improvement by bending forward or curving up or by pressure on the abdomen. Your child is angry, angry, restless. After the flatulence has passed, her child is not feeling any better.


Her child’s stomach is bloated. There is a loud gurgling. The baby cries all day. The worst is between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. It sleeps at night. In the morning after waking up, it is irritable, moody and grumpy. Particularly indicated when the nursing mother has eaten gas (cabbage, legumes, onions).

Magnesium phosphoricum

Improve pressure and crumpling, like Colocynthis. Magnesium phosphoricum is indicated when Colocynthis does not help and when there is improvement from hot applications. The pain comes and goes suddenly. Your child screams in pain. It may not be exposed. Also, it doesn’t like touching the stomach.

This helps with colds


The main remedies for fever:


The symptoms are triggered by dry cold and cold wind. Sudden onset with rapid increase in fever and chills. The fever rises very high. Your child is restless and anxious. It bounces back and forth in bed. Her child’s face is red; when she sits up, her face turns pale. The skin is dry and hot, your child does not sweat. In the early stages of a cold, aconite is often indicated. If the child starts to sweat, aconite should no longer be given. There is great thirst for cold water. Your child is worse at night, in a warm room and due to cold, dry winds. Your child will get better in the fresh air.


Your child has a fever and is severely weakened. It is very thirsty but only wants to drink small sips. The temperature is highest between midnight and three in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Your child is restless and anxious, it wants to be carried around quickly. Or it might want to lie in this bed, sometimes in that one. It may not be viewed. It shivers badly. Warmth (warm envelopes, hot drinks) improves the well-being of your child.


The fever appears suddenly and is very high. Especially in wet and cold weather or when your child has been exposed to drafts in a sweaty state. The skin is hot and moist. The head is hot while the hands and feet are cold. The face is bright red and the pupils are dilated. Your child’s discomfort is exacerbated by light, noise, movement, and vibration. Calmness and warmth improve the symptoms.

Comparison of Aconitum and Belladonna




dry cold and cold wind

damp and cold weather and cooling after sweating


Chills and high fever

high fever without chills


restless and anxious

restless, gets angry quickly


red, turns pale when you sit up


dilated pupils and red, shiny eyes


dry and hot

hot and sweaty


hot hands and cold feet

hot head and ice-cold hands and feet


great thirst for cold water


at night in a warm room due to cold, dry wind

Light noise movement vibration


Ferrum phosphoricum

The fever does not come suddenly, as with Aconitum or Belladonna, but begins slowly. Your child will catch a cold, especially in cold, dry winds. The face is alternately pale and red, the hands are sweaty. Your child may have nosebleeds. The symptoms worsen through touch, heat and movement. Cooling in any form brings relief to your child. If your child is feverish but t is playing and then Ferrum phosphoricum is indicated.


Your child is weak and apathetic and feels like she is battered. The eyelids are heavy and close. Your child is dizzy. It shivers and is shaky. As soon as it starts to sweat, it feels better immediately. Your child wants to be alone and not want to talk. Fever develops before exciting things like an upcoming trip but also after a fright or situations in which it has been frightened. The lack of thirst is typical for Gelsemium fever.

Nux vomica

Your child is averse to cold or cold air. It shivers at the slightest movement and gets a fever as soon as it is revealed. Your child wants to be covered at all stages of fever. The whole body is hot. The face is red and hot. Nevertheless, it shivers as soon as only one hand or foot is not covered. Your child is hypersensitive to noise, smells, light and music.


Your child shivers during the fever and is also not thirsty. He is worst in the warm room. Therefore, your child wants to get some fresh air, but then they want to be wrapped up warm. Alternating, contradictory complaints are typical of Pulsatilla: your child is fine for one hour, the next one feels extremely miserable. No fever shower is like any other. Your child is tearful and needs attention. It is wide awake in the evening and does not want to go to bed. When it finally falls asleep, sleep is only light. It is only when it is time to wake up that you sleep soundly and then wake up weak and restless.


The most important remedies for colds:


The nose is blocked when lying down. Your nose runs in the fresh air. The nasal secretion is thick, mild and yellowish green. The lips are cracked open. Your child is tearful and needs a lot of care and comfort. It does not feel thirsty. Your child is better off in the fresh air. But cold drinks and cold food, as well as cold applications, alleviate your child’s symptoms.


The first signs of a cold, such as violent freezing and sneezing, appear on a cold day with dry air. Your child is anxious, restless and thirsty. The skin is hot and dry. The face is red and turns pale when raised. Your child has a great desire for fresh air. The runny nose gets worse in the evening and at night in the warm room.

Allium cepa

Her child’s nose is running strong. The nasal secretion is watery and sore. It burns and burns on the upper lip and nose. The eyes water very badly. But the tears are very mild. Your child is sleepy. The complaints are worse in the evening and in the warm room. As soon as your child gets some fresh air, he is better.


The nasal secretion is thin and watery and makes the edges of the nose and the upper lip sore. Every time the weather changes, the child gets a cold. The nose itches, but the itching does not stop even after sneezing. The nose remains blocked even after sneezing. Your child is sensitive to the cold and does not feel comfortable in the fresh air. He is usually cold and wants to be covered. If he is really warm, he is better. It is restless, fearful and may not be looked at. Your child is thirsty.


The disease suddenly appears out of the blue. The nose feels hot and burning and is red. Your child feels pressure in the head while the nose is blocked. The head is crimson, the pupils are dilated. The stuffy nose worsens when lying down.


Her child’s eyes water very badly. The tears are acrid and sore. The nose runs very hard. However, the nasal secretion is very mild. The nose runs very hard, especially in the morning. As soon as your child gets some fresh air, he is better.

Hepar sulfuris

Especially in dry, cold weather, the child has sneezing fits as soon as it gets into the cold air. The nasal secretion is watery at the beginning, then it becomes thicker and yellow. The cold becomes noticeable with scratching in the throat. Your child is grumpy, angry and irritable. It demands warmth and wants to be wrapped up thick.

Potassium bichromicum

The nose is blocked. Your child feels strong pressure on the root of the nose. The nasal secretion is yellow-green, tough, foul-smelling and stringy. Pressure and headache over the eyebrows in a small area are typical. Your child doesn’t want to see anyone.

Mercurius solubilis

Your child sweats a lot, especially at night. The sweat often smells bad. The nose runs strong and is red and sore. The nasal secretion smells of old cheese. The eyes can also be affected. The cheeks are red and swollen. There is heavy salivation.

to cough

The main remedies for cough:


At first the cough is dry. There may be a whistling sound during exhalation later. The throat burns with dryness and is constricted. Your child touches his neck when he coughs. It is very thirsty for large amounts of cold water. It is fearful and restless. Often cold, dry air or cold wind cause the cough. The cough is worst in the evening and at night.


The cough is crampy and dry. The face is red and hot. Your child has a bursting headache. The throat is very inflamed and burns. The cough comes in damp, cold weather. Your child is restless. If he lies down, he is worse.


Hard, dry cough, which is very painful for your child and with which little phlegm is coughed up. Stinging chest pain, your child sighs and tries to breathe deeply. But that worsens the pain. Exercise increases the cough, rest improves the well-being. Pressure on the chest improves. Your child holds his chest when coughing. It is very thirsty for cold water because all mucous membranes are very dry. Your child has a severe headache. It’s grumpy, repellent, irritable, wants to be left alone. Your child does not want to be carried or lifted up. Food and drink worsened. Overall, the child is better off at night than during the day.


Your child has nighttime coughing fits. It wakes up between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. and does not stop coughing until a large amount of viscous mucus has appeared. In addition to the coughing spells, your child may have nosebleeds. The cough can also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Drosera is indicated when her child has a constant, nighttime tickling cough as soon as her child’s head touches the pillow.

Ferrum phosphoricum

The cough does not come suddenly and is not very strong, but develops slowly. Especially in cold, dry wind. The cough gets worse from cold air, early in the morning and after eating. It is dry and choppy. Your child has the feeling of tickling in the throat, so he coughs constantly. This cough is very painful. When inhaled and while coughing, your child complains of a sharp pain. It has little appetite, doesn’t like milk and meat, but rather acidic foods. The cough is accompanied by hoarseness. A slight fever can also develop. Your child’s face is pale with suddenly frantic cheeks.

Hepar sulfuris

Your child’s neck is very sensitive to cold and drafts. It catches a cold as soon as it is outside in the fresh air. Especially in dry and cold weather. Your child wants to be wrapped up warm up to the face, even in warm weather. It can’t stand being uncovered or being uncovered in bed. As soon as any part of the body is exposed, it begins to cough. The cough is barking, choking, suffocating and exacerbated by cold air. The cough is accompanied by hoarseness and mucus rattling. But your child is too weak to cough up the phlegm. It feels like a splinter or herringbone in the throat. The cough is worst after midnight or towards morning.


Every time you inhale, there is a violent cough. Audible rattling over the chest when coughing and inhaling. However, the mucus cannot be coughed up. Nausea, vomiting and even shortness of breath can occur. Your child is pale and has cold sweat on his forehead. When moving, the cough gets worse. Your child is better off in the fresh air.


Dry cough in the evening and at night, the mucus loosens in the morning. The cough is worse when lying down and in a warm room. Your child is not thirsty and asks for fresh air and a cool room, then the cough will improve. Your child is tearful and demands attention.

Sore throat

The main remedies for sore throats:


The sore throat is triggered by dry, cold weather. The sore throat comes suddenly. The inside of the neck is inflamed red and feels dry. Your child is very thirsty for cold water, but swallowing is painful. The fever climbs very high. The skin is dry and hot. Your child is restless and anxious.


Stinging, burning pain when swallowing. The neck is swollen inside and out. Your child cannot tolerate warmth and no touch on the neck. The sore throat is after that Sleep worse, but better after coughing. Your child has a desire for cool, fresh air. Cold drinks are good, but the child is hardly thirsty. It is apathetic and absent.


Burning sore throat. The pain gets better from eating and drinking warm, worse from the cold. The pain is worse on the right side. Your child is very thirsty for water, but then only drinks small sips. It is restless and fearful.


The throat suddenly feels hot and dry. The eyes and face are red. The head is hot, the hands and feet are cold. Your child has a desire to swallow, which is very painful. The neck feels like it’s tied up. This feeling increases when eating and drinking.

Hepar sulfuris

Feeling of a foreign body (fish bone, splinters) in the throat. The stitches can radiate up to the ear. Your child cannot bear touch on the neck. It wants to be wrapped up warm because it freezes quickly. Even if a hand is not covered in bed, it starts to shiver even in warm weather. Your child is very sensitive to cold air and drafts. It immediately notices when a door is opened in the next room. Your child is quickly upset and offended.


Paradoxically, the sore throat gets better from swallowing food or drink, but worse from swallowing it empty. Your child tends to take a deep breath and sigh often. The complaints are often triggered by grief and suppressed feelings.


Your child cannot tolerate hot drinks. Nothing should restrict around the neck. The symptoms are more severe on the left side, or they move from left to right during the illness. The throat feels constricted or as if a piece of bread is stuck in the throat, so the child has to swallow constantly. Your child is particularly bad in the morning when he wakes up or generally after sleeping. Oddly enough, liquids are more painful to swallow than solid foods.

Mercurius solubilis

Your child smells bad from the mouth and has the constant urge to swallow. It sweats very heavily at night and has a strong saliva foot so that the pillow is really wet in the morning. With every cold, the child has a sore throat, which is worst at night and when swallowing. Your child is very thirsty. The tongue is coated in yellow.


The complaint is triggered by damp weather. Your child has to swallow constantly, because it feels as if mucus is constantly accumulating in the throat. It feels like there is a lump in the throat, which means that the child has the constant urge to swallow. When swallowing, your child has a sharp pain that extends from the neck to the ears. There is also a feeling of dryness and burning in the throat. Improve cold drinks. Hot drinks cannot be drunk at all.


The main remedies for earache:


Cold wind triggers the stinging or throbbing earache. They come all of a sudden and are worst at night. The ear is red, hot and swollen. Your child is very thirsty for large amounts of cold drinks. It is fearful and restless.


The earache appears suddenly. They come and go in waves. The ear feels hot, is red and very sensitive to touch. Her child’s face is also red. Your child is very sensitive to noise. The earache gets worse when lying down, so the child would rather sit or stand.


Your child is very irritable, does not like to be touched and quickly becomes angry. It screams a lot. Carrying around helps with young children. A cheek is pale and cold, a cheek red and hot.

Ferrum phosphoricum

The earache is stabbing and starts slowly. Ferrum phosphoricum is indicated in the early stages of ear infection. Your child is tearful and often touches the ears.

Hepar sulfuris

Cold aggravates the earache. A cold draft is enough. Your child wants to be wrapped up nice and warm, especially on the head. As soon as it is uncovered, even if it is only a hand or a foot, the earache gets worse. The ear is very sensitive to touch. Your child is irritable and quickly becomes angry.


Your child is irritable, tearful, clingy and needs attention. The earache develops slowly, probably only after a few days as part of a cold. The earache is worst at night and in a warm room. Your child cannot tolerate warm applications and is not thirsty. A thick, yellow-green discharge can flow from the ears.

This helps with gastrointestinal complaints

stomach pain

The main remedies for abdominal pain:


Your child is irritable and annoying. It can only be reassured if it is carried around. It screams a lot, is angry and repellent. It constantly demands something that it doesn’t want to have. It suffers from very severe pain. One cheek is red and hot, the other pale and cold.


Your child will bend over in pain, pull his legs up to his stomach, press a pillow in his stomach, or roll around in bed or on the floor in pain. It screams a lot. The pain is worst after eating or drinking. A hot water bottle helps.

Magnesium phosphoricum

The pain comes suddenly, but is not very severe. A warming pillow and light pressure on the abdomen help. Your child tends to curl up, but may like to be lightly massaged or rubbed with oil. A warm drink also improves the symptoms. As suddenly as the pain occurred, it suddenly disappears.

Nux vomica

Nux vomica is indicated for a tainted stomach or after "overeating". The pain is cramping and is typically greatest a few hours after eating and also in the morning. Your child needs to loosen the clothes around his stomach. It is irritable and nervous. It gets sleepy after eating. Your child does not like to move and does not want to be touched. It is hypersensitive to noises, smells, light and music.

Lycopodium clavatum

Her child’s stomach is bloated. There is a loud gurgling. Belching does not improve the symptoms. The worst is between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Your child will be reluctant to eat until they try it. Then it gets cravings. But the more it eats, the hungrier it gets. Your child has a strong craving for sweets. The pain is often on the right side or moving from right to left.

Indigestion (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)

The main remedies for indigestion:

Arsenicum album

The most important remedy for complaints after eating spoiled food. But it is also indicated if symptoms appear after too much cold (ice or drinks), after too much fruit or unripe fruit or after fear. Your child suffers from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and burning stomach pain and cramps in the stomach. Your child feels weak, but is also restless. The face is pale, the child is cold and thirsty. The child usually only drinks very small sips, but often. It can happen that the liquid is vomited again immediately. The complaints occur mainly at night. A hot water bottle and also warm drinks improve the symptoms.

Antimonium crudum

The symptoms appear after overeating, cold bathing and the consumption of cold drinks. Overall, your child quickly suffers from indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea weakens your child very much. The tongue is thick and white. The child is disgusted with food during the discomfort, although he usually has a good appetite. Your child may not be looked at or touched. When warm, your child feels weaker and wants to lie down most. Excessive heat or a cold bath to cool down can then cause an upset stomach. In general, your child is sensitive, irritable, and grumpy.


Your child suffers from stinging stomach or abdominal pain and diarrhea. The diarrhea is sharp and sore. It smells like old cheese. With the slightest movement, the pain gets worse. Your child is very sensitive to rapid temperature changes from warm to cold. For example, it gets abdominal pain when it drinks something cold on hot days. Your child then likes to lie on his stomach because the pain relieves the pain. The mouth is very dry, the child is very thirsty for large amounts of cold water in large sips. Your child is grumpy and unwelcoming. The complaints can also be caused by anger. If your child is doing badly, he doesn’t want to speak to anyone, he withdraws. Her child is relieved by belching.

Carbo vegetabilis

Your child will experience discomfort after eating fat, pork, and spoiled food or drinks. The belly is bloated after eating. This can cause cramping or pulling pain. After the regurgitation, the pain gets a little better. Your child suffers from frequent, involuntary, malodorous diarrhea with subsequent burning. The child is pale, cold-sweaty, exhausted and has a great desire for fresh air. It also wants to loosen the clothes on the stomach. Your child doesn’t like milk, but loves salty, sour, and sweet things. Her child’s face is cold and damp. Your child will find it pleasant if you fan cold air to him.


The complaints appear mainly after excitement and grief. Your child suffers from abdominal pain, belching, hiccups, nausea and vomiting. Despite these complaints, it tolerates food that is difficult to digest, and one shouldn’t want to offer him these complaints. Easily digestible, but can cause complaints. Overall, the appetite is very changeable. Often your child is hungry, but cannot tell what his appetite is. The child is very sensitive and quickly hurt mentally. It sighs often. The child is very contradictory in his feelings and behavior, so that they often do not know what they are up to with their child. Your child also suffers from this imbalance, which causes him to be hit on the stomach quickly.


Your child suffers from persistent nausea with drooling. The symptoms occur when your child has eaten something intolerable or mixed up many things, such as on a child’s birthday. Your child suffers from cutting pain with flatulence. The chair is grass green and slimy. The tongue is smooth and not covered. The child is still sick after vomiting. Nausea is exacerbated by the smell of food or the sight of food.

Nux vomica

Your child’s discomfort is caused by overeating or incompatible foods and begins two to three hours after eating. Your child suffers from nausea, vomiting, heartburn and constipation. But nothing brings him relief. Even after vomiting, he is still sick and although he has a urge to stool, nothing comes. Your child is annoyed, angry and irritable. It is hungry, but the appetite is lacking. If it eats anything at all, it is spicy, spicy. Your child is worst in the morning. It wakes up with a bad taste in the mouth and may have to vomit in the morning. You have a very sensitive child who quickly gets hit on the stomach.


The complaints are caused by cold drinks, ice cream, cream cake, fat (baked or meat), overeating or if you eat too late in the evening. The child is nagging, whining, tearful and demands a lot of attention. Your child suffers from nausea, vomiting and especially at night from watery, green-yellow diarrhea. There is a great desire for fresh air. Your child is not thirsty at all.


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Christina Cherry
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