Panic in front of the dentist - with these remedies - you can overcome your fear

Panic in front of the dentist – With these tools you can overcome your fear

Everyone knows fear of treatment at the dentist. Most people go to the dentist with a bad feeling in their stomach. For some patients, however, the uncomfortable feeling is not enough, they already have panic attacks when they are asked to sit on a dentist’s chair, which are accompanied by sweating, severe cramping and other unpleasant body symptoms.

For many people, the fear of the dentist goes so far that they do not see the doctor even when they are in pain. There is no longer a reason for this, because the possibilities of dentists have improved significantly in recent years. The anesthetic can be tailored so well to the patient that there is no longer any reason for fear.

Christina Cherry

What to do if tooth decay appeared on the front teeth?

For most people, a beautiful smile is not only an indicator of good dental health and general health, but also an important element for career, success and good dating. The appearance of caries on the front teeth can not only spoil future plans, but can also cause serious problems in the dental system with a number of possible complications (which many don’t even realize until they come over themselves).

When enlarging and deepening the caries cavity on the front tooth or between them, part of the enamel or even the entire coronal part of the tooth often breaks off, caries complications with severe pain (pulpitis, periodontitis), tooth disorder (shift in relation to the natural arrangement), diction disorder (Lisping )) and serious violations of aesthetics. There are often cases of mental disorders in the case of multiple caries of the front teeth when the problem is very painful, constant for a person and takes up a significant part of his free time and thoughts.

Christina Cherry

Large hole in the front tooth - what does the dentist do? (Teeth, incisor)

Large hole in the front tooth – what the dentist does?

Hey, I have a problem. Have had a hole in one of the two front teeth in the upper jaw for a long time. The hole is pretty big, maybe 1 centimeter in diameter. I don’t know if you can call it a ‘hole’ but in any case the tooth in front is damaged, with a deeper level inside. I finally took my courage together and got an appointment with the dentist before it got worse. Still have animal fear and would like to know if you have any experience with this. What does the dentist do in such a situation? Is that still possible with a filling? If so, does it hurt? I also read that the tooth may have to be extracted, that would be my biggest nightmare. Thanks in advance for the answers.

Christina Cherry
The syringe in front of the drill - dentist hamburg, thomas lewandowski

The syringe in front of the drill

Many have already learned how terribly bad a toothache can be >
When the time comes, you can be sure that the cause of this pain is most likely caries, which has gradually eaten through the enamel and the dentin, so that the nerve tissue of the tooth reacts violently to this attack. – A visit to the dentist is essential if the tooth is still to be saved.
Anyone who has had to go through this knows that drilling is inevitable for this purpose, because the damaged tooth substance must be removed completely before the tooth can be treated further. Regardless of whether a filling is sufficient or a root canal treatment with subsequent crowning of the tooth should be carried out. This is the only way to ensure that the caries does not cause further damage on the spot. Strictly speaking, drilling is therefore a further damage to the tooth and, depending on how far the caries has progressed, the procedure can become extremely painful if, for example, enough tooth substance has to be removed to expose the pulp.

Christina Cherry