Toothache when chewing

Toothache when chewing


Toothache is one of them most uncomfortable pain, that can make everyday life very difficult. They usually appear suddenly and you cannot get rid of them so quickly.

With a delicious meal, physical activity or especially in quiet situations, the pain penetrates more and more into our consciousness. But especially when eating a toothache turn every good meal into an ordeal.

Act while chewing personnel In the range of 30 Newtons (approx. 3000g), the maximum chewing power is much higher. Our teeth have to resist these forces every day, which can sometimes lead to toothache if something is wrong with our chewing system. The causes behind such pain extend to a wide range of possibilities.

Kausch Merzen

Since the symptoms of the pain are due to many causes, a thorough examination of the dentist is required to find a solution. Pain is one warning from our body that something is wrong and needs treatment. If you ignore them, they usually only get worse until you can no longer stand it.

Find out more about the topic: What to do if you have a toothache?

Painkillers are usually only suitable if you want to bridge the pain phase for a short time or a treatment has already taken place, the healing of which is associated with pain. she don’t fight the cause. In the early stages, tooth pain is usually not noticeable, is only slightly or barely noticeable. However, as time progresses, it can increase and put more strain on the body from day to day. The feeling of pain differs from person to person.

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The toothache can be in its noticeable phase permanent or just in phases occur. Easy dull, pulsing up to a strong painful pull, all variations are possible. Cold or warmth, which is also important when chewing, since you may either be eating ice cream or a warm soup, can intensify the pain, as well as hard and solid food, which requires a greater degree of chewing power and thus also a larger one Apply force to the dental apparatus.

The pain is usually not limited to the affected area, but continues to radiate, so that headaches or cervical vertebral complaints can also be attributed to causes in the mouth. Sometimes there is one thickness, swollen cheek and a difficult mouth opening.

Read more about: Thick cheek


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The most common cause of chewing pain is due to a damaged tooth. This is mostly attacked by caries, which continues to fight its way through the healthy tooth structure and moves towards the tooth pulp. Caries are bacteria that arise from plaque and process sugar. The end products of this processing process are organic acids that demineralize the tooth, i.e. break down the hard tooth substance. This creates a hole. This usually causes pain even when there is no chewing load, if the caries is already advanced.

Read more about: Caries

at Kaukraftbelastung But even a "normal" caries can cause pain, because food components press on the affected area. Particularly sweet and acid Food, such as gummy bears, causes toothache. If the stress subsides, the pain is no longer present. Caries causes are primarily in the lack of oral hygiene, whereby the plaque is not completely or partially removed and thus the bacteria optimal breeding ground is offered.

But also one poor diet, through many sugary and acidic foods, or a possible one genetic predisposition, promote caries development. If the first symptoms go unnoticed, the caries progresses and also affects other areas of the chewing system. The other stages can also be considered as the cause of toothache when chewing.


If you have pulpitis (Tooth nerve inflammation) or if the tooth nerve is already dying or dead, pain can occur when chewing. The decisive factor is not only whether food is available, but also how solid it is and whether it is warm or cold. The pain of pulpitis is much worse with cold food than with warm food.

Find out more about the topic: pulpitis

pulp necrosis

However, if the tooth root has died, there may also be no pain, since the tooth root contains the important nerve fibers, which then no longer allow transmission. The bacteria can progress so far that the tooth holding apparatus can be affected, so that at the end of the Loosened tooth is, or must be pulled. Accordingly, if pain occurs while chewing, a check-up at the dentist is advisable in order to diagnose the tooth decay as early as possible.

Read more about: pulp necrosis

Toothache after a filling

In addition to the cause of tooth decay, a tooth that has already been filled with teeth can also trigger toothache. The pain is in this case rather pulling, especially present with hard food and subsided after a certain time. This sensitivity is due to the fact that the tooth nerve was severely irritated due to the treatment and requires a certain regeneration time. However, these symptoms should subside, otherwise the filling material may not be correctly connected to the tooth, which means that the filling acts like a spring when chewing and must be replaced.

You can find more information on the topic at: Toothache after filling

Toothache after root canal treatment

Even after a root canal treatment, there may still be pain in the neighboring teeth. Starting from this position, toothache when chewing after a visit to the dentist is not uncommon because the tooth is irritated and needs to come to rest. When a tooth is drilled, heat, pressure and high forces are exerted on the tooth nerve, which has to recover from this irritation.

Toothache under a crown / bridge

Toothache when chewing can also occur under a crown or bridge. If it is a newly inserted crown, then it is likely that the TMJ will have to get used to the tooth position again. If symptoms persist, a new bite check (occlusion) with a possible grinding back of the crown is necessary. Caries or inflammation of the pulp (pulpitis) can also be used to trigger toothache under a crown.

Dentition deformities

Another possible cause of toothache when chewing is when the teeth are not properly matched and do not mesh optimally when chewing. This Pain usually radiates far and can even affect the temporomandibular joint, as it can ignite and cause pain with any movement of the mouth if there is permanent incorrect loading. A too high filling or a tooth crown can prevent the correct bite. This is particularly possible with larger interventions, such as a bridge, an implant or a full denture. But even in this case, you have to wait a while, because you have to adapt physically and psychologically to the new, unusual situation in your mouth.
However, if you continue to experience chewing discomfort after a long period of time, you should check the dentist again. The dentist can replace the filling or correct the new denture until it has found the right seat and the normal bite is ensured, so that the toothache when chewing subsides.


A common problem nowadays is bruxism. This is an unconscious clenching and grinding of your teeth, mostly at night. This will make the Teeth exposed to high forces and the temporomandibular joint is also affected, so that the persistent incorrect loading, Pain when chewing may occur. A permanently badly loaded tooth can die because the tooth nerve is damaged by the strong pressure.

Read more on the topic at: bruxism


In addition to the causes mentioned, “sinusitis” (Sinusitis), too Pain in the teeth and therefore also lead when chewing. The paranasal sinuses include the maxillary sinuses, the frontal sinuses, the ethmoid cells and the sphenoid sinus. The disease is usually accompanied by fever, headache and general depression. Viruses, bacteria or allergies are the most common triggers.

Is the Maxillary sinus inflamed, this pain stimulus continues to the teeth. Especially when chewing, the pain is intensified due to the pressure sensitivity in the upper jaw. The proximity of the root of the molars to the maxillary sinus is also important for this interplay of pain.

Read more about: sinusitis

Accompanying symptoms

Noticeable symptoms of chewing pain are one Crunching or cracking in the temporomandibular joint. The joint may be overworked or irritated. If the joint disc is already worn, the bones rub against each other, which leads to a stinging pain and a radiating pain in the teeth. This accompanying symptom is often seen in patients with bruxism, That is, those who grind their teeth all the time and whose articular cartilage is already damaged. It can also Headache and migraines come and indirectly to anorexia. This is an inverse protection mechanism for the body to avoid the pain.

If the cause is too high a filling, another symptom is the lack of contact on other teeth. If the filling is too high, one speaks of an early contact. On the one hand, one tooth gets too much chewing force, on the other hand, the TMJ is steered into the wrong trajectory. The headache described above can also come from one sinusitis come. With sinusitis, the maxillary sinuses are also affected by the inflammation. On the one hand, the cold causes a feeling of pressure and a headache, since the caves are filled with too much nasal secretion and fluid. On the other hand, the nerves of the upper molars are squeezed by the weight of the liquid, especially when there is additional pressure from the other side when chewing.

Toothache after root canal treatment

Most of the time, there is already pain before the root canal treatment, which does not go away immediately after the treatment. In root canal treatment, the tooth nerves are torn off the large nerve at the root tip. This rupture needs to recover for a few days. Since each tooth is individual, you can never predict that the treatment will be a success. The root canals are partially curved in such a way that they cannot be completely cleared of bacteria. Germs can therefore remain in the tooth and continue to cause pain. The pain can also come from a filling that is too high or too wide, which is placed at the end of the treatment.

You might also be interested in: Pain during root canal treatment

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Toothache after a filling

Pain after a filling is not uncommon. On the one hand, an injection is given before the filling therapy so that you do not feel any pain. As soon as the anesthetic wears off, pain can occur again. The reason for this is that a large part of the destroyed tooth structure is removed, which actually serves as protection. Depending on how deep the filling goes and how far it extends to the nerve, the tooth pulp is irritated. Another reason is that the tooth is additionally irritated during the treatment by drilling and grinding and by the cold water. The most common reason is that the filling is too high, or a filling that was placed too close to the neighboring tooth. When chewing, the first contact comes on the filling. The entire chewing force is thus transferred to a single tooth and its ligaments.

Toothache only when eating hard food

There can be several reasons why one or more teeth hurt especially when chewing hard foods. If you speak of hard food, it is still "softer" than the hard tooth substance itself, otherwise the tooth would break. But if the tooth is weakened by caries, it gives way under pressure. Caries makes the tooth porous and hollow. If something hard presses on the occlusal surface, this pressure is transferred to the nerves via the softened enamel and the even softer dentin. The cause of the pain can also be on Periodontal ligaments lie. When chewing, the tooth is pressed into its tooth compartment. With hard food that doesn’t just give way, all the more so.

The fibers on which the teeth are hung are stretched. With inflammation of the gums and the remaining periodontium, this reacts to the heavy strain with pain. The pain can also arise in the temporomandibular joint. If the food is so hard that it cannot be easily chewed, the jaw joints are subjected to an uneven load. If you chew only on one side, the opposite joint is lifted from its hinges. The pain arises from the fact that the bones of the joint head and socket joint rub against each other. The pain comes from the temporomandibular joint and shines into individual teeth. Often the pain cannot be clearly localized.

Pain in the crown

When preparing a crown, the protective hard tooth substance, namely the Enamel removed. One speaks of one abrasive trauma if the tooth is not adequately cooled with water during treatment. However, it also happens Irritation because the cold water cools the tooth and nerve too much. When inserting the crown, for example a ceramic crown, the tooth is previously etched with a high-percentage hydrofluoric acid preparation. When chewing, the tooth also hurts if the crown is too high, So if it is not properly seated or if the tooth with the crown comes into contact with the opposite tooth too early. If the crown is too close to the neighboring tooth, they are pushed apart. Then the neighboring teeth usually hurt as soon as chewing pressure comes on the tooth with the crown.

Toothache for a cold

If you have a cold, the sinuses are, which also includes the maxillary sinus, filled with nasal secretions and fluid. Since the maxillary posterior teeth and the canine teeth with their long roots extend up to the floor of the maxillary sinus and sometimes even into it, pain can occur. When chewing, the teeth are pushed further into their tooth compartment. At the root tip, the neven and blood vessels enter and exit and are squeezed between the chewing pressure and the liquid in the maxillary sinus. It can also cause a cold Gingivitis come. With this type of inflammation, any kind of touch hurts that cannot be avoided when chewing and eating.

Duration of the toothache

Toothache while chewing should only last as long as you chew. One can no time how long such pain lasts and when it should be gone. It is important to find out and treat the cause of this pain. From a physiological point of view it is normal that it hurts, for example, when you bite on a hazelnut. The jaw and teeth are not designed for this. If the pain persists only when chewing, the cause may be one of the ones described below. However, if they occur spontaneously while chewing and do not fade away after eating, something may be broken, broken or dislocated. Pain when chewing and especially the pain that lasts longer should definitely be examined by the dentist.


Depending on the cause, there is one different treatment desirable. If pain symptoms occur, however, one should in any case dentist be visited, or in case of inflammation in the head area ENT doctor or General practitioners.

If the cause is of a dental nature, the dentist can treat the caries, renew the filling, grind the crown or refurbish the full denture so that a correct bite on healthy teeth is ensured. Until treatment, pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, can be used to relieve the pain. Also common home remedies, such as Cool, clove oil, Rinse with Camomile tea or one disinfectant mouthwash, such as Savoy cabbage leaves can be used as a means of relief. In this case, too, the cause is not combated, only the symptoms are alleviated.


Toothache that occurs when chewing No rarity and affect many people. On average, everyone suffers from a cold at least once a year, which can spread to the paranasal sinuses and must therefore also be considered as a trigger for toothache.

A good oral hygiene significantly reduces the risk of caries, so that any toothache or pain that may result from the treatment can be controlled and prevented. Due to the high forces that work when chewing, but which are indispensable for crushing the daily food, the toothache is aggravated or triggered, which can be treated well and efficiently with a visit to the dentist in order to have fun eating the morning cereal again to get.

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