Big belly, what to do? Cause and solutions

A flat stomach is and remains the dream of most women and men. Who doesn’t want to look crisp and sexy? A fat one big belly not only looks ugly, it also has negative health consequences. If the body weight exceeds the normal weight by 20 percent or more, obesity is already mentioned.

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows how difficult it is. A big belly likes to defend its right to exist. It takes a lot of energy and an unbroken will to constantly work to get rid of those annoying pounds. Several factors play a role in long-term success. Adequate exercise and a balanced diet are just as important as rest and recovery phases. Even a quick half-hour walk in nature several times a week ensures good fat burning in the long run. A big belly can do that with the Time to be melted – and by the way the head also clears again.

Adequate sleep and avoiding stress are further starting points so that a big belly doesn’t stand a chance. This also means that every person should sleep at least seven hours so that the hormonal balance does not get mixed up.

If he is imbalanced and stress is added, the body releases more cortisol. The result is cravings for sweets, chips, peanuts and cake. The little love handles get food, get bigger. The result is a big belly.

That is why a healthy, balanced diet is so important in addition to exercise and sufficient sleep that a fat belly cannot even develop. And if it is already there, you should start changing your diet at the latest. Fruit, vegetables, white meat and fish are high on the menu. White bread is replaced by whole grain bread. The fiber contained in whole grain bread, legumes and cereal flakes swell in the stomach and thus ensure faster satiety. They are also good helpers when it comes to burning fat. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you only consume carbohydrates in moderation. A big belly doesn’t stand a chance if these tips are implemented consistently.

Adequate hydration is also important to slow down a big belly. Drinking stimulates the metabolism and allows the body to consume more calories. It should be at least two liters of liquid in the form of water or herbal tea a day. A glass of water before eating accelerates the feeling of satiety.

A big belly doesn’t go away faster through hours of training. It is better to exercise regularly, but to do it shorter. Intensive training of twenty minutes every other day is sufficient – and a big belly becomes history.


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