Child maintenance calculator 2020, current düsseldorf table

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All children are entitled to maintenance from their parents. In the case of parents living separately, one parent usually provides maintenance by caring for and raising the child. The other person has to make maintenance payments – what you are entitled to or how much you have to pay can be calculated using the Düsseldorf table.

The most important facts

  • Children are entitled to child support from their parents.
  • The right to maintenance exists until majority or until the first professional qualification is reached.
  • The parent with whom the child lives fulfills the maintenance obligation through childcare (childcare maintenance).
  • The other parent has to make maintenance payments (cash maintenance).
  • The amount of the maintenance claim depends on various factors.

Here’s how to do it

  1. Request information about income
  2. Require the person liable to pay in writing
  3. Seek support from the youth welfare office
  4. Submit a maintenance suit to obtain a maintenance title
  5. Apply for a maintenance advance

What is the Dusseldorf table?

The most important basis for calculating the amount of child support claims is the Düsseldorf table. The values ​​given therein are only guidelines and are not binding for youth welfare offices and family courts, but maintenance rates are usually calculated according to them. The table is revised regularly, which often increases the amount of the maintenance claim – most recently on the 1st. January 2020.

You can also view the current Düsseldorf table on the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court website.

Net income of the person subject to maintenance 0-5 years 6–11 years 12-17 years from 18 years
to 1900 369 424 497 530
1901-2300 388 446 522 557
2301-2700 406 467 547 583
2701-3100 425 488 572 610
3101-3500 443 509 597 636
3501-3900 473 543 637 679
3901-4300 502 577 676 721
4301-4700 532 611 716 764
4701-5100 561 645 756 806
5101-5500 591 679 796 848

Your right to child support

Whether you are entitled to child support and how high it can be:

What does the amount of child support depend on??

criteria Explanation
net income The higher the so-called "adjusted net income" of the maintenance debtor, the higher the child support. So z. B. Christmas and holiday bonuses, capital gains and rental income added. Debt and five percent of work-related expenses are deducted.
child benefit Half of the child benefit is counted towards the child’s maintenance claim. The full amount is 204 euros for the first and second children, 210 euros for the third child and 235 euros for all other children.
Need Control amount The requirement control amount is the amount that the maintenance debtor must still have after deducting all maintenance payments. If it falls below this level, it is usually classified in a lower income group.
Child’s income Does the dependent child have their own income, e.g. B. through orphan’s pension, care allowance, social benefits or training allowance, these are counted towards the maintenance claim and can reduce it.
special needs In certain cases, the maintenance claim may increase once due to special needs. These include e.g. B. Costs for school trips, tutoring, the initial baby equipment or medical expenses not covered by the health insurance.

What to do if there are no child support payments?

In the event of non-payment of maintenance payments, the beneficiaries should take action in good time and claim maintenance – otherwise the claims may become time-barred. To do this, contact the youth welfare office and request child support by means of a maintenance title.

If there is still no payment, you should get one Lawyer Contact who has experience in maintenance law and enforces the claims in the context of an execution.

Right to information: In order to be able to know the amount of their own entitlement at all, dependent children are entitled to information about the income and assets of the dependent. The latter must then disclose their income for the past twelve months (for self-employed persons that of the past three years). If there is a legitimate interest, the right to information can be asserted once every two years.

Your right to child support

Whether you are entitled to child support and how high it can be:


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