Fast healing after dental surgery – facharzt24, the specialist search on the internet

Fast healing after dental surgery - facharzt24, the specialist search on the internet

Rapid healing after dental surgery – a checklist

  • overview
  • Preparation for dental surgery
  • Practical tips for a stress-free time afterwards
  • Correct behavior after the operation
  • Medical aspects of aftercare
  • Practical tips for aftercare


The primary goal of the work of dentists is to keep your natural teeth healthy. Sometimes, despite all prophylaxis, dental surgery is necessary.

Going to the dentist is always uncomfortable, but a deep intervention like dental surgery has an impact even days later

" alt ="Dentist appointment" src ="" height ="118" w />on the general condition. For quick healing, it is therefore important to consider a few things. This guide creates a checklist for behavior before and after the operation. It helps you to avoid complications and to restore the ideal state as quickly as possible.

Image: In 2009, the EU average was around 57 percent at the dentist. In Germany it was 77 percent.

Preparation for dental surgery

With good preparation for dental surgery, you can support the dentist in his intervention and avoid complications.

This affects both dealing with your own body and very practical things. The patient is naturally physically and psychologically weakened after surgery in the oral cavity. Therefore, everything that weakens the body and causes stress to the soul should be avoided.

Image: Before you visit the dentist, some preparations should be made.

Do not consume luxury foods and dairy products

Although it is natural for most people, it should be said again here: alcohol, caffeine and nicotine can have a negative effect on the anesthetic. Enjoyment should be avoided on the day of the procedure, or even better the day before.

Dairy products tend to form mucus in the mouth and should also not be consumed. The same also applies to the first few days after the operation.

Practical tips for a stress-free time afterwards

Anyone who has to drag the weakened body to the nearest pharmacy after the procedure to get pain relievers has not made good provision. Therefore, these things should be done in time.

Swelling is best treated with cool packs. A sufficient amount should therefore be deposited in the freezer as a precaution.

Since it is not always possible to predict how long food intake will be affected after dental surgery, a supply of food that does not need to be chewed is helpful. Furthermore, sleep and relaxation are the best therapy for the time afterwards.

So don’t burden yourself unnecessarily with appointments for this period. Give yourself enough time to relax. Local anesthesia may make it unsuitable for driving. Get picked up after your dentist appointment or use public transport.

Anyone taking medication regularly should discuss this with the dentist in good time. Questions about the behavior after the procedure should also be clarified beforehand, because speaking is usually very difficult afterwards.

The following checklist contains all important points at a glance that should be considered before dental surgery.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol, nicotine, coffee, and slime-forming foods
  • Prepare cool packs in the freezer compartment
  • Get painkillers before the procedure
  • Buy food that can be eaten without much chewing
  • do not make appointments immediately after the operation
  • Use public transportation and organize pickup
  • Clarify questions about behavior after the operation with the dentist beforehand

Correct behavior after the operation

A key aspect of aftercare are actions that should be done or not done, especially from a medical point of view.

Correct behaviors after dental surgery

But even very practical things can provide the weakened body with relief and help it to heal quickly. This section therefore deals with the period after the surgery and provides useful tips for an early recovery.

Medical aspects of aftercare

Tooth extraction causes an open wound in the mouth and often leads to swelling of the cheek. It takes some time for the bleeding to stop. Therefore, the swab that the dentist has placed on the wound should be removed at the earliest half an hour after the procedure.

If bleeding occurs, it can be stopped by biting on with a folded tissue. If the bleeding has not stopped one to two hours after the operation, it is advisable to contact the practice or an emergency service.

Image: 17 percent of the visits to the dentist were emergency treatments.

Medical aspects of aftercare

Mouthwashes can cause the coagulum to be rinsed out in the first 24 hours after extraction.

It is an extravascular red blood cell clot that the body forms to close the wound. An uninfected and intact coagulum is therefore very important for wound healing. Rinsing with chamomile is also not very helpful on the first day. From the second day, careful mouthwashes with cool water or antibacterial mouthwash are allowed.

Cool properly

Swelling is best relieved by cooling. But be sure to take a break every fifteen minutes to avoid hypothermia. A damp cloth between the cooling pad and cheek also ensures that the skin does not come into direct contact with the cooling pad.

Take pain relievers

If the anesthetic wears off, a pain reliever should already be taken. By interlinking the various pain relief methods, you will need less painkillers and thus relieve your body. Immediately after the procedure, alcohol, nicotine, coffee, black tea, milk products and juices made from citrus fruits should also be avoided. Smoking increases the risk of infection. The stimulants mentioned increase the possibility of subsequent bleeding because they attack the wound area.

Overview of medical aftercare

Here is a brief summary of all essential aspects from a medical point of view. This link takes you to the website of the University Clinic for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Vienna. Here, too, is an overview of the rules of conduct after operations in the mouth.

  • Remove swab no earlier than 30 minutes after the operation
  • Seek emergency care if the bleeding has not stopped after one to two hours
  • no mouthwash in the first 24 hours afterwards
  • take a break every 15 minutes when cooling with cool packs
  • take painkillers in time
  • no consumption of alcohol, nicotine, coffee, black tea
  • Follow up with the dentist for a follow-up visit

Practical tips for aftercare

Allow your body the necessary rest. Physically demanding work, visits to the sauna or solarium, hot showers or sporting activities put a strain on the circulation. Sleep and relaxation are the best therapy for regeneration after surgery.

If you are feeling hungry, you should wait until the anesthetic wears off before eating. Without feeling in the mouth, you quickly bite your lip or tongue. After that, spicy foods, hot or cold drinks are initially taboo. >as soft as possible, maximum lukewarm food.

Dental care is also important in the case of an injury to the mouth. However, this should only start again on the second day after the operation. It is important to ensure that the immediate wound area is not touched. Careful brushing of the teeth around the corresponding area is important so that the next tooth does not have to believe soon.

Lie in bed with your torso elevated. Sleeping positions with the head hanging down ensure that the blood flow to the head is too strong and prevent swelling. When you’ve slept well the first night, the worst is over and your condition should improve quickly.

Finally, all useful tips for the period after dental surgery are clearly summarized in a checklist.

  • no strenuous activities such as sports, physical work or sauna visits
  • wait with the food until the anesthetic wears off
  • no spicy food, too cold or hot drinks
  • careful dental care around the wound site from day two
  • sleep at night with your torso slightly elevated


We all hope that our natural teeth will be preserved for as long as possible. If you ever need to pull a tooth, you have a checklist on hand that can help you recover quickly if you follow the instructions. A pulled tooth may require dentures.

Read here , which grants for dentures can be expected from the health insurance company and how you can save considerable costs with private provision. On the portal of dentistry you will also find a lot of other useful information about dental treatment and cost coverage.

© FACHARZT24 (last update: 27.06.2014)

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