Hair loss in children and adolescents

For children, hair loss quickly becomes an unbearable condition, because to the beauty problem there is often the classmates teasing. Affected people actually need increased sensitivity in their environment, but since children can also be very cruel to one another, it is not uncommon for them to lack the necessary tact.

Hair loss does not only occur in adults, hair loss in children even occurs more often than you think

It is therefore all the more important to carry out cause research as soon as possible in the event of hair loss in children. A visit to the doctor or dermatologist is therefore highly recommended! In some lighter cases, a shampoo can help against hair loss. A test with a good one basic shampoo without chemical additives lends itself.

Circular hair loss in children

Diffuse hair loss is associated with thinning hair on the entire head. Circular hair loss, on the other hand, only affects certain areas, which however become completely bald. While circular hair loss mainly affected middle-aged women until recently, children are now also getting hairless spots. Science assumes that there is an inherited disease that can occur several times in a lifetime. (see also: hereditary hair loss)

In most cases, the hair will grow back on its own after a certain time, even if no treatment has been given at all. Circular hair loss in children becomes a problem especially for boys with short hair because the affected areas immediately catch the eye. In girls, this aesthetic grievance is much easier to hide with ribbons, hair bands or hair clips. The currently cheeky hair fashion is very accommodating.

Hair loss in children causes

Hair loss in adolescents and children

Often ringworm is the real reason for hair loss in children. It is a fungal infection that is often treated with oral antifungals. In most cases, this type of hair loss is associated with scaly patches on the head. The hair breaks off directly on the scalp. Ringworm is contagious and can be transmitted via combs, brushes, pillows and hats.

Children, in particular, may also be taking medication that triggers hair loss. Other causes include dramatic events such as the death of a loved one or high fever. Hypothyroidism is the medical term for deficient supply of the body with thyroid hormones. This is due to an underactive thyroid. As a result, the entire metabolism works slower, which greatly affects both mental and physical performance.

A consequence of this can be hair loss in children. Hypothyroidism can be demonstrated with a blood test. Conventional medicine mostly uses corticosteroid ointments or steroid injections for treatment. In 95% of all patients, a complete cure takes place after one year at the latest. Circular hair loss may also be related to an immune system disorder.

Healthy nutrition and naturopathy

In many cases, hair loss in children can be stopped with simple and, above all, side effects-free measures. Initially, however, ponytail hairstyles and braided braids should be completely avoided. In the case of particularly sensitive hair, the tension generated by such hairstyles can already lead to hair loss. Circular hair loss in children is best combatted by strengthening the immune system.

Ready meals and industrially produced foods have far too little nutritional value and should therefore be removed from the menu and replaced by healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Essential oils, for example lavender or rosemary oil, massaged onto the affected areas, promotes blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on hair loss in children.

Hair loss in adolescents

Hair loss can lead to depression in children / © iancucristi

Adolescents in puberty have a particularly fluctuating hormonal balance. Circular or diffuse hair loss can result. Frequently however, there is only an iron deficiency. A blood test is therefore essential to ensure certainty. If the iron value is actually very low, a diet with lots of fish, meat and foods that contain plenty of vitamin C is recommended. The doctor will most likely also have hair loss in adolescents that occurs due to iron deficiency with an iron supplement to treat.

The mental stress of children with hair loss

If hair loss occurs in children, immediate action is recommended so that therapy can be started as soon as possible that stops the hair loss. Hurry is also necessary because hair loss in children may be caused by an infectious fungal disease.

Without treatment or if treatment is too late, a fungal infection can occur on the Leaving permanent damage to the scalp. In the worst case, there are bald spots on which hair never grows. First, the cause must be researched. A specialist in dermatology who should be contacted carries out the necessary examinations. An alternative are skin clinics that provide inpatient care for young patients with hair loss.

Hair loss in children is associated with enormous psychological stress. Affected children not only find themselves ugly, they are also often exposed to the teasing of their peers. Under these special circumstances, even children who are otherwise not to the mouth do not know any powerful answers to stupid sayings. Bald spots on the head do not exactly contribute to a stable self-esteem. This is why children with hair loss need their family’s unconditional support:

  • A high degree of sensitivity is required of the parents.
  • As a consolation, children with hair loss should receive a lot of attention.
  • The hair loss can be covered up with a chic hat or a brisk hat.
  • Emotional stress can increase hair loss. A harmonious family life is therefore guaranteed to have a positive effect on the treatment.
  • If necessary, psychotherapy is recommended to accompany the drug treatment.

Successfully overcome crises strengthen and weld together. This also applies to children and their families after a happy therapy for hair loss.


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Christina Cherry
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