Help with chaos & disorganization, adhs guide

chaos & Disorganization as a side symptom of ADHD

Adults with ADHD are often surrounded by chaos and disorder. Dealing with time and planning actions become a real challenge. Disorder in the immediate vicinity (e.g. in the apartment) is also typical. Last but not least, there is often a real chaos in the head.

Typical scenarios are:

  • Problems planning time or planning tasks
  • Tasks are only done at the last minute
  • Appointments or calls are forgotten
  • Objects are moved
  • Difficulty reserving time for children, spouse, spouse, or creative things – problems in the partnership

Read here how you can provide more structure in your everyday life

To-do lists

In future, always create a “to-do list” for upcoming tasks. This way you keep an overview and can think more precisely, what you in what time can create. Set a start and end point (time) for each task on your list. Don’t forget to allow enough time for breaks between the individual tasks.

Important: Stay on the ball. A to-do list doesn’t always work right away, but the more you try, the more likely your list will become routine – and a real relief.

Extra tip: Unpleasant tasks should always be scheduled at a fixed time in your daily and weekly structure.

Plan time for friends and family

Regular To meet with friends should be on the program from now on. How about, for example, reserving a fixed day a week for friends or family? For example for a soccer training session or simply to cook together? So you can be sure that you will not forget the appointment.

Get your head free with sport

Endurance sports are often ideal to clear your head with a relatively small amount of effort or to organize your thoughts in your head. Jogging for 30 minutes is enough! It is therefore best to include endurance sports regularly in your weekly schedule. Two to three times a week are recommended.

Tip: In bad weather, either choose the right running clothes or go to the treadmill in the gym!

Relaxation with a method

Come down, sort your thoughts, take a deep breath – relaxation techniques can also help tame the chaos in your head. The so-called mindfulness meditation, which has its origins in Buddhism, seems to be particularly helpful for ADHD. Autogenic training, on the other hand, often does not bring the desired success. But the same applies here: test which technology suits you best.

Systematic cleaning up

In order to get a better grip on the chaos in your own four walls, the following simple tricks for cleaning up have proven themselves:

  • Start at a set time and allow yourself a certain amount of time to clean up (e.g. Saturday after breakfast for 30 minutes)
  • Take each part in your hand only once – so you can tidy up instead of rearranging
  • Don’t be distracted while cleaning up
  • Always put the objects in a fixed place in your household
  • Do a task after others
  • Ask others for support for larger projects (e.g. mucking out, renovating)


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Christina Cherry
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