Kindergarten in giesing – parent-child initiative mäcki spoon

Bavarian school fruit and vegetable program

Our kindergarten participates in the school fruit and vegetable program. With the financial support of the European Union in cooperation with the country Bavaria.

Who needs a brush??

If he has heads of lettuce! We paint, print and spray color on white paper with the help of lettuce heads.

Whether iceberg lettuce, radicchio or lamb’s lettuce – the children can try it out and this creates beautiful random and wanted effects.

The "Mäcki-night" or "The hotel for the sleeping hedgehog"

As every year, we spend the night with the children in the kindergarten from Friday to Saturday. Our program items?

1. Eating pizza 2. Popcorn and stories 3. After-hike and treasure hunt 4. Bedtime stories

5. Breakfast together with the parents.

Great fun for everyone!

Spring greeting in winter!

At the moment you can see an exhibition of living tropical butterflies in the botanical garden.

We were able to get a first spring greeting in the cold winter.

December tours

Almost traditionally, excursions take place every week in December. We visited the Christmas market and several plays together. The stage in the Kulturbahnhof Giesing may represent the piece "Rumpelstiltskin" played for us.

Visit to the Gasteig / Black Box

We used November to make the first trip together in the new kindergarten year.

We watched the piece: "Playing with time – children’s concert with the Nuremberg Paper Theater" on

and clarified the question: "Where has the time gone?"

We discover nature!

Summer is all about nature. So we discover caterpillars, snails and all kinds of animals together in our area.

Visit to the Auer Dult

There’s always something going on here in Munich. And we are happy to be there! Together we eat ice cream, ride the Ferris wheel and throw arrows at balloons. What could be nicer than a traditional fair?!

Forest day in the Perlacher Forest

We explore nature together when the weather is nice. The Perlacher Forest invites you to climb suitable trees, observe millipedes and other insects. There is also a tree house to play in.

Book show in the city museum!

Seat cushions and plenty of space invited you to immerse yourself in the world of books. We can highly recommend this book show to anyone interested.

Carnival party in a Mäcki spoon

Helau! We celebrate together as princes and princesses, as firefighters and spider boys, as witches and magicians. A day full of games, donuts, streamers and an exuberant mood.

spring tinkering

For our spring decoration we paint egg boxes and then cut them into flowers. Together with green pipe cleaner, we have beautiful spring flowers that decorate our table.

In Christmas Forest

It’s slowly becoming Christmas in "Mäcki". All sorts of things are baked, tinkered and there is also a calm contemplation.

Lantern Festival

One of our most popular celebrations is our lantern parade in the Kronepark. The children always worked diligently for this and practiced songs. The adults get delicious food, mulled wine and children’s punch. We sing together and remember the story of Sankt Martin. Your message is as valid today as it was then.

Adventure in the forest

The children are always looking forward to our forest days. This time we really enjoyed autumn. There was so much to discover.

Mäcki Farm

We had a lot of fun again on the Mäcki farm weekend in autumn. The children raged outside all day or in the cowshed. The adults were even allowed to relax a bit. The scavenger hunt is always a highlight for young and old. More pictures here.

Mäcki turns 25!

This summer we had a very special party. Many thanks to all educators, parents and children who have made the Mäcki what it is today over the years. We look forward to the next 25 years.

We have renovated

We are very proud of our freshly decorated facilities. For a whole weekend, the parents worked hard on sanding, brushing, stapling and sewing. More pictures of the new premises can be found here. We hope you enjoy it!

We won

We followed the call for the initiative of Mehr Zeit für Kinder and developed a concept for the use of the daycare center. Questions about collaboration between parents and Educators and the educational concept of the facility formed the basis. In order to take part in the competition, educators and committed parents were invited to submit the concept for their kindergarten to the association More Time for Children by the end of September.

The games library contains games that experienced pedagogues and scientists from the Transfer Center for Neuroscience and Learning (ZNL), Ulm, have tested and found to be good. Play literally plays a central and important role in children’s development. Prof. Dr. Manfred Spitzer, founder and head of the ZNL: "Children do not differentiate between playing and learning, they learn by playing."

Like a library, the daycare center is based on a loan system and contains 19 games and toys from well-known manufacturers. It is not important how many games can be found in a kindergarten, but which and how development-promoting they actually are. Therefore, the game library contains only game material that the Transfer Center for Neuroscience and Learning (ZNL) has tested and rated as “good”.


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Christina Cherry
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