Swollen lymph nodes: when to see a doctor

The lymph nodes on the neck only become noticeable when the immune system is already in full swing to fight pathogens or viruses. Which causes can be behind enlarged lymph glands and when you should get a medical examination.

In healthy people, the lymph nodes are usually invisible and otherwise behave inconspicuously. The lumps on the neck, also called lymph glands, only appear when the immune system is already fighting pathogens and viruses. Usually there are more harmless causes behind the swollen lymph nodes, but in some cases a visit to the doctor is advisable – because even serious illnesses can be the reason why the lymph glands enlarge and cause pain. DONNA Online explains which triggers can cause the changes in the lymph glands and when you should take your body’s warning signals seriously.

Where are the lymph nodes located and what is their function?

The lymph nodes or lymph glands are part of the lymphatic system, in which they as purifying stations serve. Their main task is to transport the fluid that has escaped from the blood vessels into the tissue, the so-called lymph, back into the bloodstream and at the same time to clean it of bacteria, viruses, altered body cells such as cancer cells and other harmful substances. Lymph glands are an important part of ours immune system. They are evenly distributed over the body, whereby each lymph gland is responsible for a special area of ​​the body. The largest lymph nodes are located on the neck and head, chest, armpits, groin and around the abdomen.

A single lymph gland can be a size of two to ten millimeters and can even grow up to two centimeters if there is swelling on the neck or in the groin. In the normal state, we do not notice the lymph glands in the body, even if the small, kidney-shaped nodes are constantly busy keeping our immune system intact. Only when the individual glands are already actively working against pathogens or other intruders do they swell visibly and noticeably. This is the case with inflammation or other diseases of the immune system, for example, when the organism adapts to defense: The lymph glands enlarge, can be felt through the skin and sometimes even cause pain.

Why lymph nodes on the neck swell particularly often?

Our oral cavity is particularly often in contact with the outside world – which is why it is one of the largest risk areas, about the potential Krankheitserreger can get inside the body. For example, a virus has the first Defense barrier in the mouth, the tonsils, successfully conquered, activate the cervical lymph nodes behind them. The fact that the lymph glands on the neck are activated is shown by sensitivity to pressure, swelling and by the fact that the affected lymph node can be palpated by hand. Especially in children and adolescents, the cervical lymph nodes can quickly become thick, since their immune system is still developing. However, a harmless swelling of a lymph node (medical: lymphadenopathy / lymphadenitis) on the neck usually resolves after a short time.

Swollen lymph nodes on the neck: these are the most common triggers

In an average, usually healthy adult, an unpleasant swelling usually affects the lymph nodes on the neck. The enlargement of these lymph glands indicates one harmless Disease of the throat, nose and throat or Inflammation of the face out. These include:

  • Almond and throat inflammation
  • Otitis
  • purulent diseases of the teeth or jaw
  • Salivary gland diseases
  • Infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, chickenpox and mumps

Likewise, a swollen cervical lymph node can affect one Over or under function of the thyroid gland or a serious illness like lymphoma Clues.

Possible causes of swollen lymph glands in other parts of the body

Other lymph nodes can also indicate diseases or inflammation in the areas of the body for which they are responsible:

  • Swollen neck lymph nodes are typical for sore throat, salivary gland inflammation, tongue inflammation or inflammation of the parotid glands.
  • Swollen inguinal lymph nodes indicate inflammation in the small pelvis or the urinary tract, purulent build-up in the groin or a hernia, but can also be a sign of thrombosis, appendicitis or cancer such as leukemia and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
  • Swollen armpit lymph nodes are characteristic of inflammation of the arms, hands, shoulders or the breast, but also of breast cancer, lymph gland cancer and leukemia.

How to treat swollen lymph nodes?

The swelling of individual lymph glands is a symptom of another disease. Therefore, the cause of the enlargement of the lymph node should be found and treated specifically. There is therefore no panacea for swollen lymph nodes, since, for example, an inflammation of the middle ear has to be treated differently than an inflammation of the breast. Still there are some home remedies and methods to promote the resolution of the inflammation and relieve the uncomfortable symptoms:


Painful lymph nodes can be treated with a gentle massage. To do this, apply light pressure on the skin around the affected lymph nodes with your fingers in circular movements two to three times a day. In this way the lymph gland is stimulated and your Filters encouraged to become active again.

An alternative to massage with your fingers are special ones body brushes, with which you can brush with slight pressure from the feet towards the groin in the case of lymph node swellings in the lower half of the body. Choose a medium-bristle brush for the treatment. On the arms, the brushing movement should always be from the fingers to the shoulders and armpits, with swollen neck lymph nodes from the neck down towards the stomach. This stimulates the lymphatic flow and toxins are better flushed out.

DONNA tip: If you don’t trust the lymphatic massage yourself, lymphatic drainage can help the professional against the swollen lymph nodes.

Warm compresses

Warm compresses have proven their worth for swollen lymph glands: the supply of heat stimulates the blood circulation and the swelling goes back. For the compresses, you can use a washcloth that you immerse in hot water. Squeeze briefly to get rid of excess water. Then place the rag on the swollen lymph node for ten minutes. Repeat the treatment several times a day until the swelling subsides.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The vinegar has an antibacterial effect and can fight the infection or pathogens that have caused the lymph nodes to swell. Apple cider vinegar also has an alkaline effect that regulates the body’s pH. You can use apple cider vinegar internally to treat swollen lymph glands by taking a tablespoon a day. Alternatively, a compress with a washcloth, water and apple cider vinegar is also helpful. Soak the washcloth in a mix of water and vinegar (mixing ratio 1: 1), wring it out and place it on the affected area for five to ten minutes. Repeat several times a day if necessary.


Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, honey is a popular home remedy for swollen lymph glands. Apply some honey to the affected area, leave for 15 minutes and then wash off. The honey relieves the pain and the swelling subsides faster. Repeat two to three times a day until there is an improvement.

avoid stress

When the lymph nodes are enlarged, your immune system is in full swing. Therefore, it is advisable to shift down a gear and give the body the necessary rest so that it can recover quickly. Avoid stimulants such as alcohol or nicotine during this time, as they can make the swelling worse. Also drink lots of tea, take a warm bath and avoid stress as much as possible. In addition, a balanced, healthy diet with many omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins can promote the healing process. Relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation also contribute to faster swelling of the lymph glands.

Lymph nodes persistently swollen: when should you see a doctor?

Basically, if the swelling of the lymph node persists for several days and you are in pain, a visit to the doctor makes sense. Because even if a harmless viral infection or tonsillitis is the trigger, it may have to be treated with antibiotics or other drugs.

But at the latest when that Complaints about three up to four weeks If the swelling persists or worsens, you should definitely see a doctor: serious diseases such as lupus, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis or cancer can also be noticed through swollen lymph glands.


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