Funny tongue twisters for kids »jako-o magazine

Speech salad: Funny tongue twisters for children

How can I help my child develop his language skills and enjoy speaking and storytelling? Many parents have not asked this question since topics such as language support have been on everyone’s lips. Sometimes the playful occupation is very simple – for example with funny word games and tongue twisters. For many children, the word salad looks like a magical mantra: they listen carefully to find out the secret of the tongue twisters and will soon try to repeat the complicated sentences. We have collected some information about tongue twisters and also provide you with a few tongue twisters as a suggestion for small and large children.

Christina Cherry

8 tongue twisters for the letter R.

If your child has difficulty pronouncing the letter R, you will find 8 tongue twisters for the letter R in this article, which will practice the pronunciation of this letter.

It is important that parents pay attention to possible rhotacism or the difficulty in pronouncing the letter R. As a remedy, tongue twisters can be used for the letter R..

Many parents think that children will learn it by themselves when they grow up. But you can do a lot better here with tongue twisters.

Causes of difficulty in pronouncing the letter R

One reason for rhotacism can be the use of pacifiers for a long period of time.

Christina Cherry