What to do if your child has a sore throat? >

One of the first Signs of an approaching cold is the scratchy throat. If you have difficulty swallowing or pain when speaking, the day will be extremely uncomfortable. The range of classic sore throats is extremely diverse and ranges from a harmless end inflammation to a sore throat to serious tonsillitis and vocal cord inflammation. The causes of the sore throat are often harmless, not infrequently extremely persistent and sometimes there is a need for action from a medical point of view. So what to do if your child has a sore throat?

Sore throat in children – article overview:

There is talk of an acute sore throat if it always occurs after 2 weeks not yet have subsided. Combinations of the diseases described above sometimes occur. The boundaries are fluid in this area and have led to the designation of pharyngotonsillitis.

Causes of painful swallowing and sore throat

If you are looking for the causes of respiratory infections and strep throat, you will encounter viruses that make their way into the body, especially in the cold season. Cold viruses are related to colds and tonsillitis. This type of virus is accompanied by irritants from the environment, such as smoke, chemicals, dust or dry air, and causes an uncomfortable scratching in the throat.

The pain in the throat is a signal from the body that it is currently fighting back. Inflammatory cells release substances that bind to pain receptors in the nerves of the pharynx mucosa, which is passed on to the brain as a pain signal. Since hundreds of pain fibers run through the pharynx mucosa, it hurts so much there.

In addition to a harmless throat infection (pharyngitis), there are also numerous dangerous causes for the pain in the throat. streptococci For example, the alarm bells ring above all among the doctors.

The most common causes at a glance:

• Cold viruses
• External environmental stimuli: tobacco smoke, dry air, chemicals
• Dangerous viruses: e.g. streptococci
Inflammation of the tonsils (angina tonsillaris)

Prevent colds and sore throats in good time

A first step to avoid the sore throat is the right preventive measures during the cold season. Viruses and acute contagion lurk on every corner – public transport, children’s flu and schools in particular are naturally a shelter for viruses and bacteria. So especially in the transition period and in winter, make sure that your child washes his hands more often.

If you already notice a slightly scratchy throat, avoid contagion centers such as crawling groups. Go out into the fresh air and ensure weatherproof and warm clothing. The immune system is strengthened and viruses are rejected with a smile. Combine this approach with a rich and healthy diet.

Warm and cold throat wraps relieve the sore throat

If your child complains of a sore throat, some helpful home remedies are required. Use these tools wisely to provide quick relief and to see your child smile again symptom-free. The healing neck wraps are a classic in the middle of the house for children from the age of 2. In this area you can distinguish warm from cold neck wraps. If your child complains of severe sore throat and discomfort as well as pain when swallowing, a cold neck wrap helps. If, on the other hand, the sore throat has been around for several days and is accompanied by other cold symptoms, warm wraps are required, which are particularly effective in connection with a hot lemon or warm water. Combine the wrap with a pack of curd cheese to make a swollen neck subside.

However, ENT experts and naturopaths are very divided about the different home remedies, because there are only a few studies on the effectiveness of home remedies. Basically, there are already numerous – even tasty – lozenges that relieve pain and soothe the inflammation. Since normal throat infections are mostly caused by viruses, the use of antibiotics is also pointless, since these are only effective against bacteria. Only bacterial angina is treated with penicilin – in case of doubt, a throat swab is taken to be able to precisely define the pathogen.

Natural extracts can help your baby

If your baby has a sore throat, start the fight with sage or thyme. These active ingredients are rubbed onto the breastbone and provided relief. In the pharmacy you can get marjoram butter, which you should apply to the upper lip just below the opening of the nose, this makes breathing in and out easier. However, with these useful home remedies, it should be noted that persistent and chronic sore throat and associated symptoms such as fever, rash, headache and body ache make a visit to the doctor inevitable. A strong cold should always be treated and examined by a doctor.


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Christina Cherry
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