Wise sayings about – education

You can’t beat anything into children, but you can caress a lot.
Astrid Lindgren

With a childhood full of love you can
Endure the cold world for half a lifetime.
Jean Paul

The work does not run away while you are the child
show the rainbow, but the rainbow doesn’t wait,
until you’re done with your work.

What should become of children who grow up in the cot?
Hans-Horst Skupy

Education is an example and love, nothing else.
Friedrich Froebel

The goal of education consists in enabling the child,
to get on without teachers.
Elbert Hubbard

To raise a child, you need an entire village.
African proverb

The grass does not grow faster if you pull on it.
Indian wisdom

When you raise a young guy,
you raise a single person.
When you raise a girl,
you raise a whole later family.
Harold McIver

Raising a child according to the instructions in a book is good,
only you need a different book for each child.

What you teach a child can no longer be discovered by itself.
But only what it discovers improves its ability,
Understand and solve problems.
Jean Piaget

Children are like books, we can write in them
and read from them.
Peter Rosegger

As long as children are small, give them deep roots,
when they get older, give them wings.
Indian saying

We have this country not inherited from our fathers,
but borrowed from our children.

If we want to achieve true peace in the world,
we have to start with the children.
Mahatma Gandhi

Children who you don’t love become adults who don’t love.
Pearl S. Buck

There is nothing better than being loved, loved for his
himself or rather: in spite of himself.
Victor Hugo

Let your kids go if you don’t want to lose them.
Malcolm Forbes

You can give your children your love,
but not your thoughts. They have their own.
Oriental wisdom

A child does not question adult mistakes,
it endures.
Dan George, Salish

Children need love – especially if they don’t deserve it.
Henry David Thoreau

Love your children for their own sake, not for their accomplishments.
Basil Johnston, Ojibwa

Every child has to experience that people love it so much,
how it is and not because it tries to be someone else.
Mary Leitka, Hoh

Nothing affects the human environment more emotionally,
especially on the children, as unlived lives The parents.
Carl Gustav Jung

Do you know another wise saying that is missing in this collection?
Then please send it to me!
Thank you very much


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