Insect bites in children – the best means and how to react

The best remedies for insect bites in children

1. Stinging insects with poison spikes or bloodsuckers

Bees, wasps & Co. usually sting only when they feel threatened. Therefore, stay calm and do not do any hectic movements.

The possibility of a Insect bites in baby or child is comparatively higher as in adults. Because the little ones tend to uncontrolled and fast movements, Do not pay attention to possible dangers when eating or drinking and also have little or no experience and knowledge that bees, wasps, brakes & Co. can stab and what consequences that has. Other insect bites can not be avoided, if you come near them.

Thankfully Insect bites for children mostly harmless, if often quite uncomfortable to painful. The complaints can usually be treated well and itching and pain disappear within a few days. There is a real danger when it comes to the baby or child after insect bites to an allergic reaction comes. Also dangerous is an insect bite in the mouth or throat.

There are several types of “pests” that can sting. To the stinging insects with venomous spines counting

The stinging insects usually attack only in case of threat. Her sting contains a poison, which causes a skin change after the insect bite in baby or child and in some can also cause an allergy. Wasp stings have the greatest potential to trigger an allergic reaction.

The main blood-sucking insects in our climes are:

  • mosquitoes
  • brakes
  • head lice
  • fleas
  • midges
  • blackflies
  • bed bugs
  • louse
  • some fly species

Other bloodsuckers are, for example, ticks or grass mites. These do not belong to the insects, but to the arachnids.

Blood-sucking insects do not inject poison into the human skin during the sting or bite and therefore do not cause any insect venom allergy. Most of these little pests feed on human or animal blood.

2. From which insect the child was stung?

Here is a small overview of what you can tell, which troublemaker your child stung or bitten Has:

Surname description Explanations

  • painful sting
  • reddened and painful puncture site
  • Sting remains barbed
  • Bee dies after sting
  • Bees usually stay near the ground
  • often found on meadows with a lot of flowers and clover

  • painful sting
  • Stichstelle hurts, swells and reddens
  • react strongly to meat and desserts
  • Attack usually occurs during hasty movements

  • Puncture site is swollen and reddened
  • sometimes greater swelling around the stitching point
  • strong itching

  • hurts badly, itches and burns
  • small depression in the middle of the swollen area
  • wheal

  • Itching and swelling at the injection site
  • Suspected Lyme disease with a round pale skin area, which is surrounded by a circular redness
  • stay in meadows, forests and hedges
  • then dangerous if the animals are infected with Lyme disease or TBE agents

3. Insect bites: Mostly harmless and sometimes life threatening

Insect bites in the baby or child shows up generally with these signs:

  • roundish elevation on the skin
  • hot, red and swollen puncture site
  • itching
  • pain

A allergic reaction necessarily requires medical treatment. It goes hand in hand with much more severe symptoms. The most important of these are:

  • strong swelling also at areas further away from the puncture site (greater than 10 cm)
  • also swelling of the lip, tongue, mouth or throat
  • Itching and redness
  • Nausea and Vomit
  • dizziness
  • strong palpitations
  • Feeling hot or shivering
  • cold sweat
  • the whole body covered with wheals
  • Breathlessness, drop in blood pressure, circulatory problems, unconsciousness = anaphylactic shock

Of the Visiting a doctor may also be necessary, if the puncture site becomes inflamed or shows swelling on the eye and does not want to disappear for several days.

Caution: Anaphylactic shock can be fatal. It is therefore essential to seek emergency medical attention if you notice these signs within the next few minutes or hours after an insect bite on the baby or child. You should also call the ambulance if your baby has been stung in the head and neck area and there is a risk of obstructing breathing.

4. Stay calm, cool and call emergency doctor if necessary

The plant sap of the ribwort helps relieve the first itching and can help the stitch heal faster.

The Treatment of your child or baby after an insect bite you can take over in harmless cases yourself:

  • existing Carefully remove the sting with the tweezers – NOT with your fingers
  • with tick bite the plague spirit with a special tick tweezers remove
  • disinfect or clean the puncture site, For example, thoroughly wash with soap and water
  • the Cool place with cold compresses or cool packs – This relieves the pain and reduces the swelling faster
  • Do not lay the compress directly on the skin, but wrap it with a (hand) cloth
  • to relieve the itching on the puncture site Apply cooling gel or cooling ointment (for example from Weleda) – read the leaflet or ask the pharmacist if the product is suitable for children or babies
  • as a home remedy, this is recommended Rub in the affected area with a chilled raw onion – moisturizes and cools the skin area and relieves inflammation
  • Grate leaves of Spitz or Breitwegerich between your fingers, so that the juice comes out, and press on the spot – apply several times in a row and only if you recognize these wild plants safely
  • to reduce the itching Moist cooling wraps or pads with alumina and vinegar carry out
  • Homeopathy offers different globules – For example, Apis or Ledum
  • The child or baby should be as possible do not scratch at the puncture site, so that it does not ignite

As already mentioned, must in an allergic reaction or be called in the insect bite in the head and neck area a doctor. What you can do until the ambulance arrives are some first aid measures:

After a wasp sting, the puncture site swells, hurts and reddens. In addition, wasp stings have the greatest potential for triggering an allergic reaction.

stay calm and soothe and warm the child

  • existing Remove sting
  • if child conscious, one Ice cubes to suck give and / or Cool the spot from the outside
  • in case of allergic shock Give emergency drug
  • in breathing problem child bring to a sitting position
  • in circulatory problems, the small patient Lay on your back and legs up
  • Store body part with puncture deeper than heart
  • Note: If your child or baby has ever had an allergic reaction to insect bites, it may happen again on the next stitch – possibly with even more severe reactions. For a known insect poison allergy, you should always carry a special emergency kit.

    5. To avoid insect bites in baby and child

    With a mosquito net you protect your baby from invading insects and their stings.

    To prevent insect bites on the child or baby, you should avoid certain areas and behaviors, already described above in the table under “Explanations”. Further measures are:

    • using insect sprays or lotions – some of them are only suitable for children from 2 years
    • in endangered areas do not go barefoot and Kle >

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