Avoid allergies by training the immune system

Allergies have mutated into a widespread disease in recent decades. But that is not just because we are exposed to impossible pollen, dust, food or environmental hazards. One reason for this is also the lack of training of one’s own immune system. Many allergies can be avoided if small children are not “wrapped in cotton wool” but given the immune system the opportunity to deal with viruses, bacteria and other germs.

Allergies do not trivialize

Whereas in the early 30-50s only about 4 percent of the population was directly affected by allergies, the percentage has now risen to over 20 percent worldwide. This is an alarming figure.

People who constantly react to allergic reactions such as food or pollen are often a little disbelieved. As an uninvolved person it is impossible to imagine the physical torments that an allergy can cause. Of course, illnesses such as severe asthma, neurodermatitis or allergic reactions to certain foods do not always occur.

Those who notice the corresponding symptoms of an allergy should therefore not hesitate long and shy away from going to the doctor. The earlier an allergy or intolerance can be clearly diagnosed and treated, the better. In this way, more serious illnesses can be avoided.

How does the body react to allergens?

The human immune system is designed to protect the human organism from all external dangers. It is like a protective shield. Everything that comes into contact with the body (air, skin) is permanently scanned and analyzed by the immune system. It then decides whether the particles are friend or foe. Depending on how the decision is made, a reaction is automatically triggered in the body.

If the body does not know a certain substance – although it may be harmless – the immune system triggers a defensive reaction that feels like an allergic reaction. It is supposed to prevent this substance from gaining access to the human body.

That’s where the problem lies. In many cases such an allergic reaction would not be necessary. The immune system should be able to recognize such particles “from experience” and repel them in a natural way. If your immune system has not been given the “opportunity” to do so in early childhood, it lacks these important “learning insights”.

Children on farms less at risk

In this context, scientific studies also prove that children who have grown up on a farm or in the countryside are much less prone to allergies or respiratory diseases than those who live in a city.

Why is that?

In rural areas, small children are confronted with a multitude of bacteria, viruses and so-called stable dust. This leads them to develop natural defence mechanisms against these harmful substances during their childhood. The immune system learns and stores these findings for the future.

The consumption of untreated milk (not pure raw milk) also strengthens the immune system. In general, people “in the country” are confronted with dirt much more often than you are when you live in the city. However, this is not a disadvantage, but rather an advantage.

You probably know that children who grow up in cities today are mostly treated “clinically clean”. As a result, they are not prepared for unexpected pests in the air and surroundings. The result is allergic reactions. These can also lead to intolerance, asthma and, of course, allergies.

The problem is that the children’s immune system does not “get to know” certain germs, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens during the most important phase of their young lives and thus cannot develop a natural defence mechanism. Any contact with a “known”, harmless particle almost inevitably leads to an allergic reaction.

That wouldn’t have to be!

Avoid allergies – in a natural way

Medicines and immunisation do not necessarily have to be the panacea. Many allergies can – as already described – be prevented in a natural way. Give the organism of your children the opportunity to get used to the “invaders” through completely normal virus infections and to learn what they are about.

The same also applies to food. For a long time it was assumed that one should not have any contact with any form of peanuts in early childhood. Also here one could prove now with a scientific study in the USA that children already very early with components of peanuts into contact came substantially more rarely from appropriate allergies suffer, than those those the contact up to an age of 5 years was completely forbidden.

It becomes clear to them that in the future some findings will lead to assumptions from the past regarding the occurrence of allergies being classified as outdated.

Exchange with the doctor

When assessing the causes of an allergy, one must always proceed in a very differentiated way. It depends on many different factors which cannot be named the same for every person.

Anyone who is unsure should always consult a competent and experienced doctor who specialises in allergies. Ideally, he will find a suitable solution and can explain to you which therapy (if necessary) is best for you.

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Christina Cherry
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