Children’s room with a bunk bed

A children’s room is an apartment that requires a lot of space and space for games. A good way out of this situation for small children have been bunk beds for many years.

Modern furniture has many ideas and options, and the choice depends on the taste, the area of ​​children, and finances. In the past, these beds looked elementary – two identical beds, one directly above the other. Now the furniture manufacturers offer modern, functional versions of floor structures with a sleeping car on the lower level, a desk, cupboards, additional play modules and, above all, one or two additional beds. Which child refuses to do this? For children, this is a mini house, a separate corner.

Children’s room with bunk beds

The only weak point when choosing bunk beds is safety, especially the upper floors. All negative feedback from parents about beds on two floors mainly relates to how the child fell from above or slid on the stairs. In fact, everything is not that bad, you just have to choose a quality and safe option with the availability of guards.

Pay attention to protective devices when buying a bed

In the end, there will be only one advantage: the comfort of bunk beds is obvious, especially if you need to set up a room for two or more children. This saves space in the apartment, rational room design that unites in the child’s room, workplace and wardrobe. At the same time there is free space for the play area.

What types of bunk beds can be distinguished

The purpose of these beds is to rationally use the limited area of ​​the room and to create sleeping spaces for children. Modern two-story models can be designed for multiple children, a child, a child and parents. Today there are the following options for bunk beds for children:

  • Classic standard bed, where there are two sleeping places, one above the other. These are simply beds with no additional attributes in the form of shelves for storage, boxes, closets. The disadvantage of such a bed with a small space is that it takes up a lot of space and is not practical – it is only a place to sleep. However, if you can purchase such an option on the premises, don’t give it up.

Children’s room with a standard bunk bed

  • Beds in which berths are on top of each other, but there are steps in the form of retractable boxes for things and there is a place for bedding storage. Such a model of a bed in young children is appropriate; it impresses with its compactness and the ability to use the space rationally.

Functional bunk bed with drawers

  • The next type is a sleeping place, where the top place is not directly above the bottom one, but on the left or right. In the emerging niche there can be a cupboard, shelves or an empty wall, which the owners will fill out at will.

Bunk bed with wardrobe

  • The beds are set up transversely or vertically. This option is modern and very practical: in the free space you can put a cupboard, hang shelves, set up a small table.
    A compact and interesting option for children is a transformer bed, in which the lower sleeping area is pulled out at night and drawn in after sleeping, which frees up the space.

Double bed with crossed beds

Beds of two levels for a child

There are several variants of bunk beds with a sleeping space for children:

  • The bed consists of two floors, on which the child’s sleeping area is located, under which there is a large parents’ bed. This is an option for small apartments where children and parents live in one room. The economy of space under such conditions is obvious. However, to ensure the safety of small children on the upper level, it is advisable to install the edges along the edges.

Bunk bed for 1 bedroom apartment

  • The next option is a bunk bed with a bed on top. On the lower level is the child’s work area with a desk, shelves and cupboards. These beds are often equipped with a small sports corner. There is a ladder that can be either conventional or in the form of steps from drawers.

Bunk bed for a children’s room with a work station

  • Another option – the top place for a child, down in the closet, chest of drawers, drawers or shelves. The working, written zone is located separately.

Bunk bed with wardrobe for the children’s room

Bunk beds for two children

Bunk beds designed for two children will help create two full beds using the minimal area of ​​the room. Typically, parents have older children at the top, and children are moved to a safer first floor. Such bunk beds are also available in different types:

Bunk bed for two children

  • Compact, classic version – two floors with parallel beds, one above the other with a vertical staircase.
    The option is similar to the previous one, but the beds are either left or right, there are closets or stairs in the free space.

Bunk bed for two children with parallel bunks

  • Perpendicular sleeping places, so that a bed, a desk and a storage system for things can be compactly placed in a children’s room.

Bunk bed for two children with vertical bunks

Bunk beds for parents and child

There can be several options:

  • two floors, the lower one in the form of a folding sofa, and the upper one is the child’s sleeping place;

Bunk bed for parents and child

  • safer for children Option: on a large double bed for adults, on the floor of a fully-fledged children’s area.

Bunk bed with bed for parents from above

These beds are suitable for small apartments, and the latter option is particularly useful for families where the child is too small to sleep on the upper floor. Such models can be found in many stores.

Transformers beds

Under the bunk beds you have to divide such a variant as the bed transformers:

Retractable models in which the lower bed extends from the upper berth. This bed is compact, ideal for preschool children.

Bunk bed transformer for a child’s room

modern models, where a conventional sofa creates two floors with two bunks. Such furniture transformers can be found at some manufacturers. This unusual variant of furniture is appreciated by teenagers who use a sofa in the afternoon and sleeping at night.

Design of bunk beds

"Consider the color scheme of the bed: girls prefer pastel, light and warm colors, boys choose a cooler and darker gamma"

Remember to consider the child’s opinion and desires, gender, age, hobbies when buying and choosing a bunk bed in a nursery. It is necessary to ensure that the child feels comfortable on this bed, is not afraid of heights and that the bed is safe.

The bunk bed should be comfortable for the child

Consider the color scheme of the bed: girls prefer pastel, light and warm colors, boys choose a cooler and darker selection. In any case, it is worth asking the child this question: perhaps the girl is very active, emotional and dreams of bright, disturbing colors. Why not fulfill your dream?

Children’s room with an original bunk bed in the shape of a house

For boys, a bunk bed is preferred in sports subjects, with the embodiment of ideas from cartoons, films in a stricter, simpler version compared to the girls beds.

Bunk bed for boys room

If children are of different sexes, it is better to choose neutral shades that are suitable for both.

Bunk bed for children’s room of boys and girls

When choosing the color of the bed, regardless of the sex of the child, consider how well it is combined with the rest of the room. Contradictions in design are unacceptable – the bed should fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

The bed should be in keeping with the overall style of the room

High-tech style

Bunk beds in the modern and popular high-tech style embody rationality and functionality, as well as strict, concise shapes and precise geometry.

High-tech style bunk bed for children

Romantic style

Girls prefer bunk beds for children in a romantic style. These beds have rounded elements, soft colors, used decor and a variety of accessories. Bed linen and textiles are also subdued, warm colors.

Bunk bed for a girl in a romantic style


Popular now and eco-style with the use of natural materials, environmentally friendly for children. This style will be relevant for both children and teenagers.

Eco-style bunk bed


But a style like minimalism is more suitable for older children, as the bed will be small in this style and there is plenty of space for the playing field. In order to place a wardrobe, shelves and shelves and at the same time win in the room, it makes sense to use combined bunk beds or transforming beds. These options are beneficial in small children’s rooms.

Bunk bed for children in a minimalist style

Materials for making bunk beds

"The use of pine or beech wood is very popular in the manufacture of beds: it has proven to be strong, reliable and inexpensive."

A bunk bed for children made of natural wood fits perfectly in every style, from eco to pop art style, for which the tree can be painted in bright colors.

Wooden bunk bed for children

The use of pine or beech wood is popular for the production of beds: Compared to oak, for example, it has proven to be strong, reliable and inexpensive. A tree is an environmentally friendly material that lasts for many years.

Because of their ecological compatibility, wooden bunk beds are ideal for children

Care should be taken when choosing, as manufacturers often use artificial materials instead of wood, and sellers "to forget", to tell customers about it and thereby mislead them.

Attractive chipboard bunk beds, but they are far from environmentally friendly: they have the presence of formaldehyde, which is very slow to evaporate into the air, and have a negative impact on health. When purchasing this option, you must familiarize the suppliers with a certificate stating the formaldehyde content of the product.

Bunk bed for children

It is difficult to choose a suitable variant of a metal bunk bed in the children’s room: a bed stands for modern style or minimalism, but does not look very aesthetic. It should be noted that such a bed is reliable and durable, but it is quite heavy and it will be difficult to assemble or disassemble.

Metal bunk bed inside the child’s room

When choosing such a bed, special attention must be paid to the safety of children: the corners should be machined, rounded, no sharp parts and fasteners work. However, this is one of the most unsafe types of beds.

Convenience and security

You can choose from a variety of beautiful, externally attractive options for bunk beds that are well suited to the interior and design of the room, but you shouldn’t forget the most important thing – the comfort and safety of the baby.

What should I watch out for when buying?

  • 190 (180) x 90 cm – the optimal size of the bed for children. Smaller dimensions can of course be chosen, but in this case it is necessary to understand that in a few years such a bed will simply be small for the child.

Children’s room with a standard bunk bed

  • Strength is one of the most important requirements. Children are active and mobile, and on the upper level they can not only sleep, but also play, jump and climb on several people. Before you buy, make sure the bed doesn’t swing, sway, and withstand the daily strain.

Before buying, make sure the thickness of the bed

  • Nice and comfortable. Pay attention to the comfort of the beds in the store: you can sit on the bed and even lie on it. If you feel comfortable and comfortable, this option deserves attention. Pay special attention to the presence of protective skirts on the upper level that prevent the children’s night from falling. Limits should not be less than 25 cm, it is also very desirable to have handrails on the top floor.

Bortics protects the child from falling

The most important requirement for every household item in the room is its safety for children. With bunk beds, this condition should come to the fore. What is to be considered?

  • Age restrictions. Children from the age of 6 sleep on the upper floor, for safety reasons it is better to consider other bed variants for safety reasons.
  • Reliable, sloping, stable staircase with non-slip steps, with secure attachment and >

Choose bunk beds with a sturdy sloping staircase

  • Distance between beds. It is comfortable to sit and be a child, and an adult, nobody should touch the ceiling with a head.
  • The top floor should also be optimal in height, especially if the children have low ceilings. The child must climb and descend from the upper floor, refuel the bed without inconvenience.

The second floor should not be too close to the ceiling

  • The bed must be firmly, firmly mounted, the legs – reliably stand on the floor, and all elements – tightened and tightened.
  • Strength that can be checked in the store by an adult. To do this, it is necessary to climb to the upper level and rock lightly. In the slightest doubt, it is better to refuse to buy.

Robust bunk bed made of natural wood

  • Mobility of the bed. If you make a decision >Conclusion

The furniture market currently offers a variety of bunk beds for children, ranging from classic classics to unusual models. The selection is large, so it is not possible to buy the children’s favorite model while filling the children’s room with the parents sensibly. Approach creatively when choosing a bunk bed, pay attention to additional modules: cupboards, corners, shelves, play elements. As a result, you get a whole complex of which Children excited will be!


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Christina Cherry
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