Fever in the toddler – what you should definitely know!

Fever in the toddler - what you should definitely know!

Fever in toddlers – what you should know!

Written by Gisela on July 29, 2019

How to diagnose a fever in your toddler

Kiss or touch your child’s forehead. If you feel that it feels hotter than normal, then the fever has conquered your toddler.

Fever is usually a sign that your body is waging an infection war. Measuring your child’s temperature can confirm your suspicions. In addition, it can help you and your pediatrician find the best way to keep your child healthy.

Most doctors agree that a normal body temperature for a healthy child is between 36 to 38 degrees Celsius. If your child’s fever is above this range, they will have a fever.

A temperature measurement is not the only indication of whether the fever should be taken seriously.

behavior – A high fever that doesn’t stop your child from playing and eating normally should not be a concern.

activity – Children tend to be warmer when they are romping around than when they wake up from a nap.

Remember that the temperature rises in the late afternoon and early evening and falls between midnight and early morning. This natural cycle of internal thermostats explains why doctors make most of their phone calls about fever in the late afternoon and early evening.

When to see your pediatrician if your toddler has a fever

You know your child best. Then go to the doctor if you are seriously worried – no matter how high the temperature is.

In general, the most important thing is how your child looks and behaves. If your child looks good and drinks fluids, there is no need to see your pediatrician. Unless the fever persists for more than 24 hours or is very high. Ask your pediatrician for additional advice: For example, your doctor may suggest calling immediately if your child’s fever reaches 38 ° C, regardless of the previous symptoms.

General guidelines to see your pediatrician are if your child is at 39.4 ° C or higher and has symptoms, such as:

  • anorexia
  • to cough
  • earache
  • unusual excitement
  • drowsiness
  • Vomit
  • diarrhea

Go to the doctor with your toddler if it:

  • Very pale or blushed
  • If it urinates less than usual
  • You notice an inexplicable rash that could indicate a more serious problem if it is associated with a fever.
  • Small, purple-red spots that do not turn white or pale when pressed
  • purple spots indicate a very severe bacterial infection
  • Has difficulty breathing (breathing harder or faster than usual). This could indicate pneumonia.

How does your pediatrician treat the fever in your toddler?

If your toddler is reasonably alert, drinks enough, and has no other symptoms that indicate a serious illness, your pediatrician can recommend that you simply wait 24 hours before examining your child. Because fever is often the first symptom of an infant’s illness, a doctor may not find anything special if examined too early.

Depending on how uncomfortable it is for your toddler, your pediatrician may suggest giving children acetaminophen or ibuprofen to lower the fever.

If your child has symptoms suggestive of illness or infection, they will examine your toddler thoroughly.

Lower the fever in the toddler or have the disease controlled by fever?

Because fever is part of the body’s defenses against bacteria and viruses, some researchers recommend that an elevated temperature can help the body fight infections more effectively. Bacteria and viruses prefer an environment that is around 37 ° C. A fever also tells the body to make more white blood cells and antibodies to fight the infection.

On the other hand, if your toddler’s temperature is too high, they won’t eat, drink, or sleep, which in turn makes it difficult for them to get well.

If your child’s fever doesn’t affect their behavior, you don’t need to take medication to lower it. Offer him enough fluids to prevent dehydration, and don’t pack your toddler too warm while sleeping.

If your child’s body temperature is higher than normal due to extra clothing, a warm day, or too much play, help your child cool off by dressing them less and encourage them to rest or play more calmly in a cool place.

Safe medication to reduce fever from toddlers

You can give acetaminophen to children or ibuprofen to lower the fever.

But be very careful when giving your child medication. Its weight determines the correct dosage. Always use the meter or syringe provided with the medication to give your child just the right amount.

Do not give antipyretic medications more often than recommended. The guidelines will probably say that you can give acetaminophen every 4 hours (up to a maximum of 5x / day) and ibuprofen every 6 hours (up to a maximum of 4x / day).

Give your toddler No way Aspirin. Aspirin can make an infant more susceptible to Reye syndrome, a rare but fatal condition.

A final word of caution: Most pediatricians do not recommend over-the-counter cough and cold remedies for toddlers, but if your child is taking a prescription medicine, talk to your pediatrician before giving your child other medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Cough and cold remedies can already contain these products, so you could run the risk of giving your child too much medicine.

Other methods of lowering fever in your toddler

You could try lowering your toddler’s fever by rubbing it with lukewarm (lukewarm, not cold) water. You can also put your toddler in a bath with lukewarm water.

Never try to lower a child’s fever by rubbing it with alcohol. Alcohol can be absorbed into his bloodstream through the skin. It can cool your child down too quickly, which can increase their body temperature.

Fever attack in your toddler

Fever can sometimes cause a febrile seizure in infants and young children. They are most common in children between 6 months and 5 years.

A fever attack in a toddler can cause eyes to roll, drool, or vomit. The limbs can become stiff and the body can suddenly twitch. For the most part, the seizures are harmless, but that doesn’t make it any less daunting if your child has such an attack.

Why does the fever keep coming back in your toddler?

Antipyretic drugs only temporarily lower body temperature. They don’t affect the cause of the infection, so your toddler may have a fever until his body is free from the infection. The fever in a toddler can last at least 2 to 3 days.

Some infections, such as the flu, can last 5 to 7 days. If your child has been treated with antibiotics to fight a bacterial infection, it may take 48 hours for their temperature to drop.

Your toddler has a fever but no other symptoms

If a toddler has a fever that is not accompanied by a runny nose, cough, vomiting, or diarrhea, it can be difficult to figure out what disease could be the cause.

There are many viral infections that can cause fever without further symptoms. Some, such as Cause 3-day fever (Roseola infantum) followed by a light pink rash on the trunk.

More serious infections such as meningitis, urinary tract infections (UTI) or bacteremia (bacteria in the blood) can also trigger a high fever without other specific symptoms. If your toddler has a persistent (longer than 24 hours) fever of 39 ° C or higher, see your pediatrician regardless of whether or not he has other symptoms.

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