How to get rid of a migraine: a step-by-step guide

How to get rid of a migraine: a step-by-step guide

&# 128138; How to get rid of a migraine: a step-by-step guide – 2020

A migraine is much more than a typical headache. It can lead to extreme pain, nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. The throbbing pain can quickly ruin your day and interfere with your life.

But you don’t have to sit back and wait for a migraine to end. As long as you know how to deal with it, you can tackle it from all sides and return to your everyday life.

Follow these simple steps and you will be ready the next time a migraine occurs.

Step 1: have a treatment plan

A solid plan can give you the strength to relieve a migraine headache before the pain gets severe. This could be the primary weapon against future migraine attacks.

Your plan will likely take medication if you get a migraine. Knowing which medication to take can help lower your stress level because it eliminates the guesswork of what to do. Your plan can include over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription medications, or a combination of both. You and your doctor should develop a migraine treatment plan that suits you.

Step 2: treat it early

Timing is everything when it comes to relieving a migraine. Take your medication as early as possible. The American Headache Society recommends taking your medication during the prodromal phase of the attack. A prodrome is a warning sign that a painful migraine is coming next. This gives you the best chance of help. Don’t wait and see if you get a full blown migraine.

The key is to quickly identify your prodrome so you can do something. Prodrome signs can vary widely between people, but they often include symptoms such as:

  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Mood swings such as irritability, anxiety or euphoria
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Cravings, usually carbohydrates
  • Fatigue or yawning

If you have had migraines for a while, you can easily recognize your prodromal symptoms. This allows you to be proactive, not reactive, when treating pain. You must always have your migraine medication with you so that you can take it immediately when you recognize the early stages of your attack.

Step 3: take into account what caused it

If you can determine the cause of your migraines, you may be able to take additional steps to get relief. For example, do you get a migraine because you don’t have enough food today? Some migraines can be triggered by a lack of food that can cause low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. If you think your headache is caused by hunger, eat something that is easy on the stomach, like salt crackers. This, in combination with your medication, can give you additional relief. The National Headache Foundation says some people crave carbohydrates before a migraine hits. If so, listen to your body and have a snack.

Dehydration can also cause headaches and make your migraines worse. If you don’t have enough fluids today, drink some water. Swallow slowly to avoid nausea or vomiting.

Step 4: find a quiet, dark place to relax

Sensitivity to light and sound is one of the most common migraine symptoms. Get away from these things if you can. This can help relieve your pain and relieve stress. Lie down and watch your breathing. Try to breathe slowly and deeply out of your diaphragm. Feel that your stomach rises as you inhale and falls as you exhale. This can help you relax.

Deep breathing and relaxation exercises can shorten and alleviate migraine attacks. They can also help you prevent some migraines.

Step 5: caffeine can help (sometimes)

A cup of coffee can help stop a migraine. Many over-the-counter pain relievers contain caffeine because it can increase the effects of the drug.

Just make sure you don’t drink too much. Drinking more than a cup of coffee could set you up for a caffeine withdrawal headache later. People with migraines who consume caffeine more than three days a week can develop a caffeine addiction. This can lead to more headaches. Moderation is the key to caffeine, but it helps many people find relief.

Step 6: try out hot or cold therapy

If you’ve ever put an ice pack on an injury or a heating pad on a back, you know the power of temperature therapy. This can also help if you have a migraine. You may need to experiment to decide what feels best for you. Some people find that an ice pack that is applied to the head provides soothing, numbing relief. This is especially helpful when the sun or heat causes your migraines.

Other people find a heating pad or hot shower to be therapeutic during an attack. It’s worth trying hot or cold therapy when your next migraine hits. It can supplement your medication safely and effectively.

Choose your migraine fighting tools

Treating a migraine is often more complicated than taking a simple pain reliever. Migraines are complex, so you may need several different tools to treat your symptoms quickly and effectively.

Use these steps next time you get a migraine and you can find success in managing the pain. Over time, you can develop the best treatment plan for you.

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