Plan and celebrate children’s birthday

Already excited, full of anticipation, your child is looking forward to his birthday.

A big challenge for some mothers or fathers, because after all, the children’s birthday party should become one of the most beautiful memories for the whole. From the third birthday, the children become aware of the importance of this date. They understand that they are the sole focus and enjoy it.

Here are some suggestions on how to start your birthday

  • Gifts, cakes and burning candles are brought to the bed.
  • In the living room the birthday table with the presents and the burning candles is already prepared.
  • They wake their child up with a birthday song.

In order for the children’s birthday to be a complete success, one should

useful program can be put together. However, don’t be too strict if something doesn’t go as planned or takes longer than planned. The fun and joy of the children and the birthday child come first and not the adherence to a rigid process.

The invitation for a children’s birthday party takes place about eight to ten days before the festival. In order to really spark the anticipation, buy the invitations with your child or make them Invitations even better. The exact time (start and end) should be noted on the invitation so that the other parents can bring or pick up their children in good time. The children are invited according to the age of the birthday child. As a rule of thumb, as many as the child grows, so many guests can come. Too many guests would overwhelm the birthday child.

A successful table decoration with culinary delicacies should receive the guests right from the start:

  • Colorful place settings made of paper or cardboard, tablecloths, napkins and flowers in coordinated colors.
  • Balloons or streamers look wonderfully decorative.
  • Place cards with the names of the children
  • A big birthday cake with a thick light or lots of small birthday candles.
  • Bake waffles with powdered sugar and fruit
  • fruit salad
  • Schaumküsse
  • Distribute some sweets.

Games are a major part of the game, and their selection depends on the success of the event. Very important: The games must be appropriate to the level of development and the age of the children. Not too difficult and not too easy, exciting and fun.

Play in the house or apartment

Can only be played indoors, quiet games and lively games should alternate.

  • Topfschlagen (In this case, a child is blindfolded with a cloth so that they can no longer see anything. Then another child rotates it in a circle until it is somewhat confused and has become disoriented not bad or it gets too wild, then put a wooden spoon in the child’s hand. Now place an inverted saucepan under which there is a candy or a gift, far away from the viewfinder, and the saucepan should not be in Now it is time to be careful. It is tapped on the pot once to point the rough direction to the searching child. The blindfolded child must now crawl on all fours to find the pot by with the Sometimes spoons hit the floor in front of him. By shouting "warm" and "cold", the other people provide information as to whether the child looking for is approaching the pot or moving away from it. As an adult, make sure that the instructions are given in such a way that a certain tension remains. At the same time, the game shouldn’t get too complicated. As soon as the pot is found by hitting it loudly, the cloth can be removed and the child receives the hidden objects. Now it’s the next child’s turn.)
  • Grab pretzels (Pretzels, salt pretzels or other goodies are held over long strings over the children’s heads. The little robbers have to jump up and grab their prey. This brings some movement into the celebrations, the children practice their skills and let off steam.)
  • Throw cans
  • The trip to Jerusalem
  • Guess noises
  • Color mandalas
  • Spin bottles

Some of these games are sure to remind you of your childhood. These games are timeless and give your children as much pleasure as you did when you celebrated your children’s birthday.

After the fun but demanding games, the children are hungry and deserve a tasty refreshment. For a healthy evening snack, for example, these classic dishes are recommended:

  • Sandwiches and rolls
  • Chips and pretzels
  • hot dog
  • Raw food (sliced ​​gherkins, peppers and carrots)
  • cheese cubes
  • Little meatballs

A child’s birthday ends so quickly. Before each collection, this must be

Say goodbye to the birthday child to each guest and thank you again for the gifts you brought with you. When all the guests have left, the parents should go through the presents again with the birthday child and review the day. This is how they are made experience and memories better and the birthday boy will surely dream of an unforgettable day. Such memories have to be documented with photos and preserved for the future. Because even adults are happy when their parents unpack the childhood photos and you can float together in times past. Send some prints of the pictures to the visitors of the birthday. That pleases the general public.


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Christina Cherry
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