Irritating cough: duration and course

Dry, irritating cough, i.e. unproductive cough, can be very excruciating. It tickles in the throat and on the palate and you have the feeling that you have to scratch constantly there. You cough and it comes no expectoration, You get the feeling that this stimulating cough has you completely under control and wish that it should finally stop. But how long does cough usually last?

Key facts at a glance

  • Duration of irritable cough with a cold
  • Typical course of cough
  • Help, my cough doesn’t go away
  • Irritant cough duration in children

Duration of irritable cough with a cold

Irritant cough is in most cases Harbinger of colds. You have contracted cold viruses and these have nested in the sensitive mucous membrane of the throat and upper respiratory tract. They irritate the tissue, causing this uncomfortable itch. The body instinctively reacts with a cough reflex. Since the Infection has not yet spread, the cough remains dry and excruciating. It is particularly disturbing at night. So it is good if you have a few cough medicine for irritable cough on hand or you can use home remedies for irritable cough. Often, however, coughing cough does not last longer than up to three days. If it came up due to a cold, the dry cough then turns into a productive cough, in which you get expectoration.

Christina Cherry