Child poverty in Germany: Not only is money missing

Germany is considered a rich country. The economy is doing well, unemployment is at a record low. But those who have little to do with it suffer the most: many children in this country are affected by poverty. How can that be? What are the effects of childhood poverty? And how can child poverty be combated in Germany? Here you’ll find answers.

That’s what it’s all about:

So many children in Germany suffer from poverty

Do you think poverty is only an issue in developing countries? In Germany alone, every fifth child is affected by poverty. This is a total of 2.55 million children, as the child poverty report of the Economic and Social Sciences Institute (WSI) shows. According to a study commissioned by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, on average every fourth child in Germany lives in so-called relative poverty.

Christina Cherry

Child poverty in Germany

Although Germany is a rich country, there are children who are affected by poverty here. You can read about why this is here.

Child poverty in Germany

Germany is actually a rich country. It is one of the so-called industrialized countries. Still live here roughly 2.5 million children in poverty. Most of the time you have just enough money to survive. But because poor people in Germany still have more money at their disposal than poor people in developing countries, poverty in Germany is called relative poverty.

Christina Cherry

Our emergency aid against child poverty

Around 2.7 million children and adolescents live in poverty in Germany. Many have to survive everyday school life on an empty stomach, freeze in winter due to a lack of warm clothing, suffer from exclusion and an environment characterized by unemployment and hopelessness. The German Children’s Fund is committed to overcoming child poverty.

Losing work, an accident, a serious illness or divorce can acutely put families in dire straits.

Many parents use all their resources to keep the family financially afloat and yet they live with their children on a subsistence level. The main reasons for the high level of child poverty in Germany are on the one hand the unemployment of the parents, on the other hand the increasing number of parents who work full-time but whose income is still only slightly above the social assistance rate. Single parents and large families are particularly hard hit. Their income is often barely enough or not at all to support the children.

Christina Cherry

Poverty in Germany: children from Hartz IV families clearly disadvantaged

Poverty in Germany Children from Hartz IV families clearly disadvantaged

Children from low-income families are clearly disadvantaged in Germany.

Berlin According to a study, government support for poor families is based too little on children’s needs. That is why it often does not meet its needs, according to the data analysis by the research institute of the Federal Employment Agency on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation, about which "Der Spiegel" reports.

The study shows that children from low-income families are clearly at a disadvantage compared to those from families in secure financial circumstances. According to this, three quarters (76 percent) of children from Hartz IV families do not even take a week off per year; in children in secure circumstances, it is only 21 percent.

Christina Cherry