Eye diseases: from my vision to the star, lasikon

Eye diseases: from my vision to the star, lasikon

Eye Diseases: Summary list of causes, symptoms and therapies

The eye as sense organ

The eyes are among the most important sensory organs of the human being, because they give us the sight, with which we perceive our environment, by being able to see sharply both far as well as briefly removed objects. The eye ensures that stimuli reach the brain – and vice versa.

You can compare the structure of the eye and even its function with a camera. When viewed from the outside you can see a colored iris looking at the eyes. The light that falls through the inside of the eye meets the eye lens there. Depending on whether you are watching television far or near, the lens contracts or is pulled apart. The sharp image you see is passed on to the retina, then from the optic nerve to the brain to process the impressions.

But modern stress in everyday life can bring far-reaching consequences for the eyes. The following video clearly explains the symptoms and causes of common eye diseases with examples:

Common problems with eyes, first symptoms

Although colloquially speaking of sick eyes, the ophthalmologist distinguishes between:

  • simple complaints
  • visual impairments
  • and eye diseases

Often the first symptoms are harmless, but can be the first symptoms of a serious eye disease, so you should never write off simple symptoms, but seek medical attention.

Common problems that can cause diseased eyes include:

External complaints

  • Itching / itchy eyes
  • Burning / burning eyes
  • Tears / watery eyes
  • Redness / reddened eyes
  • Dryness / dry eyes
  • Foreign body / vitreous feeling

Internal complaints

  • see twice
  • See flashes of light
  • Pain
  • pressure
  • veil
  • vision loss
  • and much more…

Modern ways of life, which are characterized by TV, computer, tablet and Co., also do not contribute to the first complaints are prevented or improved. Quite the opposite: just working at the computer or intensive tablet hours (as in other cases, of course) can cause over-stressed eyes to tears or burn and chronically ill eyes can be the result.

These may initially be harmless symptoms in these situations, but may also be the first signs of a serious disease of the organ of vision. In any case have the problems with the eyes examined by an ophthalmologist.

Eye diseases in old age

The Elasticity of the eye lens Slowly diminishes in old age, so that the sighted can adapt worse when it comes to distance or near vision. In this way, it is often necessary for older people to read reading glasses, for example, to work on the computer or to read a book and a magazine.

A deterioration of the eyes in old age is also common lens opacity responsible, up to the cataract can develop. This eye disease is as Cataract and ensures that eyesight deteriorates severely until it is necessary to operate the cataract.

In the age of dives also macular degeneration more common, about which little is known, but nevertheless often occurs. Again, the complaints until blindness suffice.

List of common eye diseases from A to Z

Well-known and common eye diseases include more than 40 complaints, ranging from irritated and dry eyes to inflammation and blindness. The following list shows almost all eye diseases, which are most common in children and adults, in a clear table. The wiki will also tell you the terms of which the disease is known, how it manifests itself in the course of the disease, and what treatment and treatment is currently being considered for the cure. We are continually expanding our database with further literature and links to experienced specialists in ophthalmology.

eye disease Disease also known as Short description of the symptoms
hyperopia Hyperopia and hypermetropia In farsightedness, you can see things close to each other blurred (for example, when reading or at the computer). It is distinguished as a cause between the axis hyperopia and the refractive hyperopia. For correction and healing see hyperopia lasers »
myopia myopia With this defective vision, you can only see blurred in the distance. Again, there are common causes (axis myopia) and less common causes (refractive myopia). For correction and cure see myopia lasers »
presbyopia presbyopia If pictures and texts are perceived only vaguely in old age, one speaks of an presbyopia. From 40 years, many sufferers get a reading glasses, but it depends on whether you were able to see well before, short-sighted or far-sighted, from when the presbyopia is uncomfortable for you. For correction and cure see presbyopia lasers »
astigmatism Astigmatism and astigmatism If you can see blurred near and far, you often suffer from astigmatism. Mostly this disease is congenital, but it can also be responsible for scars and other causes of the problems. For correction and healing see astigmatism lasers »
Dry eyes

Sicca syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca If there is not enough tear fluid in the eye (usually due to environmental influences), the eyes may be dry, but may also be red, burning, itching or other discomfort. Through eye drops and other measures, dry eye can usually be treated quickly and successfully. stye hordeolum If the eyelids or eyelids are red or swollen, a barley grain may be among the causes. Optically, a barley grain resembles a pimple and is caused by a bacterial infection (often staphylococci). Green Star glaucoma As a glaucoma or glaucoma different eye diseases are summarized, in which as a cataract symptoms primarily an increased intraocular pressure is noticeable. A distinction is made between five different types (primary open-angle glaucoma as the most common form, glaucoma in emergency situations, normal pressure glaucoma, congenital glaucoma or secondary glaucoma (usually as a consequence of a disease or other influences). Cataract cataract When the sensation of dazzling increases or a veil appears in front of the eyes, these may be the first signs of cataract. In most cases, cataracts are age-related, also known as senile cataracts. Depending on which cataracts you experience, it may be useful to consider a cataract surgery. squint strabismus A slight silver look can still be compensated, but with a strong squint the patient sees partial double images. It is important to take countermeasures such as eye surgery at the first signs of childhood, in order to avoid severe visual impairment. macular degeneration Age-related macular degeneration, age-related AMD, dry AMD, wet AMD In most cases, the macular degeneration is age-related and occurs after the 60th birthday. Vision is increasingly impaired and can lead to blindness. However, blindness does not mean complete darkness, but a vision that is only blurred in the outer area possible. There are two types of macular degeneration: dry macular degeneration (the most common type) and wet macular degeneration. Retinal detachment Ablatio retinae or amotio retinae When it comes to retinal detachment, action must be taken quickly to avoid even worse complications. If you see flashes of light or black spots on your eyes, you should definitely consult a doctor. The cause is often a crack responsible. Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis, in combination with keratitis: keratoconjunctivitis In inflammation of the conjunctiva, the eyes are often very red. The causes are varied and range from viruses to allergies to bacteria or diseases. Conjunctivitis can be contagious, especially in children and infants. retinoblastoma This is an eye tumor that occurs in children. In about 50 percent of cases, the cancer is hereditary (hereditary retinoblastoma), in other cases, it is a sporadic retinoblastoma. Keratitis keratitis When the cornea is inflamed, it can have many different causes, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, heredity, eye injuries, and more. The inflammation itself is quite rare (more common is conjunctivitis) and causes, for example, a diminished vision or eye pain. night-blindness Hemeralopia or nyctalopia The vision is severely limited in the night blindness in the dark and even at dusk, since the eyes do not adapt to the darkness. A distinction is made between hereditary retinal disease with night blindness and acquired night blindness (for example due to vitamin A deficiency or eye diseases). L /> Both the upper and lower lid of the eye can cause eyelid tumors as tumors. They may be benign or malignant tumors. A malignant lid tumor is usually basal cell carcinoma (the average age is 71 years). The benign tumors are often warts or deposits of fat. L /> blepharitis Although not well known, it is one of the most common problems associated with burning, itching and redness. Often bacterial staphylococci are the cause of the infection heals after a few days or weeks. Corneal ulcer Ulcer corneae If the cornea is damaged by an ulcer, this may also be manifested by red, watery, sore and light-sensitive eyes. Also in this case, various pathogens are the cause. The ulcer does not always heal, it can lead to blindness in this disease. Retinopathy of prematurity Retinopathia praematurorum, RPM, retrolental fibroplasia or RLF Preterm neonatal retinopathy is a retinal damage that occurs due to impaired development of the blood vessels of the retina. The disease is divided into five stages, which may extend to complete retinal detachment. In the low stage, the disease can regress, at higher stages, surgical measures are possible, but promise only modest success. color vision problems

Achromatism, monochromaticity or dichromatism Color vision disorders include color fading and color blindness. The spectrum of the disease is very large. In color blindness, the Achromasie is relatively rare and means that no colors can be perceived. In monochromaticity, patients can only see certain colors. With full color blindness, only light and dark contrasts can be detected. Dichromatism, too, is one of those color vision disorders in which people have problems distinguishing two colors. Low vision, such as green vision, are innate in most cases. Away of the eyelid

ectropium In this condition, the lid (usually the lower lid) turns outward so that the inside becomes visible. Mostly it is not a hereditary disease, but an acquired deformity, in which the causes can be very different. Often the problem occurs in old age when the eye muscles become slack. Inward return of the eyelid entropion In this misalignment, the eyelid is turned inwards, so that the eyelashes grind on the eye. Again, the problem usually occurs in the lower eyelid – also with very different causes. However, this form of eye disease can also be innate and even occur in infants. Inflammation of the middle eye skin uveitis In this disease, the middle eye skin is inflamed. In this country, this disease is also known as iris, which can be caused by many different clinical pictures. blindness Amaurosis or amaurosis The most dangerous and strongest form of eye disease is blindness. There are different manifestations of how “blind” a patient actually is. Anyone who has to live completely in darkness and thus can no longer perceive light is in the condition called Amaurosis or Amaurosis. However, a patient is not only called “blind” in this state, but also when the visual acuity does not even equal two percent of the normal sharpness. The causes of blindness are very different. There are blindnesses that are congenital, hereditary, and therefore erupt earlier, or arise during the course of life. Whether a blindness is curable depends on which cause is responsible for the disease.

As you can see, there are rare eye diseases and very common eye diseases that are associated with partially similar symptoms (such as photosensitivity or inflamed eyes). Therefore, do not take symptoms lightly, especially if it is a spontaneous flash in front of the eyes or a sudden poor eyesight. Even if your eye pressure is too high, you should always consult an ophthalmologist. This can quickly recognize cause and chances of recovery.

Eye diseases in animals: Also in dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs and other animals, eye diseases can occur. For the first symptoms (such as watery eyes) have your horse examined by a veterinarian or take your dog or cat to the veterinarian himself to prevent possible eye problems and diseases or to clarify as soon as possible. In case of conspicuous behavior changes, you should always consider sick eyes.

Modern surgical and treatment methods

Ophthalmology (Ophthalmology) is one of the oldest medical treatments to cure or ameliorate vision defects, diseases and eye injuries. Meanwhile, there is a modern therapy in eye medicine for a large part of the diseases. Depending on the disease, cause and course, drugs or even surgery may be considered. Meanwhile, many surgical techniques are minimally invasive, d. H. that the surgeon only minimally intervenes during the surgical procedure and that many steps are performed gently with a laser. However, a laser OP is only suitable for certain corrections.

When is laser eye surgery recommended? Who under one refractive error or one astigmatism suffers or am Grey star can be ill, for example, on a Laser surgery as a treatment To fall back on. This is completed in minutes and promises strong improvements and partial complete correction of ametropia. The costs for the patient are at first glance relatively high (depending on the clinic, surgeon and operation method between 1,000 and 3,000 euros per eye). But you have to keep in mind that, for example, if you have short-sightedness after you have lasered, you can do without glasses and other vision aids.

Every two years a purchase of glasses costs an average of 400 euros with a good frame and pleasant glasses + prescription eyewear for 200 euros. That makes in the two-year cycle 600 euros!

An eye laser surgery for a total of 4,000 euros therefore pays for itself after less than seven years. Since you can do without vision aids for a significantly longer time after an eye laser surgery, you save money by these one-time costs.

The eye laser is not very popular with the health insurance because of the high cost. If it is medically necessary (for example, in case of intolerance to glasses or contact lenses) the costs for the laser surgery are covered. In a private health insurance, the odds are a little higher, the costs of eye surgery by a good reasoning and medical evidence to get subsidized.

In the normal case, however, eye lasers have to be paid by the patient, which will pay off after less than ten years. Contact an eye clinic in your area so that you can consult local ophthalmologists about what eye care options are available for you and what the costs would be. A clear list with some good eye laser centers and providers can be found here.

Save eyes – 5 practical tips!

Especially in this day and age, we spend a lot of time in front of digital devices, which is quite annoying for the eyes. These five practical tips can help your eyes. While it is not possible to cure sick eyes with these tips, you can help reduce the risks of eye disease in old age and earlier.

  1. PC work: When working on the computer, you should pay attention to the correct distance, which is ideally about 50 centimeters. If you already feel the first signs that you can not see enough details on your screen with these 50 centimeters, you should consult an ophthalmologist or optician to clarify any farsightedness or to detect illnesses.
  2. Blickwechsel: If your eyes are focused on an activity (tablet, smartphone, books, etc.), then you need a little rest afterwards. Give your eyes a little change of perspective and look into the distance, then fix a tree and let your eyes wander again. So also your eye muscles get a little workout.
  3. Relaxation: If the eyes are tired, irritated, dry or even burning, you should provide the necessary relaxation. Sit comfortably and warm your palms. Now place your palms in a curved position and close your eyes without pressure. Concentrate on the darkness and stay in that position for about two minutes.
  4. Sports: Those who do sports regularly not only benefit from better fitness, but also from better eyes. Regular sports should not prevent diseases such as cataracts or the age-related macular degeneration, but rarely occur.
  5. Nutrition: Already in your childhood you may have heard from your parents the sentence that carrots are good for the eyes. But can vitamins and minerals actually help to prevent eye diseases? The fact is, carrots have a positive effect on your eyes; but there are a few foods that are even more helpful, as they help ensure a high intake of lutein. Above all, the age-related macular degeneration can be prevented by these plant foods and generally by a healthy diet.

Remember: Much lutein is found in green vegetable varieties, which include, for example, green and white cabbage, spinach, rocket and cress. Also the Vitamins A, C and E strengthen your eyes. If there is a deficiency of vitamin A, it can lead to night blindness – you can prevent this deficiency, for example, by carrots. Vitamin C (generally an all-rounder) is found in many fruits and vegetables, such as oranges and lemons, but also parsley and yellow pepper. Natural oils and fats (such as wheat germ oil), on the other hand, are rich in vitamin E..

Prevent eye diseases

Healthy people should be concerned with the topic of eye disease before the disease has already occurred, or at least as soon as the first symptoms appear. With a little knowledge and a conscious life you can minimize the risk for sick eyes. There are various risk factors that must be considered in order to avoid diseases. Especially in our modern day it is hard to imagine

  • overload
  • overexcitement
  • stress
  • or dry eyes

Protect as the long PC work, strong sunlight or artificial lighting are not exactly conducive. Although you can avoid these dangers in your everyday life only bad, but at least to limit your eyes to protect.

Tips for working on the PC

Especially at the screen work Make sure that your eyes are not overloaded. Give your eyes regular breaks (at the latest after two hours and then for at least ten to fifteen minutes). As you work, close your eyes and stimulate tears to avoid dry eyes.

In general, your workstation should be well lit and have no strong brightness contrasts (so never put your computer in front of a window, as the contrast is very strong here).

Whenever you feel that your eyes can take a break, just cover them with your hands and treat the eyes to a little wholesome darkness. Avoid cigarette smoke in your area, ensure that there is plenty of fresh air and remember that it is not just the skin that suffers from UV radiation, but also your eyes.

Focus on objects from greater distances! This is a natural process that we often neglect for hours due to focusing on a screen. So, periodically turn away from your monitor and focus on an object in the distance. It is best to look out the window and fix something that is several kilometers away from you. Stay focused on this point for a long time, then change the object. Then look at your hands for a few seconds and then look into the distance again.

For the summer: Protect your eyes with a suitable sun protection glasses, which looks not only chic, but above all reduces glare and protects your eyes from UV rays. Especially when cheap sunglasses are just tinted, they often have no UV protection, so harmful UV light gets into your eyes and causes damage. At the age of you will be grateful to have spent a few euros more for a good and quality sunglasses!

And one last tip: Check with your ophthalmologist regularly. Have your eyesight tested and the structure of your eyes examined professionally. The ophthalmologist can detect harmful developments at an early stage and help you to get ahead of the onset of an eye disease.

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