Combating child poverty, german child welfare organization

Our emergency aid against child poverty

Around 2.7 million children and adolescents live in poverty in Germany. Many have to survive everyday school life on an empty stomach, freeze in winter due to a lack of warm clothing, suffer from exclusion and an environment characterized by unemployment and hopelessness. The German Children’s Fund is committed to overcoming child poverty.

Losing work, an accident, a serious illness or divorce can acutely put families in dire straits.

Many parents use all their resources to keep the family financially afloat and yet they live with their children on a subsistence level. The main reasons for the high level of child poverty in Germany are on the one hand the unemployment of the parents, on the other hand the increasing number of parents who work full-time but whose income is still only slightly above the social assistance rate. Single parents and large families are particularly hard hit. Their income is often barely enough or not at all to support the children.

Your donation against child poverty

Poverty and exclusion are a problem for society as a whole: if 2.7 million children lack educational and development opportunities due to the financial situation of their families, then a piece of the future is missing for Germany. Help now with your donation.

The everyday life of children from difficult family relationships

The Weimar Children’s House is the contact point and cooperation partner of the German Children’s Fund. Here children can do their homework in peace, discuss problems, get tuition, cook together, play theater or just romp carefree and be a child. The following short film (created by Ingo Dubinski for the German Children’s Fund) gives a brief insight:

Maria * is nine years old. Her parents work every day: her mother as a shop assistant, her father on the building site. To feed the family of five, be >- it will cost too much anyway. If she is ashamed because she can’t go to the cinema with her class because of the lack of entrance fees.

Child poverty means exclusion, disadvantage, constant renunciation, often shameful, and a constant struggle against prejudice. Child poverty is often hidden behind bashful excuses.

Children’s Emergency Fund: Opportunity for financially disadvantaged children

In order to help financially disadvantaged children, the German Children’s Fund set up the Children’s Emergency Fund in 1993. This helps families affected by poverty quickly and unbureaucratically, where government agencies are too slow or provide no support.

The German Children’s Fund provides individual aid for children and their families through the Children’s Emergency Fund, for example for learning materials, children’s clothing or recreational measures. Institutions such as children’s homes and projects that focus on social issues and that take special care of children from difficult families are also supported, as are refugee children and their families when clothing, translations or medical care are needed.

You would like to apply for individual help?

All families residing in Germany can generally apply to the Kindernothilfefonds. Families with two or more children and single parents with one or more children are particularly worthy of support. More information can be found here.

Economic upturn – no decline in child poverty

No other age group is as badly affected by poverty as children and adolescents; they suffer most from their family’s financial hardship. The situation is particularly difficult in families with only one parent and for children from immigrant families. They grow up in poverty far more often than German children.

In an international comparison, Germany is in the middle, but the very fact that the economic upturn has not contributed to a reduction in child poverty makes it clear that there is a structural problem in this country that politicians and society are using with all the means and skills available have to face.

That is why Germany needs a broad social commitment! Be there – for example with a donation to the German Children’s Fund.

Your donation against child poverty

Poverty and exclusion are a problem for society as a whole: if 2.7 million children lack educational and development opportunities due to the financial situation of their families, then a piece of the future is missing for Germany.

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