Caries treatment without drilling in children and pain afterwards

Caries treatment without drilling in children and pain afterwards

caries treatment

Caries, also called tooth decay, results from the destruction (decalcification) of the hard tooth substance. This destruction can be caused by certain bacteria that develop in the dental plaque. Caries is mainly caused by nutrition and the bacteria are also contagious. There are numerous caries treatments that are tailored to the individual patient. Today, dentistry is far from reaching for a drill in caries. If caries is treated in the early stages, the drill can be omitted. The caries treatment always requires prior and intensive cleaning of the affected tooth and then the tooth is filled. Today, however, dentistry also has options to do without the drill. Above all, anxiety patients benefit from this gentle method, which is usually calculated by a private doctor.

Caries treatment without drilling

Is caries treatment possible without drilling? People who are afraid of the dentist because they fear the unpleasant drilling can breathe easy. Caries treatment can be made easier for anxious patients. Instead of a drill, a resinous liquid can stop and treat tooth decay early. Another advantage is that the healthy tooth substance does not have to be sacrificed and patients are freed from the fear-infusing drill. The so-called “icon substance”, which was developed by a dental company in Hamburg, is applied to the affected caries with the help of foils. Even hard-to-reach areas such as interdental spaces can be easily reached because the film is very thin. Caries infiltration (caries treatment without drilling) takes about 20 minutes.

The top mineral layer of the tooth is first completely and carefully removed during caries infiltration with hydrochloric acid. Then the icon penetrates the carious tooth. The procedure is comparable to the penetration of a drop of water onto a sugar cube. Finally, the dentist hardens the liquid with a daylight lamp. The resin settles between the enamel particles, which are crystalline, and permanently strengthens the tooth structure. The new method of caries treatment also has limitations because it is only in the early stages and a light form caries disease helpful. Patients should therefore consult a dentist at an early stage. Treatment without the drill costs around 130 euros per tooth treated. It also depends on the size of the teeth and the extent to which they are affected.

Caries treatment in children

How is caries treatment done in children? Children are often afraid of the dentist, which is caused by the loud drilling noise. In children, caries treatment is therefore often not carried out with a drill, but with a special laser. This enables painless drilling and children are not exposed to the strain of anesthesia. Local anesthesia is also not necessary in most cases. The caries in children is removed gently and does not require the unpleasant vibrations on the teeth, which often frighten children. The dental laser can reduce the amount of germs in root canal treatments. The tooth is prepared for minimally invasive filling.

The dental laser is much quieter than a conventional drill. caries treatments are also carried out in children under sedation or anesthesia if the children are very anxious or the affected areas are very spacious. In the case of caries treatment, local anesthetic is not initially applied with the conventional anesthetic syringe, but with a special gel that tastes of fruit and makes the area where the anesthetic syringe is placed insensitive. The dentist explains to the children that with the help of this miracle cure, the teeth can simply sleep and feel nothing more. Children do not feel a puncture due to the miracle gel and the necessary anesthetic can be painful. The subsequent treatment can also be completely unnoticed and painless.

Caries treatment for milk teeth

The Caries treatment for milk teeth. Caries is one of the most common oral diseases in children. The children’s first teeth can also be affected. The caries damage in milk teeth first shows on the tooth enamel. The so-called “initial caries” can be recognized by white spots on the teeth, which are also known as “white spots”. Smaller caries treatments involve local anesthesia in the affected area. First, the pain gel is used again so that the injection of the anesthetic syringe can go unnoticed. If the caries is spread over several teeth and is extensive, the child is anesthetized. The affected teeth are first cleaned and the tooth structure affected by caries is gently removed. The procedure is carried out with a bucket excavator, a turbine or a drill. The tooth is then filled with a composite filling that is tooth-colored, wear-resistant and is also used on anterior and posterior teeth. If the loss of milk teeth is predictable in a timely manner, cement is also used as the filling material.

Caries treatment fillings

The caries treatment fillings. With tooth decay treatment, the diseased tooth is first carefully removed from the caries. The tooth is then filled. There are different filling materials. “Amalgam” is the filling material that is mainly used in the posterior region. The amalgam is an alloy of tin, copper, mercury and silver. Long durability, quick processing, high strength and low costs are the advantages of the amalgam filling. Another filler is the “composite”, a mixture of inorganic fillers and plastic. Composite fillings are applied in the so-called multi-layer process and then light-cured. The tooth-colored filling is permanent and it is not noticeable that the tooth has been treated.

Caries treatment and pain afterwards

What about caries treatment and pain afterwards? Caries treatment is usually carried out under local anesthesia. Drilling can make the treated tooth a little more sensitive or sensitive to pressure. In exceptional cases, the tooth can be a little irritated. Generally, however, there is no pain after caries treatment and after the anesthetic has subsided, patients can eat and drink normally again in about 2 hours.

Caries treatment cost

What caries treatment costs are there? Caries treatment serves to preserve the teeth and is therefore one of the treatments that are covered by the health insurance. However, the health insurance companies only accept fillings made from amalgam. If the tooth is filled with the composite, costs per tooth of 50-80 euros can be expected. The composite filling is applied in several layers. For this reason, a large hole in the tooth also requires several layers and is therefore more expensive than a small hole in the tooth to be filled. The composite filling is one of the private medical services and must be paid for each filling. However, if there is an allergy to amalgam, the health insurers will take on this type of filling. Special treatment methods such as treatment without a drill amount to approx. 130 euros per tooth.

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