Pensioner health insurance, what to pay attention to

Pensioner health insurance, what to pay attention to

retiree health insurance


1. Benefits of private health insurance

The services correspond to the chosen tariffs. The benefits once acquired are retained.

2. Contributions of private health insurance

The contributions are also in the state of retirement still, as for the active period, completely independent of income. Thus, it remains at the previous contribution level, with the exception that at retirement, the daily sickness benefit insurance / loss of earnings is eliminated and thus the contribution is reduced. It may also be useful to apply for a tariff change at the insurer. Here are often other, sometimes cheaper deals available. The agreement of a deductible often makes sense. Fares and fares that appear superfluous to you can be terminated on their own.

3. The private insured also receives a contribution subsidy

The private health insurance, who receives a statutory pension, receives a subsidy to his private health insurance as well as the insured in the statutory health insurance. This is calculated in 2014 with 7% from the pension amount. Example: With a monthly pension of Euro 2,000 he receives a monthly subsidy of Euro 140,00.

4. At retirement age the basic rate ?

The PKV insured is the change in the "basic price" open to his insurer. This tariff basically provides services such as the GKV and is the same for all providers. In terms of performance, therefore, it can not be compared with the normal tariffs. As contribution is always the maximum contribution of the GKV due. This amount is required by law (guarantee contribution).

5. Credit of PKV retirement provisions

When switching from the normal rate to the basic rate, the insured person will be credited with the accumulated retirement provisions. The longer the contractual relationship with the private company has existed, the greater the credit. This then reduces the monthly payment amount.

6. Benefits of the statutory health insurance

The statutory pensioner health insurance pays all the benefits that it pays to the other beneficiaries / insured. The sickness benefit is exempt.

7. Contributions of the statutory health insurance for voluntarily insured pensioners

To determine the contribution will be in the order shown

– the statutory pension amount,
– Pensions such as occupational pension, supplementary pension,
– a civil service pension
and other labor income

refer to §238 SGB V §238 SGB V
The health insurance contributions from the statutory pension are paid in half by the pensioner and the pension insurance institution. From all other income, the pensioner has to pay the full contribution alone.

8. The maximum contribution

The contribution assessment limit, 2016 Euro 50,850.00, represents the maximum amount from which the contributions are calculated. The maximum contribution for 2016 is Euro 618.68

9. The minimum contribution

is calculated from the minimum income limit, which is in 2016, Euro 968.33. The minimum contribution amounts to 14,6% of Euro 968,33 = Euro 141,38. This amount is therefore always payable, even if the pension is lower.

10. Minor income / earned income

are not used to determine premiums. If the revenue 1/20 of the mtl. Reference amount 2016 exceeds Euro 2,905.00 (§ 18 SGB IV), this corresponds to Euro 145.25 in 2016, no additional contributions are payable from this.

11. Post "for economic efficiency"

The contribution to be paid for voluntarily insured retirees is not based solely on your own pension or additional earned income. It is also used:

– Income from renting
– Income from leasing
– interest income
– and earnings of the spouse *

* If the spouse earns more than the insured and is not himself insurable, this is right – Federal Social Court – 28-09-2011 – Az. 12 KR 9/10 R

Please note the statutes of your statutory health insurance. Here must be included that the cash register after the "family law participation claim" moves. If so, you still have the option to change the cash register to get better.

12. The change from one statutory fund to another

is permitted at any time. Make use of your right of termination and switch.

13. The long-term care insurance

is a compulsory insurance. The pensioner also has to pay for it. The contribution rate is 2.35 percent (childless are punished and pay 2.6%). There is no grant for the contribution, the contribution is borne alone.

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