The structure of the human tooth – simply explained

The structure of the human tooth - simply explained

The structure of our teeth

When set up, each tooth is almost identical: the outside is visible enamel. Underneath it is protected dentin with fine dentinal tubules. These two structures protect the dental pulp, the part of the tooth that has blood and nerves.

The enamel exists to approx. 97% out hydroxyapatite and is therefore the hardest structure in the human body. Hydroxyapatite is in the form of rod-like crystals, which essentially consist of calcium and phosphate ions, sometimes also zinc and carbonate and other ions are embedded. The hydroxyapatite crystals are clearly structured – and this applies equally to every healthy tooth. Under the enamel the slightly softer, yellowish one is protected dentin. Dentin consists of approx. 70% hydroxyapatite, the remaining components are collagen and bound water.

Figure 1: Microscope image of the transition from tooth enamel to dentine (dentine)

Figure 2: Schematic representation of a hydroxyapatite crystal (approx5(PO4)3OH)

The dentin and the enamel protect them dental pulp, which is supplied with blood and has nerves running through it. With exposed tooth necks and unprotected dentin, external stimuli such as cold, heat, sweet or sour can be directly via those present in the dentin dentinal tubules ("Tubules") to the tooth nerve and cause pain.

It is important to protect and maintain the entire tooth and tooth retention system. If this is neglected, tooth erosion (dissolution of the tooth by acids e.g. from food), caries (dissolution of the hard tooth substance by bacterial acids), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) or even periodontitis (inflammation of the entire tooth structure) can occur. In the worst case, each of these diseases can lead to tooth loss. To prevent this, we have ours Biorepair products developed, researched and specially adapted to your needs. Zinc carbonate is used in all biorepair products Hydroxyapatite as the main active ingredient used, the main component of the tooth enamel. So an active ingredient known to the body is used. Hydroxyapatite can form a protective layer on the teeth. This protective layer prevents acids from attacking the tooth directly or bacteria from attaching to the tooth. Small enamel defects can be repaired by directly depositing and mineralizing hydroxyapatite in these porous areas. If the tooth necks are exposed, the dentinal tubules are closed and sensitive teeth reduced. A pleasant side effect: the teeth are whitened by the white hydroxyapatite protective layer.

Further scientific information and studies on the active ingredient hydroxyapatite can be found here.


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