Diarrhea in pregnancy

Diarrhea in pregnancy

Diarrhea and constipation can often occur during pregnancy. And for once the hormones are not responsible for it. The doctors speak of diarrhea (diarrhea) when the bowel movement occurs at least three times a day and it is either soft, pulpy or thin. Normally, the maternal diarrhea is safe for the unborn child. But if it is very strong, the fluid and mineral loss can be dangerous for the baby.

Although for once the hormones are not the culprits, pregnancy itself can cause diarrhea by several factors:

Changed diet: all expectant mothers only want the best for their baby. Therefore, many people start to eat healthier, which is usually accompanied by a high-fiber diet. Often the intestine reacts to diarrhea, because the body has to get used to the new diet. Once the body has changed, the diarrhea disappears by itself.

The growing uterus presses on the intestine to make room for the baby. This affects the bowel movement, which can either lead to constipation or diarrhea.

Mental stress also often leads to temporary diarrhea. A pregnancy triggers completely different feelings. In addition to great joy often fears and stress.

Diarrhea often occurs shortly before birth. The incipient contractions of the uterus massage the intestine and stimulate its activity, which can lead to diarrhea.

But during a pregnancy, a woman is not immune to it "to get normal “diarrhea. It can be triggered by:

  • Infections with viruses, bacteria or parasites. Infections can quickly become dangerous for the unborn baby.
  • Allergies to food
  • Incompatibilities to food.
  • Food poisoning
  • gastroenteritis

In pregnancy, many medications are not recommended for use because they harm the baby. For diarrhea during pregnancy, however, there are some home remedies that are completely safe:

If you have diarrhea, it is extremely important to drink a lot, at least three liters a day. Because the diarrhea causes the body to lose a lot of water. This is even more important during pregnancy, as large fluid loss can be dangerous for the unborn baby.

Chamomile tea has a calming effect on the lining of the stomach and intestines and is therefore highly recommended if an expectant mother has diarrhea.

Fennel tea exfoliates and calms the digestive organs (Figure 2).

The tannins in black tea have a stuffing effect and thus fight diarrhea. However, caution is advised, because the black tea also stimulates kidney activity and thus increases the fluid loss.

It is recommended to consume easily digestible and low-fat foods. Thus, the digestive organs are not burdened and irritated. You can z. As noodle soup, toast or rusks eat.

You should eat foods that have a stuffing effect like grated raw apple, banana or carrot vegetables .

Foods that are unfavorable to the digestive system should be kept away from:

  • milk
  • Coffee (dehydrating)
  • Acidic beverages such as fruit juices
  • eggs
  • High fat foods like meat and butter
  • Bloating vegetables like cabbage vegetables and legumes
  • A lot of rest and protection helps with recovery

The home remedies mentioned above are very good for treating mild, short-term diarrhea in pregnancy. However, if the diarrhea is more severe, it can be dangerous and a doctor should be consulted. How to recognize that it is strong, possibly dangerous diarrhea?

  • If the diarrhea persists for a long time, more than two days, or is very severe.
  • When concomitant symptoms occur, such as feeling weak and exhausted, pain, cramping, nausea, fever, or blood in the stool.
  • If the diarrhea was caused by an infection (eg listeriosis or salmonella). This can lead to an early or stillbirth.
  • When going to the toilet bacteria in the Sche >drugs

If the natural home remedies can not help anymore, you can also take medications for diarrhea. However, a woman should consult with a doctor because many drugs are taboo during pregnancy. An electrolyte replacement solution may help prevent fluid loss, or stopper medicines such as apple pectin, charcoal tablets, clay or kaolin (clay / china clay). Antidiarrheals are recommended to reduce diarrhea.

Diarrhea in pregnancy occurs relatively often and is usually safe for the unborn child. But women should always make sure that the fluid loss is not too large, because that can harm the baby. Caution should also be exercised if the diarrhea has been caused by an infection. Then you should definitely visit a doctor.

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