Fever in dogs: recognize the alarm signal and act

Fever in dogs: recognize the alarm signal and act

Fever in dogs: recognize the alarm signal and act

Animals cannot speak to us in words and simply tell us when they are not well, but they have their own means of communication to make themselves understood. This applies all the more to the dog, which like no other of our pets builds a particularly close bond with humans. And since we also have an emotional relationship with him, we usually notice changes in his behavior very quickly. However, fever is a symptom of the disease, which is often not very noticeable and can have different causes. There are also harmless forms of fever, but also those that can pose a serious risk to the dog’s life.

The normal body temperature of a healthy adult dog is included 37.5 to 39 degrees Celsius. In puppies and very small breeds, it is usually a bit higher. This is mainly due to the fact that these two groups are agile representatives who are permanently active and have much smaller organs, but who have to perform the same service as the larger conspecifics. In contrast, the body temperature of larger breeds or older dogs can be at the lower limit – you just walk through life with a little more calmness and clarity.

From what body temperature does my dog ​​have a fever?

If the dog’s body temperature only increases imperceptibly, i.e. by about one to one and a half degrees Celsius, you do not have to worry too much as a pet owner, because then it is not a fever. Playing, romping or agility training can provide a slight increase in warmth. It usually goes back quickly as soon as the dog has had some rest and has drunk. The dog’s skin does not sweat, only perspiration occurs through the tongue and through panting. The loss of fluid produced in this way is simply compensated for by the next visit to the water bowl.

From 40 degrees Celsius body temperature Experts speak of fever in dogs. If it continues to increase, the alertness of mistresses and mistresses is required and an immediate visit to the veterinarian is inevitable. Because there is already danger to life from 41 degrees for the dog and its organs could fail if the fever persists. If the temperature rises to over 42 degrees, the body’s own protein threatens to clot. The result is loss of consciousness and death.

What are the causes of fever??

Fever is not in itself a disease. Rather, it is the side effect of an illness that has nested in the dog’s body. Usually there is one Weakening of the immune system before that reacts as a countermeasure with an increase in body heat. As a result, it actively tries to fight the pathogens.

If the dog’s immune system triggers fever, this can have a variety of causes. A Intolerance to medication is not infrequently responsible for fever. For example, the regular deworming and vaccinations that a dog has to endure are basically a burden on the body’s defense system. It can also be one infection are present that were caused by parasites, bacteria, viruses or fungi. The most well-known infections include Lyme disease, distemper or rabies. Most of the time, however, dogs are vaccinated or protected against these infections.

Also age-related diseases can cause fever, such as rheumatic complaints or arthritis in older dogs. For example, if there is inflammation in the body of the intestine, uterus, or mammals, this can also be the cause of an increased body temperature. The often fatal meningitis causes even very severe fever. And fever, which is triggered by a tumor, is usually very difficult to classify.

How do I know that my dog ​​has a fever?

The dog owner may not even notice a slight increase in body temperature and will quickly return to normal on its own. Such a slight increase is at best expressed by one greater water needs – So the dog drinks more than usual. As a rule of thumb, you can assume that a healthy dog ​​consumes around 50 to 60 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight a day. If the dog drinks a lot more, this can be a first indication of fever. To be sure, you can use a clinical thermometer to measure the body temperature of your four-legged friend.

If the fever increases, mistresses and masters will notice this very quickly. The The dog’s breathing rate increases well above the normal value of 20 to 30 breaths per minute. He also works weakened and sleepy or even apathetic, suffers from severe febrile episodes chills and refuses to eat. His Feces are very firm and dry, the Neck fur dusted, the Nose dry and warm, the Eyes clouded and also the Ears can feel hot. If you notice such symptoms in your dog, you should better go to the vet with the patient. In principle, you should not wait long in puppies or old dogs with suspected fever and go straight to the veterinarian, because both age groups are weakened by fever attacks faster than their other counterparts.

How do I measure the temperature in my dog?

While we can measure body temperature in humans very comfortably using special ear thermometers, in dogs only rectal measurement remains a reliable method. In contrast to the dog, humans have little or no hair in the pinna that can distort the measurement result. So the body temperature in the After dogs be measured. In zoology, special digital clinical thermometers with a flexible tip are available, which determine the body temperature of the dog within only five seconds. There are even combination packs available that contain individually wrapped protective sleeves with the lubricant needed to insert the thermometer tip.

It is better to measure the temperature of the dog in pairs. One holds the dog in a standing or lying position and calms him and the other lifts his tail and carefully inserts the tip of the thermometer into the anus of the dog by about two centimeters. A signal tone indicates that the measurement has ended and the thermometer can be carefully removed. Please do not forget to praise the dog and possibly a treat that has endured this ugly procedure for him.

Not every dog ​​lets this happen so voluntarily. A close relationship of trust with owners or mistress is advantageous. In order to be prepared for an emergency, it helps to measure the body temperature as early as the puppy age and to repeat this process regularly. The dog is already used to the procedure and the owner has comparative values ​​that he needs to see whether his four-legged friend actually has a fever.

What can you do about fever??

Basically, not the fever itself is treated, but the Cause of the fever. If there is a drug intolerance, the veterinarian usually gives valuable tips as soon as the drug is administered. The dog should Little stress be exposed and keep calm. On long walks or sports you should be better dispense, until the fever has subsided. If the dog does not like to touch its food, you can perhaps animate it to eat with its favorite treat or a thin meat broth. fluid intake is very important in any case so that the body cannot dry out, which would worsen the overall condition of the dog. The dog owner must therefore always offer his four-legged friend liquid and, if necessary, infuse it into the mouth with a cannula.

In the case of serious illnesses, the veterinarian determines the treatment. Mostly antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs used, which then also lowers the fever. The dog owner can with cold envelopes support that is put on the neck and wrapped around the barrels. To strengthen the attacked immune system, a special one is recommended Aufpäppel Diet, the owners can touch themselves according to the instructions of the veterinarian. These can be, for example, grated apples, mixed with honey and yoghurt and enriched with some black cumin from the drugstore. The animal owner should also be prepared for the fact that, depending on the severity or degree of the disease, the fever persists over a longer period of time and can occur in swelling and declining waves.

With a little practice, mistresses and masters can quickly see whether their four-legged companion is suffering from a fever. If you are unsure or have little experience in measuring body temperature, you should rather ask the veterinarian straight away – so that there is no emergency. Because behind the fever there can be a serious illness that the dog owner does not immediately recognize. Finally, the dog entrusts his life to his master.

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