Hypnotherapy in zurich – bellevue dentists

Hypnotherapy in Zurich - Bellevue dentists


What is hypnosis??

"Hypnosis is bypassing the critical factor of consciousness and establishing appropriate, selective thinking," is the general definition. Put simply, this means that hypnosis arises when consciousness (logic, short-term memory and rational thinking are located in the background) and the subconscious (where long-term memory, emotions and habits are located) emerges. Basically, hypnosis is a natural state that means relaxation and simultaneous concentration. During hypnosis, complicated processes take place in the brain, which can even be determined with the help of so-called positron emission tomography (PET). In fact, every person experiences this several times a day – mostly before waking up and shortly before falling asleep. However, hypnosis should not be confused with a state of sleep or fainting, since a hypnotized person is able to react. The widespread notion that people could act hypnotically against their own will is also incorrect.

What can I expect from hypnosis??

Hypnotherapy is based on the idea that problems of a person always arise in the subconscious of the person. Every thought and suggestion of a person ultimately triggers a physical reaction of the body. This problem is then expressed in consciousness with a symptom that we can actively perceive. When using hypnosis, the symptom is alleviated by deliberately “reprogramming” the trigger in the subconscious.
One goal of hypnotherapy is to stimulate the patient’s self-healing power and thus to alleviate the symptom or problem. Great progress can already be expected after hypnosis treatment – sometimes the problem can even be completely resolved. It takes about three sessions to get there on average. The choice of a qualified hypnotherapist is of great importance.
Practical examples of which hypnosis can be used include smoking cessation, releasing tension and blockages, deep relaxation, stress management and increasing motivation. In addition, hypnosis can also be used to eliminate phobias, improve sleep and sleep through, activate self-healing and even facilitate weight loss (not possible in the case of pathological overweight and eating disorders). Nocturnal teeth grinding and snoring can also be reduced with hypnotherapy.
In general, it should be noted that hypnotherapy cannot replace a doctor’s visit or even a diagnosis by a specialist. Also, no decision can be made as to whether or not medication prescribed by the doctor should continue to be used in connection with hypnotherapy.

How does hypnosis treatment work??

If the decision for hypnotherapy has been made, the first step is a preliminary discussion and the medical history. This explains exactly what will happen during hypnosis and what personal tasks you have with it. Further questions about hypnosis can also be answered. This initial interview usually lasts 30-60 minutes.
Before hypnosis itself you have the opportunity to ask questions again and get them answered openly and honestly. It is also essential to clarify the personal expectations you have regarding the hypnosis session.
The next step is to initiate the state of hypnosis, which takes about one to seven minutes. This is followed by the main part – the actual hypnotherapy. Depending on the topics to be dealt with, this can take 30 to 90 minutes.
You will then be led step by step out of hypnosis and will then have the opportunity to have a follow-up consultation. Feedback is also very important to us.

The first appointment should take about three hours. In some cases, one or two additional sessions make sense, but in general you can expect a positive change after a hypnosis session, if you allow it.

Are you interested in treatment with hypnosis or would you like detailed information about hypnosis? We would be happy to advise you personally. Take for this Contact with us. We look forward to you!

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