»Today many children have too much power«

Zoë Readhead, as Head of Summerhill, follows in her famous father’s footsteps.

SZ-Magazin: Ms. Readhead, Summerhill has recently turned 90 and the state is still critical of your school. The inspectors had just returned. What did they want?
Zoë Readhead: This time it was just routine. The inspectors regularly check all schools in England.

A school where teaching is voluntary has long been a thorn in the side of the authorities. Please understand?
A lot has changed: This year we got the best assessment since our foundation. You obviously start to appreciate our work.

Christina Cherry

Waldorf school: that’s what children and parents can expect

At Waldorf schools there is dancing all the time, parents have to show constant commitment and the Abitur can only be taken at a few schools. Clichés or reality? Waldorf educator and author Henning Kullak-Ublick cleans up.

| © Fotolia: Viacheslav Iakobchuk

scoyo: Mr. Kullak-Ublick, what do you think the Waldorf School can do better than other schools?

Kullak-Ublick: Waldorf schools take people with all their different characteristics seriously: learning at the Waldorf school means that the children get to know each other as actors, perceivers and independent thinkers. We take learning paths as important as the results. We want to enable children and young people not only to reproduce knowledge, but also to relate it to other things, for example to society or their experiences, and to form their own judgment. In the lower classes we particularly address the imagination and skill of the children and thus put them into practice Basis for lifelong learning, that can adapt to different situations.

Christina Cherry

School bags for petite and small children • the right way to wear • tips »

Light satchels: satchels for petite and small children

Shortly before school starts and the start of a new school year, many parents are concerned with choosing the right satchel for their children. The children have to wear it every day. In order for the back of a child to stay healthy, a few things should be taken into account, because satchels can be a big burden for children. Your weight, the weight of …

KShortly before starting school and starting a new school year, many parents are concerned with choosing the right satchel for their children. The children have to wear it every day.

Christina Cherry

Bullying in primary school: how can I strengthen my child?

Our reader is worried. Her son is in second grade and is already afraid of being bullied again. How can she take her child into the next elementary school year with strength? Our experts answer.

| © Fotolia

Parent question about bullying in primary school:

My son is in 2nd grade and is already worried about who will tease and punch him this time. Unfortunately there are many children in primary school with whom he is not so good. Through a new job, which I will soon take up, he will also be taken care of – so somehow everything is new for him. How can I bring my child strengthened into the new year? What should I do about bullying in primary school, how can I help?

Christina Cherry

Brain and school – questions for Martin Korte

The subject area of ​​school and learning is full of excitement: for the children, of course, but also for parents and teachers. After all, in the end all social needs are personal for everyone concerned.

Martin Korte, born in 1964, is a professor of neurobiology at the TU Braunschweig and studied with Wolf Singer and Tobias Bonhoeffer among others. His research focuses on the cellular basics of learning and remembering as well as the processes of forgetting. He is the author of "How children learn today. What science knows about the child’s brain. The school success manual" and "Young in the head. Amazing insights from brain research into aging".

For a month we collected your questions on the relationship between learning, school and brain research in the comments and on Facebook and then to the biologist Martin Korte from the TU Braunschweig (author of "How children learn today: what science knows about the child’s brain – The Handbook for School Success ”). Here are the answers.

Christina Cherry

Healthy snacks for school and kindergarten

You are looking for a healthy snack for your child?

&# 128161; Here you will find great ideas for a healthy snack, whether for kindergarten or school.

Don’t you know that too? You are slowly running out of ideas.

  1. It should be healthy
  2. Variety would be great
  3. ..and it should look good too

I have collected a lot of great ideas online. On the subject of healthy snacks for children ! &# 128521;

It always takes some persuasion or a few tricks to make healthy food tasty for children. The eye eats with children, even more so than with adults.

We parents need ideas that are simple and quick. Right? So take a look at my post, you will find vespers ideas that are simpler or a little more complex!

Here are my ideas for the lunch box

Source: Family Focus Blog

Christina Cherry

Nutrition for kindergarten and school children

By: Jutta Kamensky – Consumer Service Bavaria

Eating healthy has not been child’s play for a long time. Numerous foods and a lot of information flood the market. The children’s health situation in Germany clearly shows the importance of one conscious nutrition from the start is.

But what is actually the "Best for the child“And how is it implemented in everyday life?

In this post you will find

What Hänschen doesn’t learn.

In Germany, according to the KiGGS study, 15 percent of 3 to 17 year old children are considered overweight, 6.3 percent of them are pathologically overweight. Obese children often become obese adults. The earlier the children put too much weight on the scale, the higher this risk. Obesity causes physical, mental and physical problems.
Like adults, children eat too fat, too sweet and too little fruit and vegetables. A third of all six to 14 year olds do not eat breakfast in front of the school and only every second pupil has a lunch break. Malnutrition and malnutrition are possible causes of lack of concentration, fatigue and poor performance at school. Eating habits are learned in childhood and mostly continue to be practiced in adulthood. It is therefore essential to have healthy eating habits from good role models, e.g. to learn to parents.

Christina Cherry

Drachenstübchen: daf in primary school

dragon parlor

Here is a dream of what elementary school lessons could be like.



DaF in primary school

Having three main subjects in primary school is a major burden for many children. It is all the more important for them to maintain the fun of learning and to try to make the lessons so dynamic and creative that the children can participate with joy and not just take part in a frontal lesson.

Anyone who has already attended a language course at an adult education center may know the situation, the lecturer is at the front, reads from the book, students sit at the table and draw doodles in the course books. this is not how the DaF lessons with elementary school students work.

Christina Cherry

Fear of going to school – what to do?

Headache, nausea, aggressiveness. These symptoms occur when the alarm clock rings in the morning? School fear is not uncommon. Read here what you can do if your child is afraid to go to school – for more joy in learning.

Many children are afraid to go to school. | © .com / bmcent1

Everyone knows it: the tingling in the stomach when the next math work or vocabulary query is due. This feeling is completely normal. Even more: it even benefits us. Because excitement promotes concentration. But sometimes these uncomfortable feelings expand into a disorder that can severely affect children’s everyday life.

Christina Cherry

Alternative schools: Waldorf, Montessori & Co.

Pressure to perform, full classes, revised teachers: Many parents want a more emotional atmosphere for their children. The alternatives already exist – especially in the private sector.

Lessons with a difference: Waldorf, Montessori & Co. rely on alternative concepts © Syda Productions – Fotolia.com

The German school system has been in constant question for years – too rigid, too conservative, too focused on performance and at the same time not individual enough. The youngsters spend a lot of time in school these days, so that a large part of the education takes place there. Which school parents choose for their child therefore also depends on certain principles that the place of learning represents.

Christina Cherry