How to deal with the broken tooth of your child, child: women’s magazine january 2020

How to deal with the broken tooth of your child, child: women's magazine january 2020

How do you deal with your child’s broken tooth? | Child: Women’s magazine January 2020

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In children at home, accidents can knock in countless forms and shapes. So what should a mother do? Get ready, that’s all you can do!

When your baby’s first tooth appears, it’s time to celebrate another milestone. But do you know that your child’s teeth can break and chip? Sounds alarming, doesn’t it? But don’t worry, broken tooth in children is not a serious illness!

We have simple tips to help you with a dental emergency. Print it out and have it ready if you need to recommend it!

What should you do in the event of a broken tooth??

So your mother-of-pearl white has settled. What should you do now Here is a step-by-step guide to help you deal with the situation:

1. Contact your dentist:

Don’t waste time. Call your child’s dentist and make an appointment right away.

2. Keep it clean:

Rinse your child’s mouth with water to remove any tiny tooth particles that may still stick. It will help you avoid further complications.

3. Use Cold Compress:

If your child is injured and has a tooth chipped, apply a cold compress on his face to prevent it from swelling.

4. Pain relief:

If your child is in pain, you can try Tylenol to provide relief.

5. Head to the dentist:

Now choose your handbag and go to the dental office. Don’t forget to take the tooth fragment with you.

6.Stay calm:

It should be number one on the list! If your baby is in pain, panic is normal. But calm your nerves and take a pragmatic approach to the situation.

Possible complications of a broken tooth:

Can a broken tooth be a medical emergency? Sounds far-fetched? Not at all! Complications that can occur in children with broken teeth include:

1. abscess:

If your child’s tooth breaks or breaks off, there is always a chance of infection. Bacteria can find their way and lead to an abscess (1). If your child develops an abscess, he will need urgent treatment. Pay attention to the symptoms of an abscess such as:

  • pain
  • Bitter taste in the mouth
  • halitosis
  • fever
  • Pain when chewing

If you suspect an abscess, take a quick trip to the dentist.

2. Unequal distance:

Sometimes, when a child’s milk teeth break or break, there may be uneven gaps between their permanent teeth. Although it’s not a medical emergency, it can still be a problem.

3rd tooth fracture:

Sometimes a broken tooth can also lead to a broken tooth, a painful condition that requires medical attention.

Treatment of a broken tooth:

Now what is after your child has broken a tooth, what is the action plan? Well, the whole action is in the dental office!

Here are some corrective actions your dentist might take to treat your child:

1. Tooth filling or bonding:

If it is a milk tooth, you can even leave it as it is. But if it is a permanent tooth and your child has only chipped a small piece of its enamel, your dentist can recommend a simple filling. If the broken tooth is visible when your child smiles, your doctor can choose a procedure called bonding. The method involves the use of a tooth-colored composite resin to camouflage the chipped area (2).

2. Tooth cap:

If your child loses a large piece of their tooth, they may need a tooth cap (3). In the case of a tooth cap, the remaining part of the broken tooth is filled in and covered with a cap. This prevents tooth breakage and also helps improve the appearance of the tooth. A variety of caps are available on the market today, each with its advantages. Your dentist will be the best person to suggest the best tooth cap for your child.

3. Dental veneers:

Your dentist can recommend a veneer if your child has broken an anterior tooth. A tooth veneer is a tooth-colored porcelain or resin bowl. As a rule, dentists use it to cover the affected tooth and make it appear again (4).

4th root canal:

Root canals are painful. But they are also one of the most common dental procedures! If your child has had real tooth damage and you can see the center of the tooth, which contains nerves and blood vessels, the root canal is the only way forward (5).

A broken tooth in the child may look nice at first, but can later lead to some painful problems. If you decide to let your child live with a broken tooth, you may have to answer a few questions when he grows up!

So talk to a dentist and choose the best possible treatment option to help your child deal with a broken tooth and live.

Did your child suffer from a broken tooth? Was it painful? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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